In the dark night, a voice sounded: "Send a qiu seal, touch the gold talisman, move the mountains and mountains to find the dragon technique." People light candles, ghosts blow lamps, and public opinion fights for star peaks. Mercury spots, cultivators, dragon tower treasure hall to countless go. The coffin, bronze coffin, the eight characters are not hard and do not come closer. Vertical burial pits, box graves, moving mountains and unloading mountains around. Red clothes fierce, smiling corpses, ghosts laugh like listening to ghosts crying. "

Three people quickly emerged from the forest, the first one was tall, and said in a hidden voice in the green forest: "To pick the stars, you need to ask Kui Xing, move the mountain instead of Changsheng Mountain, burn the dragon and phoenix Ruyi incense, and drink the five lakes and four seawaters." "

Chen Yulou listened to it sincerely." Changsheng Mountain" is the hidden name of the group of thieves in the mountains, since he said the words "Kuixing" and "moving mountains without moving Changsheng Mountain", he knew that the other party was the leader of the mountain movers, he was relieved, and finally found out the mountain movers, even if he has a huge power, it is not easy to find the mountain movers who have always walked in the mountains and forests.

Chen Yulou came out of the darkness and said in a cut: "There are tall buildings on Changsheng Mountain, heroes from all directions come here, dragons and phoenixes make friends as they wish, and the five lakes and waters gush." "

The tall man laughed and hugged his fists and said, "Brother Chen, don't come unharmed, lead someone out and do something." "

The tall people are the mountain movers, and this vein has been around for a long time, and when their people reach the age of forty, their bodies will grow eye-like red spots, and they will die in the extreme pain of blood clotting, generation after generation, and they are suffering when they are dying, and no words can describe the pain of blood turning yellow coagulation.

In order to find a solution to this suffering, everyone in the tribe tried their best.

Later, after several generations of efforts, it was finally discovered that the dust beads had the possibility of lifting the curse, and in order to find the dust beads, they had to scatter to various places to find the dust beads in the ancient tombs, and these people became a branch of the four major tomb robbery sects at that time.

Since ancient times, professional tomb robbers have been divided into four factions according to different means of acting, such as sending hills, touching gold, moving mountains, and unloading mountains.

Most of this group learns the "art of moving mountains and dividing armor", usually using the identity of Taoist priests to disguise, and considers themselves "mountain moving people".

But the dust beads have always been legendary, never found, this group of people are getting fewer and fewer, in this fence-building search, the dust beads are still missing, over time, the mountain moving technique gradually declined, the talent withered, and in the warlord chaotic years, only the last young mountain movers remained.

Just because of the good ventriloquist, the world is unique, so people give the nickname partridge whistle.

Over time, all the people forgot what his real name was, only called the partridge whistle, rarely met enemies in the green forest, the best at cracking various mechanisms in the ancient tomb, and the marksmanship is like a god, not only in the inverted fight, even in the green forest, there is a big name.

And Chen Yulou is the leader of the line of Zhiling, and the family has been the bearer of the line of Zhiling for generations, this vein began at the end of the Han Dynasty, the peasant army stole the imperial tomb, and everyone made profits and shared the stolen goods, and the number of people was hundreds or thousands.

Scattered on weekdays, each of them is a bandit or an official army, and the half-official and half-bandit among the tomb robbers belong to this generation, and there is news between them, and there are robbers. All in a picture.

He acted recklessly, shoveling and hoeing, pulling oxen and horses, and medicinal soil, and the graves stolen by his generation, even if they cut mountains to make corridors, pierced stones for storage, solid soil, and copper hoops on tomb walls, they all tried to break them.

As the leader of the unloading line for several generations, Chen Yulou can gather 100,000 people with a single call, and he is also the head of Chang Shengshan, the largest underworld force in the country.

When the world is in chaos, the thieves of the Jieling group change their appearance and put on the identity of a heavy green forest, usually whistling mountains and forests, and there are people walking in all directions, inspecting the situation in the mountains and rivers, and once they find the tomb, they gather together and dig up the tomb.

Chen Yulou controlled more than 100,000 horses and thieves in the 613 provinces of the seven north and south, and those who had a name in the green forest were all at the disposal of Chang Shengshan, and secretly supported several warlord forces in the three Hunan and four rivers, including many elite troops equipped with British weapons and German weapons, and monopolized a large amount of tobacco and earth arms trade.

It can be said that in the land of China where warlords are fighting, Chen Yulou is also a well-known figure, with huge power, and few warlord forces are compared.

"Partridge whistle, I'm here to help you this time." Chen Yulou said with a smile.

"Help me?"

The partridge whistle smiled dumbly: "Brother Chen, I have been looking for dust beads in this vein for thousands of years, if someone can help me, can I be the only one left in my clan?" "

"No hurry, partridge whistle."

Chen Yulou pulled the partridge whistle: "I don't know if you are interested in your Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum?" "

"I'm not interested, Brother Chen, I got news that in the Song Dynasty, this dust bead once flowed into Western Xia, and the Mongols also searched for the royal treasures of Western Xia in those years, but those palace treasures were hidden extremely hidden, and when the last emperor Li Dewang was in the country, he ordered people to hide all the rare treasures in the palace in the grave near Heishui City, and it is very likely that the dust beads were also among them."

The partridge whistle waved his hand: "Nothing is more important than dust beads." "

"Can you listen to the poor word?"


In the darkness, a voice sounded in his ears, the partridge whistle suddenly heard this sound, and instantly the muscles tensed, the cold hair stood upside down, with his strength, this person can make him approach without noticing, the strength is far better than him, he has to be vigilant.

Chen Yulou said softly: "Partridge whistle, don't be so nervous, this is a long eyebrow, three generations of lifesavers in my family, my grandfather was saved by him, my father was saved by him, and I was also saved by him." "

A Daoist came out of the darkness with a gentle expression: "The curse of your vein has also been heard, the dust bead is only possible to lift the curse, and the dust bead may not be in the Black Water City of Western Xia, when Qin Shi Huang once collected the world's Daoist books, in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, it is likely to contain a way to lift the curse..."

The partridge whistle was silent for a moment: "I'll go!" "

Chen Yulou smiled: "Very good, unloading the ridge, moving the mountains together, Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum is not like entering no man's land?" "

The reason why he insisted on pulling the partridge whistle was that he saw that the partridge whistle set the two veins of moving mountains and touching gold as one, and adding unloading the ridge, it can be described as a three-vein cooperation.

On the other hand, O'Connor and his wife Evelyn had already taken a ship to Shanghai and traveled west to Shaanxi. _

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