"Boss, if there is no you, the 100,000 Mountain Ridge will become a plate of scattered sand, Changsheng Mountain will be scattered, you can't die, let Mole go." Hua Qiu Ma persuaded.

Chen Yulou is also in a dilemma, he has blood, but he is also afraid of death, knowing that this Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum is very dangerous, if he is a pioneer and touches the organ, nine times out of ten he will be accounted for here.

Moller did not wait for Chen Yulou to make a decision, and had already strode towards the chain bridge.

The entrance to the chain bridge was indeed covered by illusion, and in the eyes of everyone, it was clearly the cave wall, and the surrounding cave walls were integrated, and Moller walked there, as if there was a wall penetration, disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Moller disappeared for a quarter of an hour, and Chen Yulou was like an ant on a hot pot, pacing non-stop.

The captain and He Shizu also stretched their necks to look at this side.

Just when everyone thought that Moller might have encountered danger, Moller actually came out and walked to Chen Yulou with an excited look, "Ahhh" excitedly shouted.

Hua Qiu Ma immediately handed the paper and pen to Moller.

"There is no mechanism on the chain bridge, and through the chain bridge is the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, and I saw the dense terracotta army!"

Looking at the words on the paper, Chen Yulou patted Moller on the shoulder fiercely: "Good one Moller, there is yours!" "


Moller touched the back of his head and smiled cheekily.

Saying that, Chen Yulou walked straight towards the chain bridge.

"Boss, be careful!" Hua Qiu Ma caught up with Chen Yulou.

"Watch out for a fart, I believe Moller!"

Chen Yulou waved his hand without looking back, and Moller smiled even brighter when he heard this.

Sure enough, as Moller said, there was no danger on the chain bridge, and through the chain bridge, it was a ten-meter-long passage, but everyone found Chen Yulou with his head raised, looking above blankly, and seemed to be stunned by something.

After everyone went out, they knew why Chen Yulou froze, it was too shocking.

This space is ten times larger than the fake Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, above is a starry sky dome, starlight twinkles, the Milky Way hangs the sky dome, if not knowing that this is underground, everyone will think that this is the starry sky outside.

In the space below, it is a majestic city.

The walls of the city Guohuan, the Qionglou Jade Pavilion, and the streets are unfamiliar, as if the weather of Daqin spans two thousand years, showing the ancient city of Xianyang in front of them, its brick by brick, its soul weather, all show the magnificent and awe-inspiring style of Daqin across the summer.

Around the city, there is also a white water galaxy, circulating around the city.

In the city, there are also densely packed with at least a million terracotta warriors, crossbow phalanxes, Daqin iron horses, bronze chariots, and infantry phalanxes.

It seems that this million-strong army will come to life and show their iron-blooded momentum.

Even if they are all dead things, everyone can get a glimpse of the might of the invincible Great Qin Iron Horse that swept the world two thousand years ago.

Chen Yulou sighed and said, "Qin Shi Huang has created such a powerful army, no wonder he is called the first emperor of the ages. "

Zi Lin sneered: "That's just a tyrant!" Not some eternal emperor. "

This woman has been completely brainwashed by her mother.

Chen Yulou also glanced at her lightly and ignored her.

The words are not speculative for more than half a sentence, he has no obligation to transform Stupid X.


Zi Lin was extremely short of breath, and was ignored again and again, only feeling great shame, and couldn't wait to kill those who ignored him with a sword.

More than two thousand people grew their mouths, as if they were dead fish that had lost their ability to breathe, and just looked at the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang blankly.

The partridge whistle murmured: "Heavenly Baiyujing, the twelfth floor, the five city immortals caressed me. I believe that Qin Shi Huang will be able to live forever..."

Even O'Connor and Evelyn thought so, O'Connor swallowed, only feeling that the position of duke was within reach.

It is simply a miracle that such a large city has been built underground, and there is a heavenly palace suspended, and it seems that it is not a big deal to build such a huge mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

Above the ancient city, there is a huge heavenly palace suspended, and the palace is full of platforms, sacred walls, stele pavilions, corner towers, offering halls, and spiritual platforms, gold bricks and jade tiles, crystal clear, carved beams and painted columns, extremely magnificent.?

"If Qin Shi Huang is resurrected, I am afraid that any warlord will submit to his feet..."

Chen Yulou was amazed.

"Tyrants cannot be resurrected! Once resurrected! It will be a disaster for the heavens! The world is hell! "

Zi Yuan said indifferently, lightly under her feet, and flew towards the Heavenly Palace.

There was no gravity above the city, no matter who could fly over, everyone flew towards the Heavenly Palace.


He Shizu couldn't hide the shock in his heart, he became more and more convinced that Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum had a way to live forever, cultivators, who didn't want to live forever, he practiced the Bliss Spirit House Method for immortality.

"He Shizu! We go too? "

Yang Chaoyang's eyes flickered.

"Wait a minute! I don't believe there is no danger in Qin Shi Huang! Let them explore the way first! He Shizu whispered.


Yang Chaoyang was a little anxious: "What if they grab the elixir of immortality." "

He Shizu said compassionately, "Then snatch it back from them." "

As Zi Yuan flew over, Chen Yulou forcibly endured the fear in his heart, came to the edge, kicked his feet, and the whole person flew towards the Heavenly Palace, only to feel that the whole person turned into a flying bird, and some restraints disappeared.

"Captain, what should we do? This mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor looks like a treasure. "

The captain said calmly: "They are for the elixir of immortality, immortality is much simpler in the main god space, we don't need it, one eyebrow, Shi Jian is the strongest group of people in this world, once there is a conflict, we may not be able to defeat it, and there will be deaths and injuries." "

Jiang Yang agreed: "Whoever the captain said, our task is to explore the world, everything else is secondary, the exploration progress has reached nineteen percent, as long as we can go out intact, it is the biggest gain for us." "

The vastness of the Heavenly Palace is not at all comparable to the city below, the more powerful it is, the closer to the Heavenly Palace, everyone feels careful to breathe.

In front of the sky is the white jade staircase, and the first step of the ninety-nine fast white jade forms the ninety-nine heavenly steps, and the steps go straight to the main hall of the temple gate and the heavenly palace.

Zi Yuan climbed the ninety-nine steps step by step, Zi Lin followed her closely, followed by an eyebrow, Shi Jian, Tai Chang's mother-in-law, all the muscles were tense.


The gate of the main hall of the Heavenly Palace suddenly opened, and Zi Yuan and the others immediately stopped, staring at the figure that might appear behind the door.

That could be Qin Shi Huang! _

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