Pedal on!

The sound of hurried horses' hooves sounded in the city of Dadu Miyagi, and the cavalry on horseback held the token all the way, unimpeded.


A bad premonition arose in Kublai Khan's heart, and his heart sank: "What urgent report?" "

The cavalry climbed to kneel in front of Kublai Khan and gasped like a bellows: "Your Majesty! The southerners have invaded! "

Kublai Khan's eyes widened in vain, fierce and terrifying: "What about the iron horse of Xuan! "

The cavalry lowered his head and cried slightly: "Your Majesty, they are all dead!" "


Kublai Khan's face was full of disbelief: "That's a hundred thousand Mengyuan elite iron horse!" You told me all dead? "

"Waste! It's all waste! "

Kublai was furious, and I didn't know who he was scolding, and the next moment, a voice that hated iron but not steel sounded like thunder, shaking every corner of the palace of Dadu:

"That's right, you are indeed waste!"


The heavenly dome above the capital suddenly trembled violently, as if some suppressed primeval ferocious beast was about to break the seal, and a ferocious, tyrannical, and vicious aura permeated out, spreading in all directions.


The void swayed like a tide, and then separated, and a person stepped out of the void.

This person is extremely majestic, and Kublai Khan only felt that he contained a majestic and broad atmosphere that dominated the four seas of heaven and earth.

At the same time, it hides the ruthlessness and tyranny of life and death, slaughtering cities and destroying millions of corpses, and seems to have slaughtered hundreds of millions of living beings.

The two are opposites, but they are as inseparable as two sides of the same body, turning into an invisible power that holds the world in hand, lives and kills, and deters all people.

His eyes are like a knife and an axe, angular, tiger hair is like a halberd, a pair of sinister tiger eyes sweep in all directions, arrogant and domineering, and the boundless domineering spirit is undisguised and shocking!

Not only is his body extremely burly and strong, but his skin is bronze, and the muscles of his whole body bulge like a strange python steel bar that is taut to the limit, wrapped around him in a circle, each of which seems to contain infinite strength and indestructible texture, and seems to be powerful.

A condensed blood qi rose from his body, and wolf smoke rose up into the sky, with the potential to break the sky. Wave after wave of blood-red ripples spread. The air is constantly twisting and fluctuating.

The blood is raging, the anger is pervasive, and the sky is through!

The man stood above the void, and it seemed that the whole dome had become his background, his presence that set him off, his eyes were shooting, and the blood light was bursting into a hundred zhang, and he was angry and bullfighting.

The blood light rolled, the qi condensed, and countless unjust souls were struggling and roaring.

The fierce, cruel aura pervaded the sky, making the void become a little distorted, like a super fierce demon rushing out of hell.

The magic is monstrous, like a horror!

When this person appeared in the sky above Dadu, Kublai Khan's heartbeat almost stopped, and the people in Dadu looked at this person blankly, their hearts beating wildly, and they only felt that boundless fear surrounded them all.

"Who is this!"

Meng Chixing, Si Hanfei, and Ba Siba all appeared beside Kublai Khan, looking at the violent figure in the sky, their faces changed wildly, and they only felt that their hearts were afraid and trembling with fear.

"You... Who is it..."

Kublai Khan said with difficulty.

The so-called invasion of Daqin, Meng Yuan's loss of 100,000 elites, is already worse, most of them inexplicably appear such a mysterious, powerful and unimaginable existence, is Meng Yuan doomed?



Kublai Khan froze, Temujin is his grandfather, of course he knows, and he is also the founder of the Mengyuan Empire, but Temujin has been dead for a hundred years, why impersonate him?

"Impossible! I am the personal guard of the Great Khan, I have been by the Great Khan for decades, you are definitely not the Great Khan! Meng Chixing blurted out.


Tie Muzhen's fierce gaze turned slightly, and fell on Meng Chixing, he only felt that there was suddenly an extra mountain on his back, and his knees were weak, and he knelt on the ground with a bang, and the bluestone ground was directly kneeled and shattered.

"Are you my personal guard in this world?"

Meng Chixing's fair face was already red at the moment, his lips squirmed slightly, and he couldn't say a word.

Temujin looked away and said lightly: "Drag, he is your son, let's teach it yourself." "

Another figure appeared in the void, and the figure flashed and appeared next to Kublai Khan, and a slap flashed on Kublai Khan's face, and he flew out directly: "My son, how can it be a waste like you!" There are so many warriors in the Mengyuan Empire, and the southerners are so weak, under your rule, they can't actually go south! Simply hopelessly wasted! "

A man who was five points similar to Temujin stood in Kublai Khan's original position, angrily scolding Kublai Khan who rolled to the ground and his face was covered in blood.

Meng Chixing, Si Hanfei, and Ba Siba looked at each other without a trace, no one dared to move, as for saving Kublai Khan, they didn't even think about it.

Just these two people who appeared, made the three tremble and couldn't help themselves, facing them, it was like facing two top predators, as long as they dared to make a difference, the next moment was their own death.

As for those guards, they were trembling at the moment, their legs and feet were weak, and it was difficult to even stand firmly, let alone escorts.

Kublai stood up, his mouth was slapped crooked, several teeth were scattered on the ground, his speech was a little leaky, and he said in a trembling voice: "You... You..."

He really wanted to say that where the southerners were weak, Yue Fei's Yue family army defeated Meng Yuantie's horse and retreated, and Daming's divine machine army was also very ferocious, and almost exterminated the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

And the Daqin that suddenly appeared, the lowest is first-class strength, what did Meng Yuan fight?

It's really not that I can't do it, but the enemy army is too perverted. _

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