Although he was holding his head, he didn't even have the slightest wound on his body.

"I'm furious!"

Thorton roared, an indescribable cold, fierce qi erupted, a big hand probed, a pole three feet high, ordinary people's waist thin street lamp pole was grabbed by him in his hand, under the foot of the foot, a circle of agitated qi waves erupted in all directions, the whole body like a meteor cut through the smoke, dragging a long wave of qi, jumping out hundreds of meters high.

Thorton's outbreak was like a reckless giant beast rampaging through, the speed was extremely fast, hundreds of meters away could not even breathe a tenth of a tenth, and the street lamp pole more than three feet high tore the air, cut through the sky, and soared into the sky.


The next moment, four fully armed armor jumped out of the four flying machines, wrapped in a warframe with a strong sci-fi atmosphere.

Those four figures trampled on the void, bringing a series of violent air explosions, like four Tyrannosaurus rex slamming towards Thorton.

The shattered earth of the entire commercial street seemed to be unable to withstand the weight of their shots, shaking violently, and some crumbling houses rumbled and collapsed in such a turbulent airflow.


Thorton's street lamp pole that tore through the sky turned into powder in an instant, and then four fists slammed into him, this crocodile is very strong in resistance to strikes, his entire body is like a cannonball flying hundreds of meters, falling on the ground and smashing a large pit with a radius of more than ten meters and a depth of more than a zhang.

The back body bounced up again, plowing a hundred-meter-long ravine on the ground like a plough, and the rubble splashed like a bullet.

"It's killing Lao Tzu."

This crocodile still has no wounds on his body, and he moans and eats pain.

"There is actually an indigenous planet here."

"Kill it."

An understated dialogue sounded, as if deciding the life and death of an ant, and a laser shot directly at Ying Zheng's eyebrows.

"Kill me?"


Heaven and earth seemed to have stagnated for a moment, only the grandeur of the government, but the sound of not piercing the golden cracked stone sounded like a cloud in the sky, shrouding the four wildernesses and leaving the eight wildernesses.

When "Kill Me" just fell, the four figures wrapped in battle armor on the aircraft exploded and died instantly.

The aircraft that lost control rumbled down, and Ying Zheng grabbed Thorton with one hand, his gaze inadvertently swept somewhere, and his figure disappeared in a flash.


Some special base.

"An unknown armed force descended from the sky, and the armed forces had four flying machines, which seemed to be trying to capture a crocodile-like creature..."

In the room, a huge monitor is broadcasting the scene on a commercial street in Tianhe Stone.

First, a huge crocodile-like creature fell from the sky, followed by the appearance of four flying machines that looked like science fiction movies, covering the fish without saying a word, and in the artillery fire that was enough to knock down the skyscraper, the crocodile turned out to be unscathed.

Then the crocodile jumped hundreds of meters high to attack the aircraft, and its violent, ferocious aura seemed to be felt through the monitor.

"What is the situation?"

Ge Xiaolun looked at the scene in the live broadcast on the monitor and was slightly stunned.

"In my opinion, it's aliens." Zhao Xin's eyes lit up, a little excited, a little longing, and a little fearful.

Jiawen swallowed his saliva and trembled: "We're not called to do this together... This, this, this... What have we done? "

Ge Xiaolun nodded: "I heard Rose say, we are going to fight aliens, is this to fight?" "

Zhao Xin jumped three feet high: "Nima, tease me, really fight aliens?" Hair, this flying machine is really like a science fiction movie, what do we fight. "

Liu Chuang slapped the table fiercely: "We may not have been able to fight even that alien monster, and his mother still let us fight aliens?" I...... My underworld boss..."

Rui Mengmeng's eyes suddenly widened: "You guys look at it!" The crocodile monster lost, hey, there is actually someone who has not left, is he dead? "

"This brother, gee, Niu Pen, is he scared stupid." Liu Chuang pointed to the monitor and laughed, and the next moment, the laughter stopped abruptly, and a pair of bull's eye-like big eyes looked at the scene of the violent death of aliens on the monitor, and then there was only a pair of eyes as deep and endless as a river of stars.

"He... He...... He could see me... Huh? Liu Chuang was snorting.

Rena suddenly got up, her eyes shone, and her thoughts flashed wildly: "It's Earth's... Still is...... Alien? "

She was sure that the man in the sportswear on the monitor had actually seen them.


Everyone in the conference room suddenly got up, staring blankly at the person and beast that appeared out of thin air in the conference room, and a chill rose in everyone's hearts, their hands and feet became cold, and their scalps were numb.

Tianhe City, thousands of miles away from their base.

One second ago, the man in the live broadcast was still in Tianhe City, and the next second, he actually appeared in the conference room out of thin air.

Huan Zheng gently patted Liu Chuang's shoulder and said with a smile: "Are you scared stupid?" "

Liu Chuang's body was stiff, the smile on his face was even uglier than crying, his mouth trembled, and he couldn't say a word.

Rena's eyes shrunk, and she saw the man appear in front of her, and smiled softly: "Tirena, I want to know something, can I ask you?" "

Rena only felt that the figure of the man in front of her was infinitely expanded, shoulder to shoulder with the sky, and in an instant, it seemed to fill the heavens and the earth, standing shoulder to shoulder with the sun and the moon.

In an instant, everything in her vision disappeared, leaving only the man, who seemed to have become the only one in heaven and earth.

In front of him, he seemed so small, as small as an ant.


Rena took a few deep breaths, took a few steps backwards in succession, shook her head vigorously, and all the thoughts came out of her mind, and said with difficulty: "Who are you!" "

Rena didn't like to stay with the Lieyang King Emperor Hongkun, and only went back to meet the Lieyang King Emperor Hongkun when it was a last resort, because Di Hongkun fought a war with the civilization of the Deno galaxy for thousands of years, and was seriously injured by the Norstar God of War created by the Deno civilization with the Shenhe gene.

As the strength of Di Hongkun, who created the Fierce Sun Civilization, there is no doubt, but since Di Hongkun was seriously injured by the Norstar God of War, his injury not only did not heal, but became more and more serious, so serious that he could not suppress his breath, so every time she saw Di Hongkun, Rena had to bear great pressure.

And now, Rena felt an aura from this man that was even bigger than Di Hongkun. _

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