Although the kamikaze country is an island country, the area of this island is too large, it can be regarded as a continent, and it is estimated that it is about the same size as Australia.

The kamikaze country is a vassal state of Daqian, paying tribute every year, and the king is only called king, not emperor, but the army and the imperial court have their own set

Kamikaze was sparsely populated, and the law allowed nobles from other countries to house estates in order to obtain benefits. And because of the thin population, the slave trade was also very prosperous.

Every year, large and small ships, especially the slave ships of Yunmeng, came from afar to kamikaze to trade slaves for business.

The group walked into the restaurant, and Xiao Er immediately greeted him with a smile on his face: "Distinguished guests, the most famous restaurant in our kamikaze country, peach blossom mandarin fish and aged peach blossom wine are the most famous, while tasting peach blossom mandarin fish, drinking peach blossom wine, happy like a fairy." "

"We have someone." Zhao Gaodao.

"Distinguished guests, please."

Zhao Gao led the group up to the third floor and walked to the window position.

Huan Zheng leaned on the window, as Xiao Er said, while tasting peach blossom mandarin fish, drinking peach blossom wine while looking at the scenery outside the window, a river flowing through the window, small bridges flowing water, peach trees on both sides of the bank, the bark of the peach tree is turquoise, and the flowers are the size of a palm, the yellow rui is blooming, the petals pick the flowers and fall into the water, the fish are scrambling to eat, the ground is also full of petals, one by one people take a broom to sweep the peach blossoms up and go to brew peach blossom wine.

On the seat next to him sat the five god kings, with a terrifying bitter face creating fantasies for Little Pixiu to eat, and Little Pixiu's eyes were narrowed, obviously very happy.

"Your Majesty."

Zhao Gao walked to Ying Zheng's side and bowed slightly.

"Sit down." Ying Zheng nodded.

"Your Majesty."

Zhao Gao only dared to sit on half of his ass: "Just now, the people with Luo Net inquired about the intelligence, and the great officials in this realm occupy the best position, ninety-nine continents, six hundred provinces, three thousand provinces, about four and a half billion people." "

"The two most powerful grassland empires in the east are Yunmeng and Rouran, Yunmeng's national strength is not inferior to Daqian, and it has the most wars with Daqian, while Rouran and Daqian are separated from Yunmeng and do not border Daqian, and it is said that they are also empires whose national strength is not inferior to Yunmeng."

"There are hundreds of southern countries, all of them are large and small island countries, with the kamikaze country and the Izumo country being the strongest, basically all of them are the vassal countries of Daqian, and they pay tribute every year."

"There is only one Yuantu Empire in the north, and although the national strength of this country is not as good as Yunmeng, it is also different."

"There are also dozens of countries in the West, among which the Fire Nation is the most powerful."

Zhao Gaoyu reported the information collected by Luo Net for several hours, a man and a woman walked up, the man was only twenty years old, his face was handsome, his temperament was elegant, with a bit of book anger, the woman's age was similar to him, her hair was low and obliquely inserted into jasper phoenixes, and her slender body was enchanting and charming.

"No wonder those great nobles in Yujing are proud to have manors in Shangyuan Province in the Kamikaze Country, boasting that this place is like a fairyland on earth."

Hong Yi and Zen Yinsa lowered their heads and spoke, their expressions were intimate, after the two sat down, but they didn't see Zen Yinsa speak, looked up, but saw that Zen Yinsha, who was sitting opposite, had a stiff body, like a mouse who met a cat, and his heart trembled, and he didn't dare to move.

"Silver yarn, what's wrong with you?"

Hong Yi was taken aback and asked in a low voice.

Zen Yinsha's lips moved, and he said indelibly: "Look at the window, don't move too much, don't alarm them." "

Feeling the fear of Zen Yinsha, Hong Yi was very surprised, who could make the former eight demon immortals so afraid? He tilted his head slightly, and saw the person by the window, which was amazing.

At a table sat four men and a woman, four men who were either gloomy, or elegant, or rough, or handsome, and the woman's face was also beautiful, like a poppy with a deadly temptation, and one of the elegant men seemed to be teasing a cute furry beast.

But in Hong Yi's perception, where are four men and one woman, respectively, five terrifying Flood Desolate Behemoths, even if they only feel a trace of breath, they are more terrifying than anyone he sees.

There was a man sitting at the window, just looking at it, his pupils shrank sharply, he had never seen such an extraordinary person in his life, even the noble Great Qian Emperor, compared to this man, it was like an ordinary boss.

It's like a divine dragon flying in the sky, the divine dragon can't see the head and tail, unfathomable, this divine dragon steps on the cosmic starry river, the sun and the moon are just fireflies for him.


Hong Yi's heart thumped violently, and he immediately turned his head and did not dare to look again.

There were more than a dozen people sitting next to the man, occupying four tables, although they all looked like normal diners, but everyone's eyes were sharp, their muscles were as tight as steel, and their qi and blood were as majestic and violent as volcanoes.

And everyone is forbidden, seemingly relaxed, but in fact, as soon as they encounter any movement, they can instantly erupt into earth-shattering attacks.

This son of the era, although he grew up with sophistication and sophistication, but at this time he still seemed very immature, and the people of Luo Net immediately felt his gaze, and their gazes turned in unison, sharp as a sword.

Just this glance made Hong Yi have a feeling that even if there were thousands of troops around him, they were all alone, naked, and could not stop the attack and killing of these people.

At the beginning, he led people to surround and kill his father Hong Xuanji's henchman, General Manager Wu of the Hong Mansion, who was far from feeling this way.

"More than a dozen Martial Saints!"

The thought that popped up in Hong Yi's own heart was frightening, how could it be, the two major town martial saints Hong Xuanji and Yang Tuo, the mighty eight seas, each martial saint is a core existence of a country, how can it be a subordinate of a person?

What kind of existence can make Martial Saint Du willing to bow down as a subordinate?

Fortunately, the dozen or so people just looked at him and looked away, otherwise he couldn't help but run away.

That sword-sharp gaze was so terrifying that it was about to tear his soul.

Hong Yi was frightened, lowered his head and looked at Zen Yinsa, only to see Zen Yinsha's body trembling indelibly, and made a look at Hong Yi, Hong Yi immediately noticed, pretending to get up naturally and leave the third floor.

Huan Zheng glanced at Hong Yi, who was leaving, and chuckled to himself: "Hong Yi, son of the era, I don't know what will happen if I kill him now?" "

This future husband and wife duo still think that all their actions are very secretive, but they don't know that they have been discovered early, the five god kings don't care, for them, the strength of Hong Yi and the two is as weak as ants.

And when he looked at Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng also looked at him clearly.

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