"Now Daqin is really going congenitally, and the grandmaster is not as good as a dog." Flame Lingji's voice came from the pool, she was just wearing a three-point style similar to a swimsuit in the water, and in the water, her snow-white skin loomed and was extremely charming.

On the deck of the Nu Dragon Ship, there is a large pool, and the concubines of Yingzheng play in it like mermaids, and there is only one man on the ship, and they don't have to worry about anything else.

Only Concubine Yan is afraid of hurting Fusu in her arms because she is pregnant, so she does not dare to make too many moves since she is pregnant, in fact, with her strength, as long as she does not do things that fight to the death, it is no big deal.

Concubine Yan also knew all this, but she was still careful all the time, because she knew how much attention Fusu in her arms had attracted the attention of many people.

This is the future heir of the Great Qin Empire, as long as he is born, the entire Great Qin, except for the government, belongs to him the most noble.

Flame Lingji's words are really not wrong, now Daqin is really full of innates, and the grandmaster is not as good as a dog.

More than a year has passed since the reign of Zhengzheng Buwu, and the effect of Qin Fist has been revealed.

Regardless of men and women over the age of ten, more than eighty percent are congenital realms.

When Qin Fist was founded, Ying Zheng had already speculated that those with slightly better qualifications could cultivate seventy Qin Fists in one year, and the seventy Qin Fist realm was equivalent to the innate peak, in fact, fifty times stepped into the innate.

But at that time, when it was speculated, the concentration of Spiritual Qi was less than one-tenth of what it is now, and the popularity of Spirit Rice was not as popular as it is now.

Lingwu rice is still exclusive to the imperial court, but the output has expanded a lot, but all court officials, officials who can have Lingwu rice, can basically have Lingwu rice, which also leads to the increasing amount of Lingwu rice flowing to the people, of course, most of them are bought at a high price.

But now the people of Daqin can basically eat Lingwu rice, which is Lingwu rice cultivated by farmers based on Lingwu rice, although the effect is not as good as Lingwu rice, but the yield is much greater than Lingwu rice, and it can also moisturize the body, and the impurities are far less than ordinary food.

Moreover, the degree of consumption of land resources is not as large as that of Lingwu rice, and it is only slightly larger than ordinary rice and other crops.

The people themselves paid some money, the imperial court subsidized a little, and the people could basically grow this kind of spiritual rice in every household.

The concentration of spiritual energy has increased by more than ten times, and the popularity of spirit rice has led to the innate of Daqin now reaching eighty percent, originally Ying Zheng speculated that the qualification was slightly better within a year to cultivate seventy, and now those with poor qualifications can cultivate innately.

Some of the qualifications are a little better, or particularly good, and have already cultivated to a hundred or two hundred.

More than seventy is a grandmaster, and more than a hundred is a grandmaster.

Of course, there are no people who have yet cultivated Qin Fist to become martial arts celestials.

Now in Daqin, the great grandmaster can be called a master, and as for the innate and inferior grandmasters who walk all over the ground, it is already too common.

Of course, even if the innate grandmasters are generally now, Daqin is still very stable, except for a few people who think they can run amok in the world, but they are bursting their heads by reality.

Qin Fist is characterized by extremely low qualification requirements, infinite potential, and direct immortality, but when it comes to fighting, it is very mediocre, and ordinary county soldiers can fight against ordinary people who practice Qin Fist without equipment.

If you really say it, in the way of health preservation and the way of fighting, Qin Fist is closer to the way of health preservation.

All the county soldiers in various places are grandmasters, and they are equipped with all kinds of sophisticated equipment, at least one enemy five, with these alone, they can firmly suppress all kinds of them, and the county magistrate or county guard, who can mobilize a county at any time, and a county can suppress any place within their jurisdiction.

"Okay, the whole world has a visit, let's go back to Beijing." Win Zhengdao.


The concubines made disappointed sounds, obviously not having enough of playing.

Huan Zheng ignored them and looked at Qin Mengyao, who was sitting by the pool, wearing a three-point style, but firmly wrapped herself in light yarn: "They have so much fun, don't go down to play?" "

Qin Mengyao bit her red lips lightly, her pretty face was red, and she lowered her head and shook her head slightly.

A year ago, in the face of Master's question, her tone was extremely firm: she was devoted to kendo, and nothing else could touch her heart.

But just after seeing Ying Zheng for half a year, she was shaken, this man's charm is too great, so big that as long as a woman stays by his side for a long time, there is no unmoved.

She admitted that she was moved, and the longer she stayed, the more she moved, and now, every time she saw Ying Zheng, her heart swayed, and she couldn't help but want to show her heart.

Huan Zheng shook his head, did not persuade again, Concubine Yan exhaled like a lan, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, is it fun to cultivate?" "

Huan Zheng glanced at Concubine Yan and slapped her butt heavily: "Concubine Yan, you learned badly!" "

Concubine Yan giggled and crouched in Huan Zheng's arms: "Xiao Mengyao has already fallen in love with His Majesty at a glance, and the concubine really wants to see how long she can endure." "

Huan Zheng chuckled: "What about you, when did you fall in love with Xuan?" "


Concubine Yan said dreamily: "It is probably that the Empress Dowager said that she wanted me to enter the palace, and then the first time I saw Your Majesty, Your Majesty's figure was firmly imprinted in the hearts of the concubines..."

Saying that, Yanfei Qingli gently brushed her hand over Huan Zheng's chest, sultry.

Huan Zheng viciously put his arm around her waist: "Don't blame Xu for putting you on the spot!" "

"Here you are..."

Concubine Yan threw a wink, like a fluttering butterfly running away.

Suddenly, the void above the Nu Dragon Ship cracked, and a divine light descended from the sky and went straight to the deck of the Nu Dragon Ship, and the divine light was as brilliant as the sun.

Flame Lingji, Tian Yan and the other women all raised their heads and looked at the flying divine light suspiciously, and they could all feel a mighty divine power blooming from the divine light.

"The prince who wants to take Shexia! What a big boldness! "

I saw that the divine light went straight to Concubine Yan's abdomen, and Ying Zheng was furious, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body, domineering and fierce.

The emperor of the Great Qin Holy Court has not been angry for a long time, and from this moment his anger is like a thunderbolt, the sky has undergone a huge change, and the sky in a radius of thousands of miles has darkened in vain, completely covering the sun, rolling thunderclouds shaking, and the sky seems to overturn in the next moment.

Qin Mengyao's eyes widened, this year, as the emperor of Daqin, Ying Zheng was not angry and powerful, but he had never shown his strength, or there was no one or thing that could make him show his real power, and now he was angry, and the strength he showed made Qin Mengyao shocked and unable to help himself.

The first thought appeared in her mind: Can people really have such strength?

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