Yang Jian's voice was flat: "Nezha, I don't want to trap you in injustice, just like Yuan Hong will not trap me in injustice back then, he sent you to take my six brothers, if you go back like this, he will not let you go." "

Nezha's lips trembled slightly: "Second brother, don't force me." "

"Strike!" Yang Jian's voice became more and more muffled, and the three-pointed and two-edged knife pointed directly at Nezha.

Nezha looked at Yang Jian stunnedly, and the Qiankun circle on his body shook violently.

He called Yang Jian a second brother, but he was not a brother and brother like a fox and a dog, but he really regarded Yang Jian as his brother, that is, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, who was the same father and mother, and his relationship was far from as good as Yang Jian, let him fight with Yang Jian, how did he get his hand?


The sonorous sound of the three-pointed two-edged knife pierced the heavenly dome, bursting out with an extremely cold light, carrying an endless killing aura.

In just an instant, Yang Jian's three-pointed and two-edged knife had already crushed the layers of space and slashed towards Nezha.

Nezha just didn't move, allowing Yang Jian to chop down.


Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged knife stayed on Nezha's forehead, only a hair distance away, a smile appeared on Yang Jian's cold face, the corners of his mouth outlined an arc, put away the three-pointed two-edged knife, went straight back to the futon and sat down, closed his eyes, and his breath fell into the shadows: "That's it, that's it." "

Nezha looked deeply at Yang Jian, and was about to leave the True Monarch Temple, when the door of the True Monarch Temple slammed shut.

"Second brother, what does this mean? Nezha looked back at Yang Jian.

"You're not allowed to go back. Yang Jian said lightly.

Nezha's eyes suddenly became a little moist, and he knew that this was Yang Jian resisting all the pressure for him.

"Either you will do it to me, or you will obediently stay here." Yang Jian said, and he no longer cared about Nezha.

Nezha let out a long sigh and walked over to Yang Jian and sat cross-legged.


"Director, are you injured, serious or not?"

Xiang Yu left the Xinghe, and when he was about to leave, with a wave of his arm, he swept Zhang Sanfeng and the others away, left the Nine Heavens, and came to the Human Dao.

The Dao of the World is so big, even the Jade Emperor can't detect every inch of the place, unless he searches everywhere with the Sky Viewing Mirror.

From beginning to end, Xiang Yu knew that the Jade Emperor wanted to use him as a gunman, but he also wanted to mess up the world more, so he pushed the boat along the water to make the Jade Emperor's gun.

But this time, he almost beheaded the Sun Emperor and the Taiyin Emperor by himself, and also exposed the decree given by His Majesty, which will definitely make the Jade Emperor feel threatened, if he appears in front of the Jade Emperor when he is seriously injured, it is impossible to say that the Jade Emperor will not push the boat along the water to get rid of himself, who is not in control.

Xiang Yu shook his head: "I underestimated this realm divine object, fortunately, there is His Majesty's will, although he was seriously injured, he did not hurt the origin, and it will not take long to recover." "

"Until I recover, don't act rashly. "

Zhang Sanfeng and the others looked at each other, they all saw the bitter smile on each other's faces, and they became dragged down by themselves, and they did not play much role after coming to this world.

It is really that the force of this realm is too high, Xiang Yu is facing the giant arms of this realm, and the most secondary is a peerless demon such as Sun Wukong, and there is no room for him to intervene.


Suddenly, a black cloud floated in, covering the sky dome, and above the black cloud, a man in a black robe stood on it, overlooking Xiang Yu and his group.

"Magic Qi?"

Xiang Yu suddenly raised his head, and the black cloud could not block his gaze at all, and directly saw the black-robed man behind the black cloud.

"Sure enough, it was the Ziwei Emperor who suppressed Lu Peng and Yaxi, and survived under the Immortal Flying Saber, and the honza was detected as soon as he appeared. "

The black-robed man dispersed the black cloud, and a black lotus appeared under his feet, and he came to Xiang Yu step by step.

Zhang Sanfeng and the others became nervous, the pressure on them by this person in front of them was too great, and now Xiang Yu was seriously injured again.

Xiang Yu waved his hand and looked at the black-robed man with an indifferent face: "Among the four realms, only the lawless subordinates have such pure demonic energy." "

The black-robed man smiled gently, Zhang Sanfeng and the others could only hear his laughter, but the face under the hood was dark:

"Yes, this seat is the black robe under the seat of the Heavenless Buddha. "

"Lawless Buddha?"

Xiang Yu smiled dumbly: "If he is still good in Xitian, he can't wait to become a Buddha?"


The black-robed breath condensed, and after a few breaths, it dissipated, and there was a little more coldness: "The lawless Buddha has an invitation and wants to conspire with the Great Emperor for great things." "

Lawless wants to see me, let him come by himself. Xiang Yu said indifferently.

The black robe was suffocated, silent for a while, and said Senran: "Xiang Yu, call you a great emperor, you really think that you are high? Under the Immortal Flying Saber, you can still retain some strength!

Wutian sat down six protectors, the black robe is Wutian sitting down the Great Protector, is the real golden immortal cultivation, and is the old golden immortal, although it is not comparable to the land pressure, but compared to Yaxi, it is not much worse, he does not believe, the big battle land pressure, after Yaxi, and was cut a few times by the immortal flying knife, how much cultivation can Xiang Yu have left.

"Enough to kill you!"

Xiang Yu laughed loudly, said concisely, and blatantly punched.


The fist intent was in the sky, accompanied by the cold sound of Xiang Yu shaking the heavenly dome like thunder and explosion, filled with endless domineering aura.

His punch showed the ultimate fist intent, straight and straight, showing my domineering ability to kill you with one punch, causing the void to shatter and tremble.

"Too much deception!"

The demonic energy around the black robe erupted, and his face was full of anger.

As the First Protector of the Heavenless Throne, how could he have been so despised?


There was suddenly an extra demon sword in front of him, extremely fierce, and it had a bit of the qi of the immortal flying knife.

At the same time, there were suddenly two more figures beside him, one holding a long knife and chopping down, and the other with one arm open, pinched into a magic seal, and overwhelming the earth.

A stream of extremely cold aura began to spread, and this gloomy cold aura entered nothing, making Zhang Sanfeng and others and others who had retreated chill in their hearts, as if ordinary people were coldly stared at by a peerless great demon, and they all shivered.

Yue Buqun carried a trill: "The combat power of the Golden Immortal is also too terrifying. "

Ghost Guzi said faintly: "You might as well say that the director's temper is too hot, and he will start when he doesn't agree with a word, and he hasn't changed at all when he is seriously injured." "

Xun Cheng glanced at him: "Kind of said in front of the director?"

The corner of Oniyako's mouth twitched: "I haven't lived enough."

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