The Jade Emperor took a sip of wine: "Xu has always been the supreme of the four realms, and the punishment sky could not be turned over in the past, and if it is not turned over now, the future Ziwei Emperor will not be able to turn the sky." "

"I hope so."


The purple micro star is not in the nine heavens, but is located in the galaxy, is the middle of the galaxy never moves, the highest position star, so the most noble, is the "Lord of the stars, the grandmaster of Vientiane".

Ziwei Palace is on the purple micro star, covering an area of more than 10,000 li, resplendent and majestic, majestic and majestic, surrounded by fairy mist, looming.

This Ziwei Palace has not had an owner for millions of years, and today it has a new owner.

Taibai Xingjun led Xiang Yu into the Ziwei Palace and retreated, and the immortal officials and fairies in the Ziwei Palace saluted Xiang Yu one after another.

All the way into the Ziwei Hall, there was already a large group of immortal gods inside, and when they saw Xiang Yu come in, they all bent down:

"Mu De, meet Emperor Ziwei!"

"Huode, meet the Ziwei Heavenly Emperor!"


"Shui De..."


"Divine Head Luo Ji..."

"Kamio Keidu..."

"Tianyi Ziqi..."

"Tai Yiyue..."

The first to speak out was the eleven Dawn Star Monarchs, these eleven immortal gods were originally the highest status and strength under the Ziwei Emperor besides the four Arctic saints, and then the Big Dipper Seven Yuan Star Monarch also saluted.

Then there is the left assistant and the right bow, one is the Dongxingjun, the other is the Tai Chang Xingjun, these two immortal gods are the role of butlers under the original Ziwei Emperor.

And then the three Tai Xingjun, the Nandou Six Division, the Zhongdou Sanzhen... The twenty-eight heavenly gods in the clouds, the thirty-six heavenly gangs in the fight, and the immortals and officials in the seventy-two earth fighting all saw the prayers one after another, and there were hundreds of immortal gods, each of which was a famous and surnamed immortal god in the four realms.

As the Ziwei Emperor, who was second only to the Jade Emperor in the power position of the Heavenly Court, the institutions under his command were complete, each performing its own duties, just like a small Heavenly Court.

"Excuse me, please sit."

Xiang Yu said lightly, and the origin and strength of these immortal gods flowed in his heart.

Xuan Immortal, True Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal, this is the division of strength in this realm that Zhang Sanfeng and others chatted with Taibai Xingjun.

The golden immortal is undoubtedly the giant arm of the four realms, the big guy, whether it is the Jade Emperor, or Rulai is a golden immortal, of course, the four realms golden immortal is far more than these two, but like the Jade Emperor, such a golden immortal who has practiced one hundred and eighty calamities, can the strength of the immortal god who has just achieved the golden immortal be the same?

The Aido formulated by Ying Zheng, the Yang God of the Yang God World, and the Golden Immortals of this realm, are roughly equal to the same realm.

For example, the Yang God World, ordinary Yang Gods and Immortal Emperors, Yang Gods such as the Creation Daoist, are afraid that the latter will suppress the former effortlessly.

Among the four realms, Xuan Immortal is the lowest level, occupying a huge part of the proportion, and the true immortal can be regarded as the middle level, and these famous and surnamed immortals under the Ziwei Emperor are all the strength of true immortals to heavenly immortals.

"Emperor Xie!"

The immortal gods bowed down and slowly sat down.

The Ziwei Emperor returned to his throne, and these immortal gods were naturally the most concerned, and they also got the news at a very fast speed.

After all, they were originally ruled by the Ziwei Emperor, no matter what they were thinking in their hearts, the Ziwei Emperor returned to the throne, and they had to come to the Ziwei Palace to meet the new Ziwei Emperor.

Moreover, not long ago, they knew that this new Ziwei Great Emperor had cut Rulai's Dharma body projection, and the Dharma body projection strength with Rulai's eighty percent strength was also better than ordinary golden immortals.

Obviously, this mysterious Ziwei Emperor came to power by strength, not by the gift of the Jade Emperor, if they did not go to the audience when this new Ziwei Emperor took the throne, people asked for sin, who could bear it?

"Canopy to meet Emperor Ziwei!"

At this time, a voice came from outside the Ziwei Palace, and a young immortal god with tough features and a tall posture entered the hall and bent down to greet him.

"Give a seat!"

Xiang Yu said lightly.

Immediately a fairy moved the seat.

"Emperor Xie!"

Canopy sits down respectfully.

Xiang Yu, Zhang Sanfeng, GOD and others all looked at the canopy quite curiously, in the Journey to the West, the reincarnated Zhu Bajie of the marshal of the canopy is irresponsible, cowardly, and, but as one of the four highest-ranking Arctic saints under the Ziwei Emperor, will he be cowardly and womanizerous?

"Tianyou meets Emperor Ziwei!"

"Black Kill to meet Emperor Ziwei!"

At this time, two of the four saints of the Arctic came together, and Xiang Yu also spoke out.

There is also a Zhenwu Emperor.

The immortal gods in the hall said silently in their hearts.

Although the Zhenwu Emperor is the four saints of the Arctic, his status is faintly higher than the other three saints, not only because of strength, but also because of the millions of years since the fall of the Ziwei Emperor, and it is the original immortal god under the command of the Ziwei Emperor of Zhenwu Emperor.

At that time, the strength of the Ziwei Emperor had not yet fallen, and the Zhenwu Emperor was to assist the Ziwei Emperor, whether it was strength or immortal gods, it was second only to the Ziwei Emperor, and after the fall of the Ziwei Emperor, he was the most promising to take over the existence of the Ziwei Emperor.

If Emperor Zhenwu did not come today, it would have already shown his attitude.

The hall fell into silence, all the immortal gods looked at the nose and nose, did not squint, from the heart, they supported the Zhenwu Emperor, but this new Ziwei Emperor was not a soft persimmon, it was the existence that killed the Rulai Dharma body projection.

If these two fight the method, it will definitely harm the pond fish.

Xiang Yu, on the other hand, closed his eyes slightly, not sad or unhappy, making people unable to see what he was thinking.

"Zhenwu meets Emperor Ziwei!"

A majestic voice sounded, followed by a Zhenwu Emperor wearing a robe, with a majestic face and a middle-aged appearance, appearing on the Ziwei Hall.

The immortal god in the hall slowly exhaled, since the Zhenwu Emperor came, it proved that the situation was not so bad.

"Give a seat!"

"Emperor Xie!"

Emperor Zhenwu sat down, opened his palm and said: "Please the Great Emperor forgive Zhenwu for coming late, this beast devours people in the human world, and was bumped into by me, this beast spreads its wings and flies millions of miles, it is a little difficult to catch him, this is a little late." "

The immortal gods looked sideways, and saw that in the palm of the Zhenwu Emperor, a moth-sized golden-winged Dapeng was struggling madly, but he couldn't break free from the palm of the Zhenwu Emperor.

The immortal gods couldn't help but admire in their hearts, worthy of being the demon Tianzun, the nemesis of the demon, and even the golden-winged Dapeng dared to catch it.

Xiang Yu glanced at the golden-winged giant peng and spoke, "This is the golden-winged big peng that is known as Uncle Rulai?" "

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