"It's not a thief..."

O'Connor reminded: "It's archaeology." "

"Archaeology, test NM! Foreign devil, you fool the ghost! "

Feng Yuxiang secretly scolded: "Where is the archaeology test bad, the exam went to the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang?" Test the test, test the eighteen generations of your ancestors! "

"Haha... Archaeological archaeology..."

Feng Yuxiang snorted, righteously: "If you want to archerect other mausoleums, I can provide you with other conveniences, but what you want to test is the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang..."

"Qin Shi Huang, who is that! That was the first emperor of China! First Emperor! Also the greatest emperor! His mausoleum, in any case, belongs to China, and you steal it in private... Archaeology, I can help you with it. "

"If I send you 5,000 people, the target is too big, I can't hold it, you also know that my political enemies have many opponents, if they seize this and attack me with public opinion, I will lose..."

"One hundred Schneider guns."

O'Connor interrupted him lightly, since he came on the order of the king, this was naturally the power given to him by the king.

"The loss is actually still under control, there is nothing to fear..."

Feng Yuxiang's words changed.

Schneider artillery is a standard artillery produced in France, he may not be able to buy it if he wants to, if his army can have a hundred more Schneider guns, the strength will greatly increase.

"Those five thousand!"

"No problem!"

Feng Yuxiang slapped the table fiercely and stood up excitedly: "I'll send you five thousand people." "


Call! Call! Call!

Several streams of light fell on the Loess Plateau, and a gust of wind blew.

"Blah blah! What the hell is this place! "

The streamer dissipated, and a tall and strong man spat and spat, he was wearing a black power suit, a full length of one meter nine, short hair, and the roots were like steel needles standing upright.

Behind him, a young man with a lupine scarf smiled and said, "It seems that it is the Loess Plateau, but I don't know what the Loess Plateau is." "

The short-haired man raised his hand, pressed it weakly, and a light curtain appeared in his hand.

【Main Quest: None】

【Side Quest: None】

【Only Mission: Explore the World】

If the exploration progress reaches 10%, each person will receive reward points, if the exploration progress reaches 50%, each person will receive 10,000 reward points, and if the exploration progress reaches 90%, each person will receive incentive points, and the exploration progress will reach 100%, and each person will receive 100,000 reward points.

"The exploration task of the Lord God is good, no need for groups, no need to compete with other teams, the danger is not great, and the reward is not low."

The short-haired man laughed.

"Captain, you won't break your word when you say a good reward, will you?" A short, skinny man leaned over and smiled.

"If it weren't for me staring at the mission list all the time, I'm afraid our team wouldn't even be able to grab an exploration mission."

The short-haired man patted the thin monkey-like man's head: "Don't worry!" Lao Tzu will never break his word, one-tenth of everyone's reward for this mission will go to you! "

"Gee, explore one hundred percent, 100,000 reward points, I have experienced six mission worlds, and I have not obtained 100,000 reward points in total." A woman wearing a sportswear with a beautiful face said with a look of envy.

A black-faced man snorted coldly: "Do you want to fart and eat?" Exploring 100%, not to mention how difficult, the time spent is often tens of hundreds of years, I am not greedy, I am satisfied with being able to explore 50%, and I dare not even think about exploring 90%. "

"Okay, shut up."

The captain waved his hand: "It's easy to explore ten percent, this time we guarantee to get a thousand reward points per person, but this time we strive for the exploration progress to reach fifty percent, as long as we reach this progress, we will earn a lot, the rest, it depends on the situation, after all, we are not the group of perverts of the Heavenly Team..."

The man dressed in a lupine scarf sighed: "It's lucky that a team has a pervert, the team of the heavens, there are Wang Zongchao, Xiao Zhonghua, Xiao Yan, these three little perverts, and the big pervert of Win Nightmare, the exploration task in their hands, the minimum progress is 90%, and the money is full..."

Suddenly, he looked at the captain and seemed to remember something: "Captain, you are the oldest in our team, I heard that the Heavenly Team was not called this name before. "

The captain nodded: "The Heavenly Team used to be called the Huaxia Team, Wang Zongchao was the captain, and then the captain became the Winning Nightmare, and after changing the name to the Heavenly Team, in just a few tasks, it changed from a three-star level team to a five-star level team, and Winning Nightmare is famous in the entire main god space." "

The team members suddenly realized, and the sportswear woman asked: "Captain, explore the characters, do you want to get some extra money in an instant?" No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. "

The so-called extra money is that the main god does not send them other characters, but they can trigger side quests on their own and get rewards.

The captain pondered for a while: "We still don't know what kind of world this is, first understand and then see, don't act rashly, the main god space has countless teams destroyed because of a little unexpected accident." "



Suddenly, several rapid cannon sounds sounded, and the captain's face changed slightly: "Go and see!" "

Before the words fell, the anger roared, and the five people instantly broke through the air, and not long after, the five people fell on a mountain, looking several miles away, and saw ten cannons shelling at one place.

"Captain, it seems that we are lucky." The feather fan man looked in all directions, smiled slightly, and looked resourceful, with a wisdom pearl in hand.

The short, thin, dwarf-like man said strangely, "Jiang Yang, what do you say?" "

Jiang Yang Yufan pointed to a mountain: "Did you see that group of people?" That Taoist priest, and the two women, are very strong, the man next to him is not weak, and the man with glasses is obviously the leader of the thousands, such a combination is definitely not a nameless person. "

"An eyebrow?"

The black-faced man chuckled: "I mean that person is a one-eyebrow, and a Taoist, it won't be a one-eyed Taoist, right?" "

Jiang Yang gently swayed the feather fan: "If he is really a Daoist with an eyebrow, then our luck is really good, no matter what world the person appears in, even if he is not a son of luck, he will also have a strong luck, what a person with strong luck has to do, it will definitely not be a simple thing, as long as you follow him, the progress of exploring the world will definitely speed up a lot, maybe it will be the kind that will increase by ten percent." "

"Coupled with the two women and the two men next to him, they are not ordinary people, they all have a relatively strong luck, such a group of people gathered together, what they do must be extraordinary, if we can find out, the exploration progress skyrockets by ten percent, twenty percent is possible!"

"Hmph! Foreign devils! Be mighty and blessed in the land of China! "

The captain suddenly stared at a place, and his face turned cold.

The team members are not surprised, the captain comes from a world that is more special, in that era, a newly established country sent a large army across the Yalu River to fight the Sixteen Nations Alliance.

And the captain is a battalion commander of that army, after the big battle, the entire battalion suffered heavy casualties, a statistic, only a few people remained, including the captain, and later by chance, the captain entered the main god space, and he was the most hostile to the white-skinned people. _

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