Knock knock!

Xiao Yan's forehead hit the ground again and again, and he kowtowed continuously, but blood was all over his little face:

"Please, take me with you too. "

Xiao Yan cried loudly and kowtowed again and again: "I don't want to be separated from my brother." "

The girl was slightly unbearable: "Young Lord, it's better to take her away." "

The handsome man looked wooden, and turned his head to look at the girl: "You don't know, you don't understand." "

If the Feather God Dynasty is just to collect people with outstanding qualifications and maintain the 100,000-year inheritance of the God Dynasty, it doesn't hurt to take away the little girl.

But only he knew that the purpose of the Divine Dynasty was not that so.

"Alas. "

The girl glanced back at the little girl who was still kowtowing and sighed lightly.

"Well, there you go. "

The girl's status in the hearts of the handsome man is not low, he thought about it, allowed it, and the girl immediately flew back to take the little man away.

Half a day later, the young man was taken to a place, this time there were dozens of five-color altars, each five-color earthen altar was very simple, engraved with the marks of time, and at a glance, you could see that there were endless years, and the five-color earthen altar was either sealed with jade chips or sealed with stone slabs, all of which were engraved with ancient runes that were difficult to identify.

The young man Yingzheng and a group of teenagers were taken to a huge five-colored altar like a mountain, all of which were people from the Feather God Dynasty, and the aura was so grand that it could shake the stars.

A group of people from the Feathered God Dynasty set the spar into a specific place on the five-color altar.

The five-color altar rushed up with a fairy light, which was an ancient and mysterious symbol, condensed together and cast into a gossip map, full of metal condensation and texture, like a hundred alchemy essence casting.

"Wait for me to come back. "

The young man waved his grimace-mask and made a lip shape at Xiao Yan, and he had a faint feeling in his heart that he seemed to be sent away to a distant place.

Xiao Yan sobbed, but was grabbed by the girl's wrist, could not break free, could not approach the five-color altar, small hand held the bronze ring, secretly swore in his heart: "Brother, I will definitely wait for you to come back, definitely." "

Above the five-color altar, a Taijitu appeared in the center of the Bagua diagram, and two yin and yang fish lived in the middle, like a pair of metal doors that were tightly closed.

Tai Chi Bagua is related to time and space, when space is distorted, light is misty, and the Bagua symbols corresponding to Qian, Kun, Xun, Dui, Geng, Zhen, Li, and Kan emit dazzling light one after another!

It is like a set of mysterious and ancient passwords, completely flashing according to a set of symbols in the aqua blue stars, in order to determine the coordinates and open the door of time and space!

The various symbols flashed out in a specific order, and finally emitted a dull vibration, and the Yin Yang Gate slowly opened, rushing out a star field breath.

The starlight in that passage flickered, apparently connecting to the depths of the universe, and an ancient road under the starry sky could be seen.

The young man turned around, took one last look at Xiao Yanzheng, and entered the gate of the starry sky with a group of teenagers

"Brother..." Xiao Yan cried, but the figure of the young man Yingzheng had completely disappeared.

The girl lowered her head, looked at the crying little chimney, and said softly: "Come with me." "

Xiao Yan shook his head: "I'm not leaving, I'm going to wait for my brother to come back." "

"Your brother maybe..."

The girl stopped talking, left a little money for Xiao Yan, and left the place.

In the following years, Xiao Yan grew up a little in hardship, always guarding near the altar, and one day when he saw many people returning, he ran forward desperately, only to see a pile of bones.

She cried, and from then on, no one saw the chimney next to the altar.



In the sky, a huge holy light shot down from the firmament, and the entire city was shrouded in a layer of milky white holy light.

In the holy light, there was a pleasant choir-like voice, and a rain of flowers fell from the holy light, and then everyone saw countless little angels pouring out around the holy light, holding various musical instruments and flying around the holy light.

Immediately afterwards, a magnificent portal appeared in the sky, and the portal was carved with angels of various forms, at this moment, the eyes of everyone in the city widened, looking at the portal that appeared in the sky incredulously, the things in their hands fell to the ground, and their faces were full of incredulity.

In the chanting of the pillar of light and the cherubs in the sky.

A beautiful and holy angel slowly descended from the air, with a silver long hair, white light wings more than a meter long, and a proud body, this is a true six-winged angel.

When she appeared, above the city, countless holy lights shot down from the air, shrouding everyone, and everyone felt a burst of inner peace and holiness, this moment.

All felt guilty and bathed in this holy light, as if they were baptized for the first time.

Immediately afterwards, ten more four-winged angels appeared behind her.

"Believe in the Lord!" the angel wore a loose silver shirt, and his bare slender legs gently stepped on the void, his voice cold and round, with a natural breath of high position.

In the depths of those silver eyes, a cold and indifferent look flowed, looking down on everyone, with a slightly disdainful look, like a human being, looking down on a group of ants.

"Believe in the Lord, in your Father, and offer your godly hearts to wash away the sins of your hearts, and the Lord will forgive you for the sins you have committed, provided that you return to the Lord's arms. Those who believe in Christ will have eternal life, and those who do not believe in Christ will be judged, and their souls will suffer forever in flames!"

The leading four-winged angel indifferently, waved his light wings, and disappeared over the city.

"Why is faith so weak in this world?"

An angel frowned slightly.

"I smell the breath of sin, sin must be purged!" The leading six-winged angel angel looked to the east, his silver eyes full of disgust: "Nasty, disgusting, disgusting breath of martial arts, martial arts destruction, encroachment on faith." "

All the four-winged angels looked to the east, and saw a domineering, unyielding, and never-ending aura rising above the east, like a tyrannosaurus with teeth and claws, majestic and domineering, and wanted to break through the sky.

"Disgusting martial arts breath, the primeval human race actually dares to violate the treaty and spread martial arts on a large scale?" a four-winged angel snorted coldly.

The disgust for martial arts is almost a mark engraved in their souls.

The six-winged angel said indifferently: "Destroy the source of this realm martial arts, ask the Sin Taikoo Holy Temple!"


"Donghuang Taiyi. "

In the Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng suddenly said lightly.

"Your Majesty. Donghuang Taiyi appeared in front of Ying Zheng and saluted respectfully.

"Kill that group of birdmen. "

Donghuangtai looked embarrassed: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid that the strength of Yichen is not enough." "

Huan Zheng glanced at him: "Will Xu send you to death?"

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