This is the third time he has experienced the beast tide, the first beast tide, he is because he killed a thunder beast in the beast tide, so as to get the appreciation of his superiors, so as to step into the upper echelons of the Northern Barbarian Empire, in the second beast tide, he was already the premier figure of the Northern Barbarian Empire.

Now is the third beast tide he has experienced, and he is already a figure under ten thousand people under one person in the Northern Barbarian Empire, and it can even be said that ten thousand people are under no one.

Because sitting in that position now is a ten-year-old little emperor, whose authority is far less than him.

The lion lowered his body wildly, squinted slightly at this thunder beast, and the afterlight swept away, only to see dozens of thunder beasts jumping on the city wall, and they were almost unstoppable.


The lion mad guards were shocked and immediately came to support him.

"Go and support the others, a small thunder beast can't hurt me!"

The lion waved his hand wildly.


The thunder beast roared violently and pounced, and the lion mad dodged the thunder beast's slaughter with a sliding step, and his legs jumped and landed on the thunder beast, and the combat knife stabbed fiercely.

The knife and gun of the thunder beast are not only to resist the tip of the ordinary person's knife, the knife of the fierce general such as the lion mad it still can't resist, it quickly reacted, the beast body rolled sharply, jumped violently, and threw the lion mad off the back to the ground.

Already completely enraged, the thunder beast shook its slightly dizzy head, and immediately pounced on the lion madman, gritting his teeth and claws and tearing, vowing to tear the lion madness apart and tear it to pieces.

Laugh at!

The lion mad seized the opportunity, and a spear that he grabbed in his hand at random stabbed into the eyes of the thunder beast, quickly turned, and twisted the thunder beast's brain pulp into a paste, and this behemoth crashed to the ground.

The lion madly spat out a mouthful of blood, only felt a faint pain in his organs, scanned the surroundings, and saw that the beasts and humans on the city wall had fought together, and the human beings were retreating, and under the city wall, there were countless beasts to climb up.

In the sky, countless birds fell, their sharp claws tearing through their flesh and skin.

The lion madman's heart was cold, in this case, the human army has been completely defeated, if the beast breaks through the Great Wall, hundreds of millions of people behind will be affected.


A deafening roar sounded, and the lion heard the prestige, and saw that in the Northern Wilderness Forest, a behemoth seven or eight meters tall stood up, and with its roar, the beast became more and more manic.

"Beast King!"

The lion's pupils shrank, the giant bear that was several times larger than the ordinary bear was the beast king who was scouting to detect, and the reason why the beast tide changed so much this time was most likely this beast king.

"Huh? And who then? Could it be that the gods have come? "

Suddenly, Lion Mad saw a figure appear in the sky, Chen Rui of the Haoyang Empire, and the sheep and tiger of the Sanyang Empire also found it at the same time, and they were overjoyed:

"The gods have finally heard our prayers!"

Many soldiers also saw the figure in the sky:

"That seems to be a person?"

"How could anyone fly?"

"Could it be that the gods came to the world?"

This world is the era of cold weapons, and the strongest personal strength is only a hundred enemies like lion madness, but at the same time, this world also circulates legends of gods.

In the folklore it is a legend, but the high-level of the three kingdoms know that the gods really exist.

They called the place where the gods existed.

Fifteen hundred years ago, the Flaming Sun civilization discovered this planet, and although it showed miracles, it did not interfere too much in the civilization process of this planet.

Despite this, the gods are supreme on this planet, especially for the high-level of this planet, in less than a hundred years, the gods will give ten elixirs, and taking the elixir can live for two hundred years, for the Sanyang Continent that is sixty years old and even if it is a high life, the elixir is what they desire the most.

Of course, in these fifteen hundred years, there are also legends of mortals being brought to the divine realm by gods.

In fact, it is not a legend, but the Lieyang civilization found that people with super genes brought back to the Lieyang civilization.

"Beast tide?"

Huan Zheng's eyes flashed slightly, and he gently pointed down.


An invisible fluctuation spread rapidly, spreading to the entire beast group in the blink of an eye.

Under the gaze of everyone, countless beast tides, hundreds of beasts froze at the same time, maintaining their hideous posture.

The breeze blew through, and all the beasts turned into flying ashes and disappeared.


"Is that the end of it?"

"This is the power of the gods..."

Ying Zheng casually prospected, the fist-sized blue spar wrapped in the meteorite fell into his hand, this is the source of the outbreak of the beast tide, not a strange spar, there are too many strange things in the universe, and the three Yang Star is just bad luck.

It is also that the influence range of this blue spar does not exceed a thousand miles, if the scope of influence is a little larger, I am afraid that all the creatures of this planet will fall into mania and bloodthirsty.

The victory fell on the Great Wall, and the commanders of the three kingdoms respectfully knelt down to greet the victory, eager to throw themselves on the ground, and the surviving soldiers also knelt down in unison to welcome the arrival of the gods.

Everyone was religious, and right before their eyes, the gods destroyed millions of beasts, and the divine power shocked everyone.

After the arrival of the emperor of the Three Kingdoms, Ying Zheng directly announced that the Three Kingdoms were merged into one country, and there was not much opposition from the top officials of the Three Kingdoms, and before Ying Zheng came, they received the exact oracle, and they would send gods to unify the Three Kingdoms.

Of course, there is a high-sounding reason, because the gods cannot bear the successive conquests of the three kingdoms and the invasion of the beast tide.

After the government erected the door of time and space, the transfer of power naturally had the people of Daqin to complete, Wei Yanzi and Feng Yu were fully responsible, there was no wave, of course, the Sanyang Xingren did not have the ability to make waves, they were just the most ordinary feudal civilization, and they did not even have extraordinary abilities.

Wei Yanzi and Feng Hao also wondered why they conquered a planet this time without the need for the Great Qin army to fight, but if Ying Zheng didn't say, they wouldn't ask.

The follow-up affairs of the Three Yang Star were naturally responsible for the Great Qin Imperial Court, and Ying Zheng went to the second civilization, and this planet was the country with the shortest contact time among these ten civilizations in the Fierce Sun Civilization, only less than fifty years.

There were originally hundreds of countries on the planet, there were small frictions, but there were no major wars.

Later, the blazing sun civilization came, and the people on this planet knew that there were countless civilizations in the depths of the starry sky, and if there were too many countries on a planet, it would only needlessly increase internal friction, consume planetary resources, and finally trap them on the planet, unable to leave their home planet.

As a result, the world turmoil began, although it was known that internal friction was meaningless, but no one was willing to give up their national sovereignty, but the crisis of internal consumption of planetary resources was imminent, so the war began, in decades, many countries perished, the political pattern changed rapidly, resources were integrated, and the war ended five years ago, and finally only one country remained.

But the aftermath of the war has not yet been eliminated, and one continent has even been reduced to barrenness because of nuclear war, with more than a billion casualties in decades of war.

The last remaining country, called the Star Country, is silently licking its wounds and eliminating the effects of war.

On the day of the arrival of the Victory Administration, the leaders of the Star Country came to wait early and came up with the highest standard of ceremonial reception.

In front of the Flaming Sun Civilization, the Star Country is like an ant, because it understands the Starry Sky Universe more deeply than the Sanyang people, so the transfer of power in the Star Country is smoother.

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