Ying Zheng chuckled, "Call twice to listen, dog thing." "


Karl, the god of death, suddenly knelt on the ground and learned to bark at the dog.

"This... This..."

All the angels were dumbfounded, watching Carl show a flattering smile and learn to bark, a mysterious method that made their hearts tremble.

"Karl the Grim Reaper surrendered like that?"

"How strong is he? Karl has opened four generations of divine bodies. "

"I'm afraid he is stronger than Queen Kesha, and he should be the real first person in the universe."

With just a flick of his finger, Carl, the god of death, surrendered into a dog, enough to shock any angel, and at the same time couldn't help but envy Hiko.

Hexi let out a long breath, and ordered with a heavy expression: "Qingqing, if there is a corpse, collect the corpse, if there are no bones, then stand in the crown." "


Qingqing nodded and brought a hundred angels to deal with the aftermath.

After the shock, all the angels had sadness in their eyes, and although they were defeated, they could not rejoice, and the haze of the death of their companions still haunted them.

In this battle, they lost hundreds of companions, while the entire angelic civilization only had more than a hundred thousand people, which was already a heavy loss.

The Angel Civilization and the Demon Civilization have had four wars, and only one of them lost so much loss.

Angels also want to have more of their own race, billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions, but unfortunately the birth of angels is too difficult, 99% of angels can only give birth to one offspring in their lifetime.

But no matter how heavy the heart, many angels have to pick up the mess.

Methodically ordering the post-war handling work one by one, Hexi walked to Yingzheng's side and sighed slightly: "If only you could come earlier..."

Huan Zheng gently ruffled a strand of hair on Hexi's cheeks, so intimate in front of so many angels, making Hexi a little shy, beautiful eyes glanced at the reaction of the angels, but saw many angels gaze over, suddenly blushed, quickly took a step back, biting the red lips lightly, and said like a mosquito fly:

"Don't... Don't do this...... They're all watching..."

Huan Zheng raised his eyebrows, grabbed Hexi's willow waist, hugged her into his arms, and said in a domineering tone: "You are my woman, what are you afraid of." "

The breath of Ying Zheng sprayed on his face, making Hexi even more shy, his delicate body fell softly in Huan Zheng's arms, white as jade, and his delicate and beautiful face was like a red glow at the moment.

Although he has already made more intimate moves with Yingzheng and has been ridiculed by Kesha, being watched by so many angels still makes Hexi shy, and he just wants to bury his head in Yingzheng's arms.

"Husband, watch it."

Yan's slightly vinegared voice sounded, and Hexi was agitated, retreating with her hands against Yingzheng's chest, breathing heavily, as if the action just now had consumed most of her strength.

Ying Zheng shook his head helplessly: "Tens of millions of light years away, we have arrived as soon as possible, but I didn't think it was too late." "

Hexi sorted out his chaotic thoughts: "Keisha appointed you as the acting angel king before she died, and you will ascend the throne after the endgame is handled." "

At the mention of Kesha, Yan's face darkened, and the originally slightly beautiful atmosphere became very solemn.

"I will live up to Kesha's trust!" Hiko said firmly, as if he was making a vow.


The war experience of the angel civilization is very sufficient, after all, the large-scale space war has been fought four times, and the post-war processing work is quickly completed, and the just order is restored.

In the pool, Ying Zheng closed his eyes and leaned back, his mind was immersed, just now, he suddenly had a trace of contact with the doppelganger who had entered a certain world, but unfortunately the connection was looming and intermittent.

In the pool, Hehee and Hiko lean on Yinjeong's arm, and on the surface of the water, golden carp seem to swim.

Two carp seem to swim around the lotus, and two carp seem to swim around the peony.

They are named 'lotus Tibetan carp' and 'peony Tibetan carp'.

This is a kind of fabric unique to the harem of the No. 2 world emperor, the belly pocket is as thin as cicada wings, embroidered with two carps hidden among the flowers, when the emperor and the harem concubine 'move', bring waves, the koi is like swimming in the water, lifelike, is a kind of elegant play.

Originally the No. 2 world folk play, it was later paid tribute into the Northern Song Dynasty Palace, and was prohibited by the Northern Song Dynasty officials and could only be used for the palace.

Later, this object also paid tribute to the Xianyang Palace, and Ying Zheng felt that this object was very good, especially when playing in the water, it did have a lot more 'sexual interest'.

Four golden koi fluttering, unable to cover the magnificence of the waves below Hexi and Hiko.

"It's a pity, I still haven't been contacted..."

Ying Zheng opened his eyes, slightly pitying.

"Your Majesty, the Earth Alliance sent someone to contact and said that they were willing to submit."

There are people in the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman.

"This little matter doesn't need to come forward, you solve it yourself, and then send someone to guard the earth."



Journey to the West.

Under the Five Finger Mountain of Yu Kingdom, Xiang Yu and his party looked around in the Five Finger Mountain, but did not find the peerless demon Sun Wukong, it seems that this Five Finger Mountain is an ordinary mountain.

"Could it be that this Five Finger Mountain is really not a place to suppress Sun Wukong?" Cao Changsheng wondered.

"Perhaps the book of this realm, Sun Wukong, was suppressed in this five-finger mountain, which was false from the beginning, after all, there are so many five-finger mountains in this realm." Yue Mulong also guessed.

GOD shook his head and said: "The place we came to must be right, when I came to Yu Country, I noticed that there is a Gao Laozhuang and Liusha River in this country, you guys recall the content of the Journey to the West, how can it be so coincidental?" "

"But the Five Finger Mountain is only a hundred miles away, and with our ability, every inch of the place has been investigated..." muttered Yue Buqun.

Xiang Yu frowned slightly: "No need to look for it, this Five Finger Mountain is the place where Sun Wukong is really suppressed, but the real Sun Wukong is probably suppressed in a certain space, a speck of dust may be a space, since this is the case, it is difficult for us to find a space to really suppress Sun Wukong..."

Zhang Sanfeng agreed with Xiang Yu's idea: "The poor road that the director said also agrees, in this way, we can only wait for the rabbit... When Xuanzang comes to the Five Finger Mountain, the space to suppress Sun Wukong will naturally appear under the Five Finger Mountain. "


After Chen Xuanzang said goodbye to his master, he rushed all the way to the direction of Gao Laozhuang, because there were a few more friends with great powers, and although he encountered many demons and monsters along the way, they were all solved by these friends with great powers.

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