"Senior brother, long time no see."

A man with an eyebrow said.

Although Shi Jian's expression was extremely cold, he also returned the salute, and his tone was as cold as ice: "Yimei, I am not here to help you, but I am curious about what the resurrected Qin Shi Huang looks like." "

Shi Jian is a senior brother of Yimei, very talented, Taoism is mastered as soon as he learns, he is very proficient in offensive spells, and his achievements in martial arts are also very high, and he combines Taoism and martial arts, and integrates them into one, really fighting, no one in the world can be confident that he can win him.

At that time, Shi Jian thought very highly of himself, thinking that the next generation of Maoshan must be him, but he did not expect that the position of the head of the head in the end passed to Yimei.

Shi Jian left in anger, first leaving the South Sea, then far away to the West, and finally returning to the self-established portal, which can be regarded as the Maoshan faction, but he does not respect the head of Yimei.

The eyebrow Daoist chuckled: "In short, thank you Senior Brother." "

Shi Jian snorted coldly, his gaze swept over everyone, and he stayed on Zi Yuan for a moment, and finally his gaze fell on O'Connor and Evelyn, and he snorted coldly again: "Westerners!" "

O'Connor and Evelyn's expressions changed greatly, and they only felt that Shi Jian snorted coldly, like thunder rolling, and the bones of the whole body began to shake, and there was a feeling that the whole body was numb and fell to the ground.

Zi Yuan reached out and brushed over O'Connor and Evelyn, and the tingling feeling immediately disappeared.

"Too often! Don't turn around and make a fool when you come! "

Shi Jian suddenly turned around, his eyes burst with thunder, and he saw that the space of more than ten meters in front of him was flashing with thunder and lightning, which was extremely terrifying.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw an old woman in white clothes and white hair standing in the jungle, and the white clothes should have been easy to distinguish in the jungle, but the old woman standing in the jungle seemed to blend into the jungle, making it difficult to notice.

"Senior Brother, your cultivation is really courageous and progressive."

The white-clothed old woman's whole person seemed to float over as if she had no weight: "Yimei, if you don't work harder, I'm afraid that Maoshan will not be safe." "

Tai Chang's mother-in-law is smiling, full of gray hair, but wrinkles are very few, it can be seen that when she was young, she was an absolute beauty.

A smile smiled: "Senior brother heavenly capital is higher than me, what does it matter if cultivation is higher than me, if senior brother wants this Maoshan master, what if he gives it to senior brother?" "

"No need!"

Shi Jian turned around arrogantly.

Maoshan was originally rooted in the people, but Shi Jian regarded himself very high, whether it was the people or the dignitaries, the cultivation was not as good as him and regarded as a grass mustard, so the head of Maoshan thought that he was not suitable to be the head of Maoshan, so he passed the position of head of Maoshan to Yimei.

Yimei wanted to give up the position of leader to Shi Jian, but Shi Jian thought that Yimei was giving him alms and refused to accept it.

"The dragon has its own truth, the star body, and the dragon branch must be clearly distinguished. The mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang is located under Lishan Mountain, and Lishan is peeled off layer by layer, repeatedly opened accounts, crossed the gorge, bundled qi, traveled to the shore of the ancient Weishui water, and then entered, raised cave star sand water will be yin and yang matched, turned into qi and cave, fell into the real dragon treasure, the land. "

The partridge whistle is also moving mountains, touching the length of gold, and finding veins and finding acupoints is also very good, he looked down at the compass, and scanned Lishan Mountain, his eyes were sharp, and he did not miss a place:

"This is it, it contains the enchantment and liveliness, and it is full of ups and downs. Flexing the mystery, things drifting. Fish leaping kites fly and are for dragons. Burial Noriyoshi. "

Chen Yulou was overjoyed, "You found the entrance to the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor?" "

The partridge whistle nodded slightly: "It should be right." "

Not long after, according to the instructions of the partridge whistle, the group of thieves under Chen Yulou dug for a long time, and finally dug a magnificent stone gate.

This stone gate is cyan in color, and the dark cyan stone gate is divided into two doors, both ten meters high, and five meters in the cross, like a closed city gate.

The stone door buried deep underground is extremely thick, I am afraid that it is no less than 350,000 catties, and the lead, water, and iron juice that is poured between the gaps in the door cracks is cast tightly, and there is no place to pry with a steel plier, and the thieves did not find a way to open the door for a while.

"Get out of the way!"

Shi Jian opened the group of thieves, and was about to blast this stone door with a punch, this stone door is insurmountable in the eyes of ordinary people, and in Shi Jian's opinion, it is also a matter of punches.

"Slowly, Shi Jian Daolong, these two foreigners brought five thousand people and horses before, and bombarded the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang with cannons, but they were swallowed by the earth fire and thousands of people died, if you want to open the door with violence again, you may not be able to resist, and then I don't know how many people will die."

Chen Yulou said sincerely: "So, let us professionals come." "

Shi Jian frowned, but still retreated.

I don't know how many tombs have been stolen, but after a few hours, I finally found a way to open this door.


The tens of thousands of catties of gate were pushed open, and the entrance of the passage slowly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Tyrant! I'm coming to kill you! I will kill you! "

Zi Yuan's arm clenched the dagger under the cover of the sleeve, and the killing intent in her eyes was stirring, and Shi Jian couldn't help but glance at her, wondering in his heart why this woman had such a strong killing intent.

This killing intent is so strong that it is simply the moment when a whole family of people was killed, survived by luck, survived through thousands of hardships, and had the ability to take revenge, and saw the moment of the enemy.

He didn't know that Ziyuan had been tortured by the national fortune for two thousand years, and life was better than death, and the hatred of this world had penetrated deep into the marrow.


Zi Lin couldn't help but grab Zi Yuan's sleeve, and she tensed up at the thought of seeing the tyrant soon.

Zi Yuan said in a low voice: "The tyrant has just recovered, it is the time of weakness, facing so many masters, he will definitely die!" "

She seemed to be cheering herself up.

"Everyone get ready!"

"Cautious and cautious!"

"Life is your own! Without the order of the leader, you must not act without permission! "

"Check the equipment!"

Chen Yulou's two henchmen are drinking, he has three henchmen, in addition to the military master Hua Maqiu, there is also a tower-like man, born to the sky, the strength is infinite, but unfortunately he was born a dumb man and could not speak.

Just because the skin and flesh around his body are like black carbon, there is also a nickname called "Kunlun Mole", which means that he looks like the strange man "Kunlunnu" of the fifth dynasty of the Tang Dynasty, Chen Yulou inadvertently saved his life when he robbed the tomb in Yandang Mountain, and since then, he has followed Chen Yulou with a dead heart and become a personal servant.

In addition, there is a young woman who comes from a quack-and-lake selling art.

The name of the art is "Red Girl", which will make all kinds of ancient tricks and acrobatics, was chosen by a local magnate, wanted to take her as a concubine, forced her old father to death, the red girl had a fierce personality, in a fit of anger, killed the enemy full of good and cheap, fled to Hunan to fall grass as a curse, with the ability of the moon gate, joined the gang to do unloading the mountains and robbing the people. _

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