Although he is the leader of the Mountain Ridge, he also has a certain military literacy, and the army that orders the prohibition is even more forbidden than the most elite German mechanical corps under some warlords.

Such an army is the most terrifying existence on the battlefield.

Not long after, the million-strong bronze army had disappeared in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, and in the Heavenly Palace, Ying Zheng's gaze fell to an eyebrow, Chen Yulou, and said in surprise:

"Your group of tomb robbers is very strange, there are actually Taoist priests, there are armies? Newspaper name. "

Yi Mei calmed down, and stepped forward a few steps to bow his head: "The outsider meets His Majesty with one eyebrow, this is Shi Jian, the senior brother of the poor road, the junior sister is too often, and the senior brother He Junior Ancestor is all a disciple of Maoshan." "

"Brother Maoshan?"

Huan Zheng nodded slightly: "Maoshan can have Ninth Uncle, Lin Fengjiao and the like?" "

A frown was stunned: "Your Majesty, these are all pseudonyms used to walk the world on the poor road, but I didn't expect Your Majesty to actually know." "


Huan Zheng chuckled: "So, you still have two apprentices, one is called Qiu Sheng and the other is called Wencai?" "

"It's just that the two apprentices who are not perfect, their names can be passed on to His Majesty's ear power, and it can be regarded as a blessing for the three lives." One eyebrow said.

Huan Zheng glanced at Shi Jian, too often, He Shizu glanced, and his tone became cold: "The four elders of Maoshan set out together, could it be that they came to lower the demon and voldemon?" "

The corners of his eyebrows jumped, took a deep breath and explained the ins and outs clearly: "Poor Dao and Zi Yuan have been similar for more than twenty years, Zi Yuan has also helped Poor Dao submit to demons many times, this time Zi Yuan invited, Poor Dao is not doubtful of fake, so he agreed to come, now think about it, Poor Dao may be seduced." "

"What do you say?"

A deep eyebrow said: "Poor Dao will observe a little of the method of observation, Your Majesty is a decisive person to kill, but it is definitely not a cruel and murderous person, Zi Yuan wants to kill Your Majesty, I am afraid there is another reason." "

When Ying Zheng heard this, you also saw Xuan, if you saw this realm of Ying Zheng, you would not think so.

This world is an emperor of the ages, but it does not prevent him from becoming a tyrant.

However, Zi Yuan wants to kill this realm of Yingzheng, and it is by no means that this realm Yingzheng is a tyrant, and the world is in dime and has nothing to do with her.

She wants to kill this realm of Yingzheng, but only killing Yingzheng can relieve her pain.

"You are indeed seduced by Zi Yuan."

Ying Zheng slowly sat down, and Zhao Gaoyi flashed under Huan Zheng, kneeling on the ground, supporting his hands and becoming a human stool.

"This woman also lived for two thousand years, in order to live forever, she stole the fortune of the Great Qin Kingdom, but where is the luck of a country so good to steal, although she and the evil seed in her stomach have obtained immortality, but she also has to endure more and more frequent regurgitation, once the regurgitation attacks, she will not want to live."

"He believes that only by killing Xun can suffering be relieved."

One eyebrow only frowned.

"As for the sake of the world, you fools will believe it, how many invasions have the land of China suffered in the middle of two thousand years? Such as chaotic hua, ten rooms empty, closed, killing blood drifting, the invasion of the great powers, making the world miserable. "

"Has this Ziyuan ever made a move?"

A long exhale: "Yes, yes, I'm such an idiot, I actually believe her reason." "

Zi Yuan has lived for two thousand years, is the kind of master who touches the limits of the world, once shot, it must not be a small fight, the history books must be recorded, but a familiar reading of history - there is no record of suspected Zi Yuan's attack.

Obviously, for the sake of the world, it is just a pretense.

They were all played by Zi Yuan.

Shi Jian's face turned gloomy, if Zi Yuan was still alive, he would have the mind to cut Zi Yuan by a thousand cuts.

After living for decades, how could he have been deceived so miserably that he almost lost his life?

The partridge whistle knelt down with a bang: "Please also ask Your Majesty to save my clan." "

Huan Zheng's gaze turned indifferently: "Your curse can be solved, but what qualifications do you have to let Xu help you lift the curse?" "

"The grass people are willing to make cattle and horses for His Majesty." The partridge whistle gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly.

Ying Zheng's voice became more and more indifferent: "Not enough! There are thousands of people who are willing to make cattle and horses for Xuan, and they are too many to count, one more of you is not more, and one less of you is less. "

The partridge whistle became more and more desperate: "What does His Majesty want the grass people to do to save the grass people?" "

"Married to the red girl."

A smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face.


The partridge whistle was stunned, he had long been happy with the red girl, and made a family affair with the red girl under Chen Yulou's media, but because of the curse of his own clan, he ran around and did not want to burden the red girl.

The red girl was surprised and delighted, and her pretty face turned red and delicate.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

The partridge whistle was speechless.

Chen Yulou decisively stepped forward and knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, the grass people agreed to this affair on behalf of the red girl, and they will become a family at a later date." "

"Thank you Your Majesty for your gift!"

The partridge whistle fell to the ground in five bodies.

"Your Majesty Xie gave the marriage."

The red girl also fell to her knees.

"Get up." Ying Zheng raised his hand.

"Chen Yulou."

The smile on Ying Zheng's face disappeared again.

"The grass people are here!" Chen Yulou's heart froze.

Huan Zheng took a deep look at Chen Yulou, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring: "Within ten days, if Changsheng Mountain still exists, let you taste the yellow spring water." "

Chen Yulou suddenly felt that his scalp was numb: "When the grass people go back, they will disband Chang Shengshan!" "

Ying Zheng didn't care about the change in everyone's mind, and his gaze fell on He Shizu: "The Bliss Spirit House Method is a good idea. "

Ying Zheng's voice was flat, as if he was genuinely admiring.


He Shizu was worried in his heart, and at this time, he suddenly heard Ying Zheng's appreciation, and his heart was overjoyed, and his thoughts suddenly came alive.

If he can climb this leg, which is thicker than anyone else, the day when his Elysium House will be completed is just around the corner.

"Where, where."

He Shizu grinned: "Your Majesty has great powers, and these are just small skills of carving insects." "

A heartbeat in his eyebrows, I don't know why, I feel that the time of death of He Shizu has arrived.

"Elysium Spirit House, how is it refined?" Yingzheng seems to be curious.

He Shizu was fantasizing and excited, and said without hesitation when he heard this: "In fact, it is not very difficult, but those living souls are difficult to find, and those who have suffered severe torture in front of them and died horizontally must be required, and those who have died of illness because their life lives have been exhausted." "

Ying Zheng remained quiet: "What is horizontal death?" "

He Shizu became more and more excited: "Killed for no reason, burned to death, drowned by water, died of poison, died by a thousand cuts... Having suffered despair and fear before death, these twenty-three horizontal deaths are useful souls for the end of the poor path. "_

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