The ministers suppressed the doubts in their hearts and looked at the picture recorded by Li Cunxiao.

I saw that countless flying creatures were floating in the air, densely packed, hundreds of thousands, hideous and terrifying, and there were wolf flags on display, fierce flags, covering the sky.

On the ground, there were millions of troops, like pitch-black ants, and the aura of brutality was rolling and stirring.

This scene, seeing the Daming heavy minister's heart, was abrupt, and a thought emerged from his mind:

The enemy of Daqin is here!

Li Cunxiao said in a deep voice: "I roughly estimated that the number of enemy soldiers is at least four or five million, and the strength is not inferior to my Daqin soldiers, and it is a real strong enemy." "

Wei Yanzi's voice was slightly hoarse: "My Daqin's army is only more than two million, and if the enemy is at least four or five million as General Li said, Daqin is difficult to fight, but it is not without the power of a battle." "

"Fight if you can!"

Meng Xiao snorted coldly, and his tone was serious:

"Now most of this world is occupied by Daqin, which is the territory of my Daqin, and this so-called Mengyuan Empire is challenging the majesty of Daqing, Daqin, and must resolutely crack down on the invaders!"

Xiao He slightly regretted: "Daqin is now developing at a high speed, and every day is undergoing huge changes, if you wait for another half a year, Daqin's strength will definitely not be the same, enough to crush this Mengyuan Empire." "

How did he know that this was the self-salvation of the will of the martial arts world.

"Well, there's no need to argue."

Ying Zheng's voice sounded, and his expression was not angry:

"I summoned you to come, not to discuss whether this battle can be fought, but to inform you that what kind of enemy Daqin has encountered, and they will all move up and defeat the enemy!"

"This is the first world that Daqin wants to conquer, and the edge is flourishing, if when conquering the first world, when encountering a powerful enemy, it will cringe and retreat without a fight!" Is this still Daqin! "

The voice of the government is firm and decisive.

"Eight Ministers!"

"The minister is here!"

The eight ministers responded in unison.

"The affairs of the eight ministries within Daqin are now as stable as possible, and most of their energy is focused on foreign wars."

"Military department, order Daqin to reorganize the armament and fight, and the army and the people will work together to fight a decisive battle with the enemy!"

"Ministry of Defense! Give orders to the county soldiers everywhere, ready to go to the battlefield to replenish troops at any time! "


The courtiers roared.

"Since the enemy wants to fight! Fight over there

The majestic voice resounded throughout the hall, and the war machine of Daqin began to move again.


Another million-strong army gathered, all the soldiers were dressed in divine armor, holding various weapons that could be called divine weapons in the past, and one by one, the soldiers were fully armed from head to toe.

At a glance, the Shenwu armor shimmered with a cold glow in the sunlight, coupled with the majestic size of the Daqin soldiers, it was like a small metal fortress.

The dangling spears, long knives, and big axes reflected the cold and sharp cold light.

The soldiers of Daqin have never been afraid of death, and hundreds of years ago, Daqin grew up step by step, from a reckless small country to a warring country overlord.

That kind of character that is not afraid of hardships and dangers, is not afraid of death, and is good at fighting has long been imprinted in the imprint of Daqin soldiers.

"I don't know how many people will come back in this big war."

Ying Zheng scanned the million-strong army, sighed softly, and opened the door of time and space.

The war is cruel, and the enemy he faces this time is not the six countries of the original Zhuxia and the countries of the Martial World, but a Mengyuan Empire that can cross the world to fight.


The sound of the horn sounded, and the million-strong army came to the Wujian World through the gate of time and space, and gathered together with the million-strong army of the Wujian World.

Temujin's ability to rule the Mengyuan Empire and conquer the nine worlds can be called magnificent, seemingly reckless, but deliberate step by step.

From Kublai Khan, he learned about Daqin, and concluded that he had also descended from other worlds to conquer this world.

But Temujin also knew that although the strength of the soldiers of this so-called Great Qin was not inferior to the Mengyuan Empire, the number was obviously not much, so he did not plan to divide the troops from the beginning, but planned to directly push everything with an army of five million.

After all, when the strength is at a disadvantage, creating opportunities to fight more is the most effective strategy, and he will not give the enemy such an opportunity.

When the five million army pushes everything and destroys all living forces, it will be much easier to rule the world again.

Therefore, the army of five million Mengyuan Empire marched south.

Li Cunxiao released all the fifty cities he had built, and then moved all the people of the Northern Song Dynasty to the north and bordering Mengyuan to the south.

Man loses land, everyone loses land, land loses, everyone loses land.

Population is always the most important resource.

As for everything else, you can leave it for now.

When Tie Muzhen's army occupied the northern territory of the Northern Song Dynasty and approached Bianjing, the eleven legions of Daqin finally gathered outside Bianjing.

The black cloud pressed the city and wanted to destroy it.

The sky dome is covered with thick black clouds for hundreds of thousands of miles, and it seems that standing on the city wall can touch the thick dark clouds, the atmosphere is almost solidified, and the two sides are tens of miles apart, staring at each other tightly.

War is imminent!

In the entire martial arts world, countless pairs of eyes were staring at this plain outside Bianjing City.

If that side wins, it will be able to rule the world.

From the perspective of psychological expectations, whether it is the people, the martial arts sect or others, if they really want to choose one, they certainly hope that Daqin will win.

The plain outside Bianjing City is called the Blood Plain, and since ancient times, countless wars have occurred on this plain, the most famous of which is the Battle of Changping more than 1,500 years ago.

The 450,000 troops of the Zhao army were killed here by Baiqikeng, and for more than 1,500 years, there were at least millions of unjust souls on this plain, and the Huangchao army also liked to kill people in pits, and hundreds of thousands of people were also killed here.

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