
The seven-bag beggar sneered a few times, his expression was gloomy, and he said sadly: "Just because of the nine of you, you also want to threaten me?" A fool who doesn't know the height of the sky! Solved them for me! "

All the beggars gathered around, either with sharp bamboo poles or with swords:

"You are dressed brightly, and when you see that we are all beggars, you want to frame us!"

"Something without proof! Even if we go to the official uniform to fight a lawsuit, we are not afraid! "

"To make trouble? Tired of living? "

Or pretend to be wronged, or unscrupulous, or cynical.

"Don't talk nonsense! Minced! Feed the dog! "

The seven bags of beggars looked fierce and rushed up.

As the helmsman of the Great Ren Division, and a seven-bag beggar, his strength is naturally not low, reaching the innate level, and passing on the essence of the eighteen palms and six palms of the dragon.

Both palms came out in unison, true qi was thin, and the deep dragon eighteen palms were fierce essence.

Hundreds of beggars' sharp bamboo poles, knives, swords, sticks, or stabs, or chopping, or smashing, attacked Ling Huchong and the others from all directions, and it seemed that they had inserted their wings and could not fly.

"Ling Hu Chong, Luo Net's intelligence will not be wrong, you want to come and see it yourself, why bother?"

The highest of Jing Wusi is the chief and deputy commander, below him is the great commander, and then below is the leader, and Ling Hu Chong is now the leader.

Boo boo boo!

Before the words fell, in an instant, the eight people behind Ling Hu Chong brushed their crossbows together, pulled the trigger, and suddenly there was a short and rapid sound that was loud, and dozens of black lights shot in all directions.


The divine machine crossbow is much improved compared to the beginning, if it was the divine machine crossbow 1., the current divine machine crossbow is the divine machine crossbow 4.0.

From range, to piercing ability, to arrow storage ability, it is not the same.

Each crossbow can now store twenty arrows, which can be fired in twenty times or at once.


A terrifying scream sounded, with the piercing ability of the divine crossbow, none of these beggars could block it, and they stood very densely, and an arrow could penetrate at least a few people.

Lucky ones are pierced through the hands and feet, and those who are unlucky are pierced through the throat, head, chest, and killed instantly.


Blood splattered, blood sprayed, and the smell of blood in the courtyard suddenly became rich.

Hundreds of beggars fell in pieces as if they had been cut wheat, and most of them died instantly.

"Not good!"

At the moment when the divine crossbow shot out, the seven bags of beggars were covered in cold hair. Moving true qi, his body retreated extremely quickly, and his palms shot out in succession, trying to block the arrows.

But each of the crossbow arrows of the divine machine carries the ability to break the can, not to mention that he is a congenital, even if the grandmaster can't stop it.


Several arrows pierced directly through his palms, and then penetrated his chest without abating.

In an instant, these seven bags of beggar breath fell to the ground, palms, arms, shoulders, chest, legs and feet were pierced alive, blood gurgled out, and the whole person lay on the ground and was dying.

Ling Hu Chong pulled out his sword and stood in place a little embarrassed, he didn't get out of his sword, and hundreds of beggars were almost solved.

"What the hell are you!"

The seven bags of beggars lay on the ground, looking at Ling Huchong and the others with fear on their faces.

Ling Hu Chong snorted coldly: "Daqin! Yasutakes! "

"My gang didn't resist Daqin!" Seven bags of beggars cry out for wrong.

"Well, I'll let you die."

Ling Hu Chong walked up to him and said coldly:

"Wait! Abduction of women! "

"Rob a child!"

"Rape and kill!"

"Pit is deceived!"

"Nothing evil! Its sins are unspeakable! "

Ling Hu Chong's voice was higher than the other, and the voice was like thunder, and the face of the seven bags of beggars actually showed a trace of guilt.

Laugh at!

Ling Hu Chong sealed his throat with a sword.

The other eight Jing Wusi people were originally from Luo Net, originally a killer's thing, and now the murderous people are even more merciless, and those who did not die under the divine crossbow were mended one after another.

Those beggar sword Jing Wuji, who were injured but not dead, came to mend the sword, and wanted to kill them all, and they were terrified, and they wanted to escape, but they could not escape, so they could only kneel and beg for mercy:

"We know it's wrong, bypass us! Those crimes are all the crimes that the helmsman asked us to do..."

"Uncle spare your life..."

The eight people of Jing Wusi looked cold and unmoved, and after a while, the courtyard fell into calm.

Ling Hu Chong looked at the corpses all over the ground, sent the sword into the sheath, let out a long breath, and sounded the advice of Ying Zheng, to make friends, there must also be a bottom line.

Some people, who have lost their conscience, cannot fellowship even if their temperaments are in harmony.

Ling Hu Chong pushed open the door of the house in the courtyard and found a dungeon entrance, there were four beggars in the dungeon, which were solved by Ling Hu Chong casually, the blood provoked the children in the dungeon, and the woman let out a terrified scream.

Ling Hu Chong glanced at it and found the little boy who had been snatched before, who was crying at this time, and a woman was comforting him.

"Do you know where your home is?"

Ling Hu Chong asked.

Dozens of children in the dungeon, the daughter looked at Ling Hu Chong, they were all a little afraid, after all, Ling Hu Chong killed four people as soon as he came in, and in their opinion, he was a murderer, so none of them dared to speak.

A man from Jing Wusi pulled out his sword, and the fierce god said viciously: "Speak! "

A daughter in her twenties boldly said: "Except for these children, who are too young to know where their home is, everyone else knows." "

Ling Hu Chong split the iron door and said, "If you know your own home, go back, and stay here if you don't know." "

Everyone had a look of surprise on their faces, some knelt and kowtowed knowing etiquette, some bowed to thank them, and some ran out of here without saying a word.

"My child! My baby! "

Not long after, the mother was brought in, holding her child and crying with joy, and then kowtowing to Ling Huchong and the others to thank her. _

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