Xitian and Heavenly Court were unanimously going out at this time.

Haotian's Heavenly Court replaced Dijun's Heavenly Court, but Xitian also transformed many demon races, and his hatred was extremely deep.

With this Emperor Jun's strength beyond Haotian and Rulai, if he killed Haotian, he would definitely not let Xitian go, and Xitian had to make a move.

Fourteen Golden Immortal War, how earth-shattering is that scene?

The entire Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm was trembling violently.

Hundreds of divine powers soared into the sky, and the gods that were hundreds of millions of miles long were rampant, and all kinds of divine weapons could stir.

Di Jun's breath completely bloomed, this breath was too terrifying, it was almost beyond the Golden Immortal.


The god of the Eastern Prince turned into a golden bell and fell, only to hear a boom, and the golden bell was smashed by Di Jun's palm, and the momentum was unabated, and it slapped the head of the Eastern Prince.

The Prince of the East raised his arm to block the blow.


The arm completely separated from the body of the Eastern Prince, and was slapped on the head by Di Jun's palm, completely exploding his head, and his body was also bombarded by power, and he flew I don't know how far at once.

The next moment, the Eastern Prince with a long head flew back, his face was much paler, and he joined the siege again.

Di Jun punched again, slamming Maitreya Buddha's body into two parts, although it came together in the blink of an eye, it also made Maitreya Buddha's heart tremble.

Gradually, the great war was nearing its end.

The Immortal Emperor completely fell.

The Prince of the East was seriously wounded and dying.

Maitreya Buddha and Puxian Bodhisattva were scattered by the souls of Dijun.

The other besieging Golden Immortals were also wounded and frightened, for fear that Di Jun would drag a few more to die together, and Hula all retreated, leaving Haotian alone to face Di Jun.

Di Jun is worthy of the strongest existence in this realm, almost surpassing the Golden Immortals, facing thirteen Golden Immortals alone, killing three, seriously wounded and dying, seriously wounded four, and each other is injured.

Except for the Prince of Dongdong, Hao Tian's injury was the last, but Di Jun's injury seemed to be even more serious than Hao Tian's.

All the immortal gods held their breath, waiting for the final outcome of this Heavenly Emperor battle.

Suddenly, an indescribably powerful explosion exploded in the sky dome.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the invisible shock wave that can push everything horizontally shakes the four realms in a circle.


The extremely cold sound of vague killing filled the ears of all immortal gods, and the infinite and vast providence rippled everywhere in heaven and earth.

The sky dome swayed, the galaxy fluctuated, and it seemed to be about to fall.

Yue Buqun was overjoyed in his heart and said loudly, "The Great Qin Will has invaded. "

Yue Mulong sighed: "This mission is finally going to be completed..."

On this mission, they followed Xiang Yu, and although they did not encounter any great danger, they were very depressed and could only do errands.

The Heavenly Emperor is at war.

The will of the Heavenly Dao is also at war.

It's all a one-sided situation,

"It's okay to go. "

Xiang Yu suddenly appeared beside Zhang Sanfeng and the others.

Yue Mulong asked curiously, "Director, who can win the battle of the Heavenly Emperor?"

"Dijun will win. "

Xiang Yu opened his mouth lightly, paused, and said with a slight pity: "It's a pity, Di Jun is in this realm, if it weren't for this, he wouldn't be limited to the Golden Immortal." "

After speaking, Xiang Yu communicated with the gate of time and space, and the group left this realm.

Gong Tian calmed down, and the trembling and crumbling river of stars also calmed down.

The battle of the Heavenly Emperor had a result, and as Xiang Yu expected, Di Jun won, but soon after, he also followed in his footsteps and disappeared.

The invasion of the will of the Heavenly Dao was completed extremely quickly, and countless creatures and even most of the immortal gods did not know what happened, but many ancient existences and powerful existences could feel that the will of the Heavenly Dao had changed.

But that's about it.


"Another world, the will of the Heavenly Dao has been devoured... This world is relatively vast..."

Ying Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stepped into the door of time and space, which was an unknown world, in this world, he sensed a doppelganger of himself a long time ago.

"The vastness of this realm is far greater than the world where the will of the Heavenly Dao has just been devoured. "

"Don't know where my doppelganger is?"

The distance between the world where this doppelganger is located and the Daqin world is too far, and although the doppelganger is one with him, the world is too far away for him to be able to contact this doppelganger at all.

In an instant, a stream of light melted into the body, and a flood of memories appeared in the mind.

The cultivation that was extremely majestic and almost no less than the strength of the body merged into the body of Ying Zheng, and almost instantly made his strength more than double.

"So it is, it turns out that the doppelganger came from the Sky Covering World..."

In an instant, Ying Zheng had already integrated the memories of the doppelgänger into his own memories, and there was no difference between them and his own personal experience.

This avatar experience can be described as ups and downs, and it is wonderful.


"I don't know what's going on..."

The warship crossed the starry sky of the universe, and the young man Yingzheng's eyes were blank, looking at the boundless starry sky.

He now knew that he already knew that the Feather God Dynasty was a super behemoth, a God Dynasty that ruled Beidou Zhongzhou.

And now, the Feather God Dynasty has left Beidou with them and come to the other side of the universe.

He was not alone, there were hundreds of boys and girls on this warship.

On this huge warship, the Feather God Dynasty did not restrict their freedom and could move freely on the warship.

"This planet is really big, bigger than Beidou. "

A blue planet came into view, and there was an inexplicable vast qi machine, which made people awe, like a living emperor there, which made people tremble.

The warship landed, and the young man Yingzheng glanced at it in shock, and saw the big mountains towering into the clouds, and the height was not known to be tens of thousands of zhang!

There are also ninety-nine dragon veins, straddling this blue planet, entangled and coiled, and hundreds of millions of miles long.

After disembarking from the warship, hundreds of young men and girls were taken under a huge dragon head, and if you were in the sky, you could see tens of thousands of dragon heads.

Climbing a mountain road, tens of thousands of dragon head peaks stand side by side, enclosing into a fairy valley, with a strong spiritual energy and billions of rays of light, making this place particularly sacred.

"Cheng Xiandi!"

The young man Yingzheng vaguely heard the person in charge of the battleship take a deep breath and muttered to himself.

"Cheng Xiandi?"

The young man looked at this immortal valley, there was indeed a bit of immortal weather, a unique wonderful land, it seemed that there was a mystery of reversing the ancient and today's creation, which could give birth to immortals.

Finally, they were taken into the hinterland, deep into the valley, and finally saw the magnificent sight.

Ten thousand dragon peaks descended from the waterfall-like fairy light, all of which turned into liquid, and gathered in the center of the valley, where there was a large immortal pool, and the immortal qi was steaming, and the light was dazzling, flooding most of the valley.

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