The purple-gold gun in his hand had hundreds of eyes on it, and suddenly it opened violently, its pupils flickered, and a powerful fist intent was conveyed from the gun.

This fist intent is almost condensed into substance, with a strong battle formation to rush to kill, thousands of troops to move forward with the intention of killing, there is no bit of mercy, pure fighting and killing.

"Two poles of water and fire, two yi drills!"

In an instant, Yang An roared violently, his whole body was full of blood, and above his head, an invisible picture was faintly formed, and in this picture, it was the fierce battle of the ancient battlefield.

At the same time, his marksmanship changed, and the entire gun body was like a hundred-eyed poisonous dragon, rotating violently, rigid dragon, and then completely fused the fist intent of the ancient battlefield into the gun body gun.

The power of the entire "Death Magic Gun" increased exponentially, and it was violently emitted with thousands of purple rays of light, rolling away.

A powerful fighting intent emanated from the body of the gun and merged with Yang An's body.

"The gods are armor, and the sea of clouds is destroyed!"

Around Yang An's entire body, a heavy purple light and a heavy mercury-like light were solidified on the body, as if forming an extremely majestic battle armor, making his whole person seem to really be from the ancient god of war.

Between the flickering of purple light, a hundred eyes blinked, sparkling and flashing, like thousands of soldiers in the ancient battlefield, the reflection of a bright knife together, and with the sound of breaking the void, obvious traces appeared on the space, and the space was torn in half like a silk drapery.

"This gun and armor can actually improve so much strength?"

Xiao Lian was slightly surprised, this person's strength is far inferior to him, he is equivalent to the peak of the immortal in this world, and this person is just the peak of the martial saint, but with the blessing of the divine gun and armor, he can actually fight him.

"It's a pity that my own strength is still too weak. "

The sword in Xiaolian's hand pierced straight out, and a hundred-meter-long shocking sword qi stabbed through the air, with an earth-shattering rolling murderous aura, emptying and breaking the waves, setting off a mighty wave that burst like a terrifying wave, and wanted to completely kill Yang An.


That gun shadow was directly strangled by the sword of the night training, and then a deafening sound of metal collision erupted, Yang An could no longer hold the sword in his hand, and the divine gun was shot by the bullet and flew hundreds of meters away.


The shocking sword qi slashed the divine gun, and then directly stabbed at Yang An's heart, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of reverse blood, only to feel that the heart seemed to be pierced by the cold ice slag, the pain was endless, the head also seemed to be hit hard, indescribable dizziness and tingling, the body trembled violently.

The strength of the ancient war god is only the essence of the fist intent, and if the war god is wearing the Tianmangjiao divine armor and holding the martyrdom divine gun, he only has the part to run.

But Yang An wore the Tianmangjiao Divine Armor, and he was only beaten with the Tianmangjiao Divine Armor, and the Tianmangjiao Divine Armor could not protect him.

"Panhuang Life Sword! Protector!"

Feeling that the night training was killing again, his head was dizzy and his heart ached, Yang An roared in fear.

A sword suddenly appeared from the crack, directly blocking this sword that was being practiced.

"Well, what kind of sword is this, and it can automatically protect it. "

This Excalibur is actually square, straight and straight, much straighter than a ruler, and seems to be the most upright Excalibur between heaven and earth!

One side of this Excalibur is mountains and rivers and plants, one side is the sun, moon and stars, one side is humane education, and the other side is fishing, animal husbandry and farming.

On this Excalibur, there is a strange power, this power is not killing.

This power contains the four mighty thoughts of courage, love, wisdom, and integrity.

This sword contains the thoughts of the Ancient Saint Emperor!

Courage, love, wisdom!

It is the Panhuang Life Sword!

Yang An was very lucky, when he was playing at the age of seven, he suddenly saw a meteor landing on the ground, so he ran forward to watch, and found that this sword was inserted in the ground, so he immediately dripped blood to recognize the Lord.

However, Excalibur did not recognize the Lord, but just retreated into the void, but when he was extremely dangerous, this Excalibur would come out and be used by him!

For more than a decade, this Excalibur has saved him many times in his desperate path.

This Pan Emperor Life Sword has the Sancheng power of the Ancient Pan Emperor on it! That is, the Sancheng power of the Yang God Realm master!

It is enough to compare with the essence of fist intent and the master of eight thunder tribulations.


With the Panhuang Life Sword in hand, Yang An stepped abruptly, and a magnificent sword intent rose up, rushing straight into the Nine Heavens and the vast and unparalleled sword qi that enveloped the four wild and eight poles.


A crimson-golden, bright, shining sword qi, half a mile wide and ten miles long, shot out from this ancient holy emperor artifact, broke through the void, and directly slashed towards the night.

When Yang An struck, his thirty-six subordinates also attacked the remaining nine kill-level killers, thirty-six masters, after unified training, each of them was a warrior who was crisscrossing the battlefield with a sea of corpses and blood, and each of them had at least a thousand blood stained on their hands.

Thirty-six people united, breathing, moving, will, qi and blood, almost connected, like a forest advance, bursting out the fierce momentum of the same enemy.

At the moment when their miserable aura was agitated, the nine killers of Luo Net also broke out.

They are not warriors, they are more inclined to killers, before the shot, the breath is extremely restrained, does not show a trace of breath, the whole person is like a spring compressed to the extreme, but the moment thirty-six people attack, the pressure on the spring disappears.


It was like a volcano erupting fiercely, and in an instant, the earth shook violently under the huge force of the nine people, and layers of qi waves spread in all directions like ripples on the surface of the water.

Dozens of miles away, the Heavenly Snake King could feel the ground shaking, and the earth where the nine people were standing looked like a dragon was turning over.

"Nine immortals again!"

The Heavenly Snake King's face changed wildly, a pair of bright star-like eyes were about to open their sockets, their eyes showed unprecedented shock, fear, and the next second, the whole person retreated wildly, leaving only a thought in place, and withdrew a hundred miles away.

"Panhuang Life Spirit Sword, this is a legend, one of the strongest artifacts in ancient times!

The Panhuang Life Sword is the first generation of holy emperors, who killed countless evil demons, commanded the creatures of the world, and forged a personal sword with courage, wisdom, benevolence, and integrity!

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