In an ordinary house, the light was dim, and one person knelt on the ground, his voice was low: "Sir, the Great Qian Imperial Court already knows that it has detected our traces, do you want to eat all the people of the Great Qian Imperial Court?"

Zhao Gao shook his head slightly: "No need to eat it, even if you eat the people of the Great Qian Imperial Court, they will still send people, as long as you do what I order, they will naturally suspect the Assassination Alliance." "

"Moreover, His Majesty's order to us is to arrange an intelligence network, spy on intelligence, and not move too much, too big will alarm the Great Qian Imperial Court. "


"Sir, the people of the third team found a Heavenly Divine Stone in the Tianzhu Mountain near Tianzhou, which is pregnant with life, and once the life inside is successfully conceived and breaks out of the stone, it may be directly a Tianren cultivation. "


Zhao Gao became interested: "Are you sure?"

"My lord, it's basically certain. "


Zhao Gao stood up: "According to the historical records of this world, the ancient holy emperor 'Hong' jumped out of the stone! Among the trees, when a doll grows, it is already a miracle of creation, incomprehensible, and among the great jade, it actually gives birth to a spirit fetus! Once the stone is broken, the potential will be very high, bring this divine stone back and offer it to Your Majesty, and Your Majesty will not skimp on your reward at that time!"



Tianzhu Mountain, located in the northwest border of Daqian, has a radius of hundreds of thousands of li, and the mountain range is tall in the sky.

I don't know how many heavy heavens and earths in the mountains, nor how many birds and beasts, monsters, monsters, unicorns, dragons and phoenixes, and rare treasures.

At this time, the three teams of ten people in Luowang were in the depths of Tianzhu Mountain, and in front of them, there was a divine stone that was more than one foot tall, crystal green, like a piece of jade.

This divine stone spirit fetus has nine holes and eight holes, wisps of qi are constantly coming out, and the divine stone is also rhythmic regularly, as if a creature is breathing.

"If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have imagined that a fetus-like human form would actually be born in the stone. "A prefecture-level killer is amazed.

In their perception, in the divine stone, a body of flesh and blood curled up in a ball was slowly absorbing spiritual energy, and this mass of flesh and blood was like a human and not a human, like a monkey and not a monkey.

This mass of flesh and blood is already very majestic, no less than the martial artists of the Heaven and Man Realm, once the stone is broken, the qi and blood are only even thicker.

The leader of the ten people was a Luo Net Kill-level killer, and when he heard this, he spoke: "The heaven and earth are so big, there are no wonders, this divine stone does not know that it has been bred here for millions of years, absorbing immeasurable vitality, and the legend of this world is the life born by the divine stone, which proves that the potential of this divine stone is extremely high." "

"Lord Zhao gave an order to sacrifice this divine stone to His Majesty, I wonder what reward His Majesty will have?"

The killer-level killer said lightly: "Your Majesty's Tianwei is difficult to speculate, there will naturally be rewards for us, and those who are not rewarded should not be forced." "

"How long do we have to wait?"

"Wait for Spring Thunder, once Spring Thunder wants to split this divine stone, it means that the divine stone has been successfully conceived, and it can be taken away at that time. "

After a few days, the fish fell delicately, and in the sky, the dull, rolling spring thunder woke up all the animals that had been sleeping and hibernating since winter. It also awakened the vitality contained in the cold winter in the earth.

Under the rolling sound of spring thunder, the vitality in the earth was slowly released.

The killer slowly opened his eyes: "Spring thunder is coming soon, remember, you can't let spring thunder split on the divine stone, once it is split on it, the spirit fetus can break out of the stone, and you must take the divine stone away at the moment when the spring thunder splits." "


"Yang An, have the courage to do it, don't you have the courage to face me directly!"

Above the long sky, a woman full of killing intent shouted.

"Hahahaha, Heavenly Snake King, I don't know how long you have been wearing this silk scarf, it is really fragrant." "

In front of the woman, a golden light and shadow were sweeping wildly, setting off a violent wind in the sky.

It was a huge golden eagle, spreading its wings for more than ten meters, extremely fast, a thousand meters in an instant, on the back of the golden eagle, a teenager was laughing wildly, holding a white silk scarf in his hand and smelling intoxicated.

That young man was wearing a gorgeous dress sprinkled with purple and gold crumbs, with the same purple-gold crown as Hong Xuanji, and a bright yellow belt around his waist, which was a royal thing, obviously given by the emperor, otherwise even if it was worn by a prince, it would be against the rules, and it would be impeached, which was the result of great disrespect.

His figure is also well-proportioned, his eyebrows are as clear as a pen knife, his lips are tightly closed, the bridge of his nose is slightly high, his forehead seems to be square and round, the heavenly court is full, and the temples on both sides are slightly surrounded by light golden blood, obviously the qi and blood around the body have been refined to the extreme, and they began to boil, resulting in the temples on both sides really having a hint of the taste of the sun!

The woman chasing him was dressed in black, with a slender body, and a pair of eyes and pupils seemed to contain a wonderful woman in the sky and the galaxy.

This woman, dressed in black, but her clothes are as smooth as water, with beautiful lines, and her body and the surrounding darkness are incomparably integrated, as if the darkness is her, she is the source of darkness, the center of darkness.

It is the Serpentine Eyes.

The same eight demon immortals, the gap between the strengths is also very large, such as Zen silver yarn, before rebirth even thunder tribulation has not passed, but the Heavenly Snake King Star eyes are the peak cultivation of five thunder tribulations, one finger can poke dead Zen silver yarn.

And the one who escaped in front was also the Divine Eagle King, who was also the Eight Great Demon Immortals, and on his back was the champion Hou Yang'an, Yang Pan's illegitimate son, a twisted soul-turning person created by immortals using nothingness as a template.

Facing Yang An, who couldn't hold it for a long time, the Heavenly Snake King's voice was full of anger and killing intent: "Yang An, if you run again, I will turn around and kill your women." "

The two had not contacted each other before, and there was no grudge, but Yang An was bold and actually teased the Heavenly Snake King, provoking the Heavenly Snake King to chase and kill.

Although the Divine Eagle King is only a thunder calamity, his strength is far inferior to the Heavenly Snake King, but because of his racial talent, the flight speed is extremely fast, so that the Heavenly Snake King cannot catch up.


Facing the threat of the Heavenly Snake King, Yang An's face instantly became gloomy, his body first crackled, it seemed to be like fried soybeans, and then, the tendons on his body collapsed again, crashing and exploding

As if pulling a bowstring, the sound of rattling, rattling, rushing out of his body,

This kind of uproar sound, as if there are several more rivers in his body,

It was the sound of blood in his body, rushing violently.

Yang An's eyes were bloodshot, and the last two eyes turned into two blood cells, transmitting an incomparably hideous one, even if he was a person with advanced Daoism, seeing his pair of blood-like eyes, he would have extremely terrifying thoughts.

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