"Moreover, Bai Qi must have found me, just looking at me from a distance, it gave me great pressure, and also, the strength of these armies shown in the intelligence is at least first-class, in my opinion, there is no moisture at all."

Meng Chixing has palpitations:

"Since I practiced martial arts, I have never been so afraid, he looked at me, and I fled in a hurry, but I knew that if he wanted to kill me, I couldn't escape."

Kublai Khan sat on the dragon chair with his butt: "When this so-called Great Qin completely pacifies Shenzhou, it will be our turn to Meng Yuan, according to your words, the lowest million are first-class, super first-class, congenital countless armies, Meng Yuan has no possibility of resistance." "

"National Master, you are the pillar of Meng Yuan, do you have a plan?"


"King Ruyang, you are the Generalissimo of Terracotta Horses, do you have a plan?"

Or silence.

"Si Hanfei, you are the best at military affairs, but do you have a strategy?"

There is still silence.

"Meng Chixing, you followed Grandpa Huang to the South and the Northern War, you have rich experience, you must have a strategy, right?"

Meng Chixing turned around, looked at the south, shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Even if the Great Khan is resurrected, he is helpless in the face of this situation of crushing strength. "

Grandpa Huang is resurrected...

Kublai Khan let out a long sigh.


At the highest part of Xianyang Palace, Huan Zheng held his hand, looking at the vast expanse in the distance, the setting sun was setting in the west, and the sunset was falling, shrouding the entire Daqin in it.

Next to Huan Zheng, Concubine Yan's belly was a little bigger, and she gently stroked her belly, looking into the distance like Ying Zheng.

They originally wanted to see what was different between the two worlds in the martial arts world, but in the end they found that there was not much difference between the two worlds, so they came back early.

"Your Majesty, this is the empire you created." Concubine Yan sighed with emotion.

Huan Zheng smiled gently, flicked his palm gently, and a light curtain appeared in front of him, revealing a scene of the earth.

In this land, the city is repairing, building, cooking, the people are buzzing, the huge locomotive carts are running in the fields, plowing, turning the fertile land over, planting seeds, and the faces of some people who urge the locomotive cars are tired, but there is no lack of smiles and hope.

"It seems that after the cooperation between the public loser and the Mojia, the application of the art of the organ has developed."

Locomotive vehicles are not only applied to the land, but also planted in the fields, and road construction is also applied to locomotive vehicles, which greatly saves manpower, extends in all directions, and can be used for the construction of four parallel avenues leading to all directions.

With another flick, he changed places, an endless field of crops, and ten disciples of the Que Kui Hall of the Farm Family gathered together, led by the Ceres God, one of the six elders of the Farm Family.

Ceres faced his hands with ten fingers, his hands almost turned into phantoms, changed the magic seal, and shouted lowly: "All things in the earth, Shennong is not dead!" "

In an instant, Ceres's body exuded a rich vitality, and then this rich and majestic vitality spread in all directions with him as the center.


Dozens of acres of crops were shrouded in the vitality emanating from Ceres, and then I saw that the color of the turquoise crops began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a short time, the cyan color on the crops had disappeared, leaving only green, and then the green was also stained with some yellow.

Ceres took a long breath and dispersed the magic seal, he scanned the ten immature peasant disciples, and said in a deep voice: "All things in the earth, God cannot die, this is the supreme meaning of my peasant Kui Kui Hall, which can condense the distant vitality of heaven and earth, pour it into crops and animals, and speed up their maturity." "

"It takes at least three months for crops to go from seedlings to rice that can be harvested, but if they are filled with life with all things in the earth and the mysteries of Shennong's immortality, they can ripen in half a month."

"And it takes about half a year for a chicken to mature naturally, and we can reduce that time to a month."

"But you remember!"

"Everything has limits, and everything has limits!"

"We can shorten this time to half a month, but we can't shorten it to 10 days, seven days, once we exceed the limit, we will overdraw the potential essence of the land and dry up."

"It is not difficult to master all things in the earth, the mysteries of Shennong's immortality, it is rare to master the limits of them, different crops, animals, their limits are different, before you become official agricultural officials and go to all parts of the empire, you must master the limits of different crops."


"I see! Elder! "

Huan Zheng retracted his gaze: "With the disciples of the Farmer Kui Kui Hall, it won't be long before Daqin's meat and grain can not rely on the Dragon and Snake World." "

Concubine Yan nodded gently: "Your Majesty is really a good move to subdue the farmer, there are too many talents in the farmhouse, the grain and meat cooked by the farmer's Kui Kui Tang, because it contains rich vitality, full of essence, there are some signs of Lingwu rice, and the yield is unusually high." "

Huan Zheng shook his head: "If ordinary grain wants to evolve into spirit rice like Lingwu rice, it is impossible without hundreds of generations. "

Although the farmhouse is known as a farmhouse, in fact, in addition to Kuikui Hall, the other five halls of the farmhouse are good at casting blades, Ming calendar, tasting hundred herbs, cultivating water conservancy, and knowing the rhythm of music.

Therefore, many disciples of the Qianyou Hall who were good at forging blades entered the Divine Mechanic Division, and many disciples of the Shennong Hall entered the medical hall.

After another flick of the government, there was another place in the light curtain, which was a small county seat in Berkshire.

As the bell rang, the cheerful voices of children came from a vast school palace, and hundreds of children walked out of the school palace.

These children are dressed in uniform clothing, strong and energetic.

Suddenly, Ying Zheng's heart moved, and a message came from the will of the Great Qin World, and the World Will of the Martial World began its own self-help. _

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