
Above the heavenly dome, thunderbolts sounded in vain.

It seemed that Cang Tian was angry because of Ying Zheng's gaze.

In an instant, dark clouds rolled and condensed, covering the sky for thousands of miles in an instant, and electric snakes that spread for thousands of miles danced wildly, roaring and roaring with thunder.


The electric snake swallowed in the thundercloud, and from a distance, it looked like a dense lightning bolt standing upright.

An indescribable sense of oppression appeared in everyone's hearts.

"Your Majesty!"

Wei Yanzi only felt that the bones of his whole body were clicking, and the heavenly power was vast, and he felt that he would be crushed in the next moment.


Ying Zheng looked directly into those big eyes, as if he felt that Ying Zheng's unscrupulous violation of his majesty, he became more and more angry, and the thunder and lightning became more and more dense.

"You guys go back first, the heavens of this world don't welcome us."


Wei Yanzi and the others were shocked, and without waiting to think about it, after hearing Ying Zheng's words, they still returned to Daqin from the gate of time and space.

The earth seemed to be destroyed by the heavens.

In an instant, thousands of miles away, no matter what kind of creatures, they are frightened, dogs are trembling with their tails between their legs, cats bury their heads and fry their hair, snakes are scared to lie back to the cave and curl up, chickens are scared to run around.

Yimei and the others had not left far, and they looked up in horror, shocked in their hearts:

"Robbery? Crossing the robbery? "

Different from the Daqin world and the martial arts world, there is a legend of crossing the calamity and ascending to become an immortal, but if you need to cross the calamity, you can fly to become an immortal if you cross the calamity, but the success rate of the crossing is too low, the Maoshan Sect has been established for more than a thousand years, and the success of the crossing of the calamity does not exceed the five-finger technique.

"Could it be the First Emperor..."

Shi Jian's words just negate this idea, the first emperor is so strong that he has long surpassed the people who have succeeded in the transitional tribulation, and they do not need to cross the tribulation at all.

Tai Chang muttered, "This is against the sky." "

Yimei and Shi Jian looked at her together: "What is going against the sky?" "

Tai Chang whispered: "It literally means, resist the sky, and the sky will send calamity." "

"In a sense, those who cross the calamity are also going against the sky, and the calamity that does not transition the calamity is far less than one percent."

Too often looking at the thunder and lightning swallowed by the heavenly dome, he felt the destructive power contained in it, and it only took one to scatter their split souls.

Huan Zheng stood with his hands in his hands, his expression indifferent: "What if you don't like it?" If you want to fight, you will fight, and if you don't fight, you will roll. "

His voice was flat, but every word burst out of the movement but thunder, causing thousands of miles of mountains to tremble violently, rivers and lakes like earth dragons, shaking like waves, like angry dragons roaring.

"It's the voice of the First Emperor."

Yimei was shocked by the word beyond the thunder, almost divine body, he gasped, and looked at Lishan in shock: "Could it be that the heavens do not allow the First Emperor to destroy him by descending to rob him?" "

The next moment, the three of them saw a big hand soaring into the sky, heading towards the thunderclouds swallowed by the heavenly dome.

That big hand was in the sky, and the divine light between the five fingers flowed, enveloping, and the five fingers were open, like five heavenly swords piercing the heavenly dome and inserting into the thunderclouds.

Grabbed the thundercloud that was thousands of miles abruptly, and grabbed it violently, as if he wanted to catch the thundercloud directly.


This grasp seemed to shake the sky, and together with the earth, it was shaking, standing on the earth, and Shi Jian felt for a moment that the earth seemed to tilt.

A brow was like earth, and he also let the big hand like the starry sky grab Thundercloud in a domineering and unreasonable way, as if it would be uprooted in the next moment.

"First Emperor, is he so strong? Can you actually fight against the sky and go against the sky? Ichigoku muttered.

Tai Chang let out a sigh: "I think that even if all the ancestors of Maoshan are resurrected, they may not be the opponents of this first emperor." "

Even after hundreds of miles away, looking at Lishan Mountain, after such a distance, every eyebrow felt that his scalp was numb.

If this palm is not grabbed against the sky, but shot down against the earth, I am afraid that under one palm, the earth for thousands of miles will be directly flattened, and even sunken into a super lake.



Compared with the gaze of Ying Zheng before, now Ying Zheng is directly offended, the sky is furious, and the thunder is rolling faster and faster.

The crazy dancing electric snake instantly all slashed towards the big hand of covering the sky, and billions of thunder roared and covered the big hand of the sky, carrying the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and was about to destroy the big hand of the sky.


Thunder covered the big hand covering the sky in it, and from the outside, you can't see the big hand at all, you can only see Thunder smashing the big hand with perseverance.

"Get out!"

The big hand that covered the sky suddenly clenched his fist, hardened the billowing thunderbolt of lightning, and thundered with a punch.


A fist the size of a small star slammed away, squeezing the infinite space, carrying an earth-shattering ghost crying wolf howl, directly into the depths of the thundercloud.

A punch penetrated the thundercloud, directly smashing the overwhelming thunderbolt.


At the moment when Ying Zheng's punch poured into the depths of the thundercloud, the thundercloud seemed to boil water and rolled violently, and the vast divine light splattered out from the thundercloud, piercing the thundercloud, and the mighty stretched in all directions, suddenly shining on the entire northern heavenly dome of the Chinese land.

The brilliance of the divine light was like a sun suddenly exploding.

"Not good! Can't look any further! "

Yimei suddenly lowered his head, and two blood snakes flowed from his eyes, dripping from his cheeks.


The bones of Shi Jian's whole body exploded like thunder, and when the opportunity was immediately broken, the whole person shot away.

Behind him, Ichimei and Tai often ran away from Lishan.


Before they ran far, the three of them smashed heavily on the ground, only feeling that endless fear enveloped their hearts, and they couldn't lift a trace of strength in their bodies, and their strong mana couldn't even urge a wisp.

In fact, the higher the strength, the more people can feel this great terror.

Those ordinary people only feel that the sky is lightning and thunder, as if heavy rain is about to fall, and they can't feel anything else.

And Yimei has reached the limit of the world, and the master who can cross the calamity at any time can intuitively feel the great horror of this heavenly power descending into the world.

In fact, not only the three of them, but also the masters of the entire Chinese land could feel this vast heavenly power.

One by one, they were shocked and terrified, and they all looked at the thunderclouds in the northwest sky.

"There are no masters in the Northwest Land, which one is crossing the calamity? The Four and Nine Heavenly Tribulations are not so terrifying, could it be the Six Nine Heavenly Tribulations? "

"No, more than a hundred years ago, I once saw a senior crossing the Tribulation, it was the Six Nine Heavenly Tribulation, far from being so terrifying, although I have not seen the Nine Nine Heavenly Tribulation, but I don't think the Nine Nine Heavenly Tribulation is so terrifying." _

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