Although they are monks, these four women all have long hair and wear white clothes, without any monastic appearance.

Although Black and White Xuanxuan, Six Sword Slave and the others didn't look like good people, they were not good at malice before showing malice.

"What about Yan Jingan?"

The black and white Xuanxuan looked indifferent.

The woman who spoke looked stunned, and shouted fiercely: "Presumptuous! Where is the Lord of my Cihang Jingzhai that you can call by his first name! Find death! "

Before the words fell, the four women unsheathed their swords in unison, and unexpectedly formed a simple formation, and the sword momentum was awe-inspiring, directly stabbing at the black and white Xuanxuan.


The sharp sword cut through the long sky, but the black and white Xuanxuan looked unchanged, flicked slightly, only heard the sonorous sound, the long sword took off, and the four women flew out upside down faster than when they came, slammed to the ground, wilted and vomited blood.

"You're dead! Dare to come to Cihang Jingzhai presumptuous! The Lord will not spare you! "

The woman was still hard-mouthed, gritting her teeth and staring at the black and white Xuanxuan.

The black and white Xuanxuan was still indifferent, and swept past the four women lying on the ground, and the six sword slaves followed behind him like six puppets.

"There is an enemy coming!"

Soon, dozens of Cihangjing disciples rushed out from the surrounding buildings, some were women in white with hair, and some were nuns in blue clothes, all armed with long swords, attacking towards the black and white Xuanxuan.


Dozens of Cihang Jingzhai disciples flickered with sword light, intertwined into a sword net, and the sword qi swallowed, like a howling wind, shrouding the black and white Xuanxuan Qi.

It's a pity that Black and White Xuanxuan is already a martial arts celestial, not to mention dozens of Cihang Jingzhai, even if it is ten times more, it will not threaten the black and white Xuanxuan.

Seeing the overwhelming cutting of the sword light, the black and white Xuanxuan flicked his fingers unhurriedly.


Ring the bell!

A sword qi burst out from the black and white Xuanxuan fingers, and as soon as it condensed, it exploded in all directions, turning into dozens of sword qi.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

In an instant, every sword qi accurately hit Cihang Jingzhai's disciple sword, and with a huge impact, the long sword all escaped, cut through the air, and flew out tens of meters away.

"The death penalty is avoidable! There is no escape! "

The black and white Xuanxuan glanced at them indifferently and pushed his palm.


The space in front of him was compressed into an air barrier by the palm of the black and white Xuanxuan, and the air barrier slammed into them.


All the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai flew out like they were broken, rolled to the ground, vomited blood wildly, broke their muscles and bones, and lay on the ground unable to get up.

Ruo Yingzheng's order to him was to destroy Cihang Jingzhai, only afraid of these people, but dead.

The black and white Xuanxuan breathed out and exhaled: "Yan Jingan!" Come out! Go out...... Come...... Come out...... Come out...... Come out..."

The black and white Xuanxuan Xuanxuan's loud roar, sound waves, spread throughout a radius of ten miles, shrouding the entire Emperor Stepping Peak in it, and even the surrounding buildings shook violently, as if they would collapse in the next moment.


But after a few breaths, more than a dozen figures appeared in front of the black and white Xuanxuan, the leader fluttered abruptly, the posture was extremely wonderful, the slender and slender delicate body was wrapped in a snow-white silk suit, and at a glance, I only felt that this nun was beautiful without a trace of human fireworks.

It is Cihang Jingzhai who speaks Jingan.

Yan Jingan glanced at the disciple lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, and her heart sank, her Cihang Sword Code had cultivated to the realm of having a spiritual rhino, and the Cihang Sword Code was the most important heart, she could faintly feel that each of these six people was beyond her resistance.

Each of his strength is a rare supreme master in martial arts.

Especially the leading one, in her telepathy, is simply like a sword of the sky, and the sword qi can tear the sky.

"You are Yan Jingan?"

The black and white Xuanxuan's eyes flickered, and his gaze fell on Yan Jingan.

The strength is to the grandmaster, the face is magnificent, although she is dressed as a nun, but she is green silk hanging down, her eyes are pure, and she gives people a feeling of pity.

However, the black and white Xuanxuan is not affected by it in the slightest, Cihang Jingzhai's exercises are special, the more profound they are, the more their temperament can be more moving, which is also their capital to walk the world.

Why is it that each generation of Cihang Jingzhai walks the rivers and lakes is both a supreme master and a supreme beauty?

Although their looks are magnificent, they must have the addition of exercises to their temperament, so that they can turn all sentient beings upside down.

"Poor ni is Yanjingan."

Yan Jingan clasped his hands together and said, "Dare to ask Your Excellency, is it a person from Jing Wusi?" "

"Jing Wusi has recently washed the rivers and lakes in blood, and I have heard about Cihang Jingzhai, but I, Cihang Jingzhai, have never done evil in the rivers and lakes, nor have I fished the people..."

The implication is, did you Yasu get the wrong target? Wronged us Cihang Jingzhai?

"I was ordered to come, and it was Cihang Jingzhai who came!"

Black and white Xuanxuan said lightly.

"By whose order?" Yan Jing'an's heart became heavier and heavier.

"His Majesty the First Emperor!" Black and white Xuanxuan arched his hand against the sky.

The corners of Yan Jingan's mouth trembled, and his mouth became more and more bitter, Jing Wusi ran amok, how many big factions were destroyed, not no one dared to resist, but without exception, they were all crushed.

Jing Wusi is so terrifying, how terrifying should Daqin be as the backer of Jing Wusi?

How could Cihang Jingzhai He De be able to provoke the First Emperor of Daqin to personally order a strike against them?

"I, Cihang Jingzhai, one is not for evil rivers and lakes, and the other is not for the people, why is His Majesty the First Emperor..." Yan Jing'an looked miserable, if she was not firm in her heart, she really wanted to hold her in her arms and love her.

But what kind of person is Hei Bai Xuanxuan, his heart is like an iron stone, and he has a beloved wife, Yan Jingan's gesture has no effect on him.

Hei Bai Xuanxuan said indifferently: "Your Majesty's edict, how can Cihang Jingzhai He De dare to act as the Heavenly Chosen Emperor?" Under the rule of Great Qin, this self-proclaimed sect of heaven did not need to exist and was dissolved immediately. "

Yan Jingan's expression changed wildly, and the people behind her looked angry, holding a long sword, and her breath was stirring, only waiting for Yan Jing'an to give an order, she was about to draw her sword and face each other.

Yan Jingan took a deep breath and clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, what if you don't disband?" "

The name Jing Wuji is a nightmarish existence in the rivers and lakes.

The Green Dragon Society, known as the place where the sun can be found in the world, there is the existence of the Green Dragon Society, a total of twelve secret branches, three hundred and sixty-five secret branches, all of which were destroyed.

Although the Blue Dragon Society is not famous in the rivers and lakes, it is a big faction that is no less powerful than Cihang Jingzhai.

The money gang has power all over the world, and Shangguan Jinhong's generation of heroes was directly broken into by Jing Wusi's people and killed in the council hall.

Inviting the Moon Palace, the two palace masters made Cihang Jingzhai jealous, and also joined Jing Wusi.

Tianzun, the huge organization established by Murong Qiudi, disappeared in a few days.

The gang is enough to be called the largest gang in the world, and the ten rudders, were found by Jing Wusi, and all the core figures were killed.

Shaolin Temple, martial arts titan, also obediently submitted.

This is just the strength of Jing Wusi, what about Daqin, an even more terrifying behemoth, does Cihang Jingzhai have the strength to resist? _

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