It's like an immortal painting in the void, first drawing the outline, then filling in the details, limbs, facial features, all slowly becoming clear, and finally turning into a man whose facial features are cold, like a knife, his eyes are like a river of stars, and he is deep and almost sucks people's souls in.

It was the man who killed himself several times without mercy and for no reason.


The mouse in his hand fell to the ground, and Xie Yu looked at Huan Zheng blankly, his mouth opened wide, and he couldn't close it for a long time, and even put his fist in.

This is going to hit me along the network cable?

Xie Yu looked dazed and confused, until Huan Zheng made a move, he shivered in vain, his limbs became cold, and he shivered: "Is it not enough for this neuropathy to kill me in the game, but also to kill me along the network cable?" "

Ying Zheng glanced at the room, his gaze fell on the game warehouse behind him, and smiled slightly: "I still caught your tail..."

"Am I dreaming?"

Xie Yu slapped himself fiercely, and a clear slap print appeared on half of his face, only then did he know what kind of dream this was, he was very awake, but he still couldn't believe it, after playing games for ten years, he had never encountered such a weird thing, he just wanted to yell for help:

Help, there are NPCs in the game who came to kill me along the network cable!

But he also knows that even if others hear it, they will probably treat him as a neuropathy.


Xie Yu looked at Huan Zheng, trembled and spoke, only to see that Huan Zheng was looking at him with a smile, and he spit out a word, his throat was dry, but he couldn't say a word anymore.

"Tell me everything you know."

Ying Zheng said lightly, and said lightly with his right foot.


The entire room trembled violently, almost making Xie Yu think that a ten-magnitude earthquake had occurred.


Xie Yu quickly held the cabinet before standing firmly, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva, Nima, even the strength in the game.

"Honestly, don't hide anything from this so-called game, I can give you what you want."

Xie Yu only felt that his legs and feet were soft, and he quickly sat down and fixed his mind, and then slowly spoke:

"The game is a game developed by the Republic and various countries, the grapevine is said to be a meteorite from the sky, fell in the Republic, after many studies, it was decided to develop it into a game mastermind, which was vigorously promoted a month ago, claiming to be a 100% real game, and is currently in the inner stage."

Huan Zheng said: "It's just a game, why should we vigorously publicize it?" "

As if feeling that Ying Zheng did not kill himself, Xie Yu calmed down a lot, recalled in his heart, and considered: "The game warehouse and game helmet promoted have the work of improving people's physical fitness, and can subtly treat many invisible diseases... By the way, big guy, this is the game warehouse, this is the game helmet..."

It seems that he is afraid that Ying Zheng will not understand, Xie Yucang and the game helmet explained.

Ying Zheng nodded gently.

Xie Yu continued: "The inner side needs fifty, it is open recruitment, the Republic is 200,000, other countries add up to 300,000, enter in five batches, we become players, you are NPCs." "

"So this game chamber or game helmet is the one who makes the flesh for you?"

Ying Zheng said softly.

"What makes flesh?"

Xie Yu exclaimed.

Ying Zheng glanced at him and scoffed, "Are you really an NP in the game?" When you enter the so-called game, you do not enter the game, but the thing that plays or what is behind it creates a body for you and then pours your memories into it. "

Xie Yu was shocked and inexplicable, Nima, is this still the world where he has lived for more than twenty years? I couldn't understand how to do it, and the next moment, he quickly touched his body and said in a trembling voice: "Then I won't be a memory now, right?" "

Ying Zheng glanced at him: "You are indeed a person now. "


Xie Yu was puzzled: "It's still the inner stage, only 500,000 people, when five million, 50 million or even 500 million people enter, every player has to create a body in the death game, isn't he troublesome?" "

Huan Zheng said indifferently: "Maybe making a body is just a program for the game, easy like you kneading a mud ball, if the level is enough, it's like a copy, you only need a piece of genes on your body plus memory, infinite copying, what effort does it take to copy?" "

"Every time the body dies in the game, the game erases the original body, and then converts the original body into a new copied body, and you are resurrected in the game."

"MD, what the hell is going on... Shouldn't I just play a game? How can you provoke such a thing..."

Xie Yu cried and half lay on the chair and watched Huan Zheng fiddle with the game warehouse and game helmet, from what Huan Zheng said, he vaguely felt a huge secret, curiosity kills cats, knowing too much is also a disadvantage, he is afraid that he knows too much and does not know when he will die violently.

Huan Zheng carefully studied for a long time, and then let Xie Yu operate the game warehouse and the game head library, and at the moment of starting, he sensed a piece of quantum information and flashed away.

Xie Yu stepped back and watched Huan Zheng skillfully operate the game warehouse and game helmet, and the whole person lay in it, and a very absurd feeling rose.

The characters in the game travel to reality to play the game that exists in itself?

After starting the game, Ying Zheng simulated that piece of quantum information, only feeling that consciousness was pulled into an inexplicable space, although it was only for a short moment, Ying Zheng's consciousness spread far away in that inexplicable space.

The time was too short, not enough to perceive more things, and then the vision brightened, it turned out to be back to the Daqin world, looked down, but was wearing coarse cloth clothes, and his heart moved:

Name: Xie Yu

Status: Berkshire homeless

Forces: None

Realm: None

Money: None

Number of deaths remaining: 6 (if you do not have enough deaths, you will not be able to log in to the game)

Clothes: coarse cloth

Pants: Coarse pants

Shoes: straw shoes

Weapons: None

The game warehouse was closed, looking at the slightly flashing game warehouse, Xie Yu's eyes flashed a fierce light, and evil thoughts suddenly arose: Lao Tzu directly smashed the game warehouse and the game helmet, a big loss of thousands of dollars, see how you still come out of the game.

But after thinking about it, Xie Yu dispelled this idea again, he can't come out of himself, he can also come out from other players, this person kills people even more like grass and mustard, and if he finds revenge on himself at that time, I'm afraid he will really die. _

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