The lantern burner made a flower shape, lowered his eyes, the Buddha light on his body moved slightly, Gujing Wubo's face rippled, and after a long time, he looked at Wutian: "The destiny of heaven has changed, the old monk has not practiced enough, and he can't see the change." "

"I can't see it, I can only be born early, although the mana can't suppress Rulai, it's better than sitting still!"

Wutian said, clasping his hands together, like a believer: "Please light the lamp Buddha and go on the road." "

"Good, good."

The burning lamp clasped his hands together, and did not resist the black qi emanating from Wutian's body, and the pure demonic qi slowly enveloped the burning lamp.

In the demonic qi, the lamp-burning Buddha has no sorrow or joy.

In a short time, there was no day, and the burning lamp had merged into one, and the magic qi and Buddha light were all eliminated.

Above the black lotus sat lawless, his face calm, his eyes looking at the Western Heavenly Great Thunder Temple, and he muttered: "Rulai, I am the Venerable." "


The black lotus dissipated, and a cloud of demonic energy escaped into the void.


"Magic Qi!"

At the mouth of the Guanjiang River, God Erlang stood on the magnificent temple, his one-eyed eyes flashed slightly, and he saw a wisp of demonic qi shrouded above the human road, fluttering and sprinkling, pervasive, wanting to invade the western sky.

"Kinaro, born early?"

Erlang Shen's face showed a look of surprise, but he did not inform the Jade Emperor of his thoughts, although he was the nephew of the Jade Emperor, his relationship was relatively bad.

As for Xitian, he was even more invisible.

Moreover, although he was more special and could see the demonic aura pervading with his third eye, the Jade Emperor's cultivation was far superior to him, and he might not know it.

Although the birth of Chennaro was a great calamity, this catastrophe may not affect him Yang Jian.


The road of the world, the country of Yu, thousands of miles of road, experienced countless sufferings, it can be said that it was nine deaths in a lifetime, Chen Xuanzang arrived at the Five Finger Mountain.

After thousands of miles, Chen Xuanzang knew what Gao Laozhuang Pig Gang saw and did, and the evil of demons and cruelty was always limitless.

And this strengthened Master's determination to obtain the true scripture and subdue the demons of the world and save the people from the sea of suffering.

Boom, boom!

One after another, the King Kong rings rumbled, like missiles slamming into a demon who was less than three feet tall and looked like a hideous child.


Sun Wukong just swept casually, and the sound wave swept away, making violent ripples above the void, shaking Miss Duan away.

Fierce and powerful, so domineering, so that Xiongba and others are terrified.

This Monkey King, they are definitely not opponents, and they still have their own means to save their lives.

"Die! Dying! Beat her to death! "

Before seeing Sun Wukong kill the empty prince three or two, the three self-inflicted exorcists of the heavenly crippled feet, they knew that Sun Wukong was worthy of the peerless great demon, and they were definitely not opponents.

Fortunately, he found his exercises on the empty prince and completed a task.

Of course, seeing their "good friends" being abused by Sun Wukong, how can they 'endure' it, of course, they have to fight hard with Sun Wukong, and they are beaten 'half to death' under a desperate effort.

Of course, they lie far away, and they are sure that they will be able to escape if there is an accident.

Broken Wave lay on the ground, looking miserable, and the distressed flesh was screaming: "My life-saving card, it's so wasted... If you can't get the Great Sun True Sutra, you will die! "

"Tell me, where is the Buddha?"

Sun Wukong stomped Chen Xuanzang's head on the ground, extremely hideous.

"Buddha is everywhere."

Chen Xuanzang clasped his hands together.

"Put your hands down!"

Sun Wukong said calmly.

"Amitabha." Chen Xuanzang whispered praises to the Buddha.


Sun Wukong grabbed Chen Xuanzang's hair and tore it fiercely, and Chen Xuanzang's whole body trembled in pain, but he still clasped his hands together.

"Put it down!"

"Put it down!"

"Put it down!"

"You can't let go!"

In just a few strokes, Chen Xuanzang's scalp was torn, all over the wound, blood flowed all over his face, the pain exposed his forehead, but he opened his mouth but moaned weakly, and he could only hear the 'uh-uh' sound coming from his throat.

But this stubborn little monk still clasped his hands together and vowed not to give in.

"His father's, I can't bear to touch him in the slightest, you beat him like this!"

Miss Duan, who had been seriously injured, threw out an amorphous flying ring, but it was shattered by Sun Wukong's fingers, and dozens of hundreds of fragments pierced Miss Duan's body, splashing blood.


Miss Duan fell heavily on the ground, supporting her body with her hands trying to stand up, staring at Sun Wukong with dead eyes: "I won't let you continue to hurt him..."

"There you go!"

A roar came out of Chen Xuanzang's throat, and a pair of hands fiercely hugged Sun Wukong's feet: "Let her go." "

Sun Wukong sneered and looked down at Chen Xuanzang: "You beg me." "

"I beg you, let her go, I beg you."

Chen Xuanzang begged, wanting to hold Sun Wukong to death and not let him move, but unfortunately it was tantamount to shaking a tree, Sun Wukong's legs were like a big mountain, extremely heavy.

"If you beg me, will I let her go? Little monk, you are too naïve! "

"No, no, I beg you, spare her life... Let's go! Chen Xuanzang cried blood and roared.

Miss Duan shook her head: "I'm not leaving." "

"It's so touching, I'm touched."

Sun Wukong touched the non-existent tears in the corners of his eyes, and the next moment he suddenly punched out the corpse that beat Miss Duan without any bones.

Blood spilled and fell on Chen Xuanzang.


Chen Xuanzang's eyes were torn, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

Sun Wukong let go of the foot on Chen Xuanzang's head, squatted down, and rubbed his chin: "Look, I beat your most beloved woman, not a single hair left, what can your Buddha do for you?" "

"You are in pain now, what can your Buddha do for you, hahahaha..."

"Miss Duan... I love you...... Ten thousand years is not enough..."

Chen Xuanzang sat down, looking stunned, but slowly calmed down in Sun Wukong's mockery, and a worn-out 'Three Hundred Children's Songs' fell from his arms.


The breeze blew and opened 'Three Hundred Children's Songs'.

A faint golden light rose from the opened pages, and the light was uncertain, and the words jumped in the golden light.

Xiongba was extremely excited, and in the beating golden light, they saw the six big characters of 'Great Sun Rulai True Sutra'.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Remember all! Not a word can be missed! "

The five stared at the beating characters, and gradually, a complete "Great Sun Rulai True Sutra" came to mind.

If these words were not approved by Chen Xuanzang, it would be impossible to understand them, and even if they saw them, they would be forgotten in an instant.

Although their purpose is not pure, Chen Xuanzang also regarded them as friends all the way, and it is precisely in this way that this "Great Sun Rulai True Sutra" can be remembered by them.

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