The hundreds of masters brought by Yu Qianhua are only a dozen Sendai masters.

"Sneak attack!"

"Don't talk about martial virtue!"


The people of the Yuhua God Dynasty were angry, and no one was the enemy of the Yuzheng.

Yu Qianhua's subordinates, women, were all brutally hanged and died.

He did not let anyone escape, and no one dared to save them, and they were slaughtered.

A big war ended, Yu Qianhua, the top master of the younger generation, was killed by Yingzheng, and hundreds of his masters were slaughtered by Yingzheng.

Compared with the slaughter of the Emperor of Victory, the most shocking and fearful thing is the obliteration and warning of the Lord of the Forbidden Land of the Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land, the Great Cheng Holy Body.

Today's top forces, no one dares to ignore the warning of a living Dacheng Holy Body, and the end of ignoring is death, and perhaps even the forces they are in are also wiped out.

In this big war, the biggest loss is the Feather God Dynasty, destined to become the Feather God Dynasty Optimus Prime Yu Qianhua killed, a saint died, and there was also a king and a powerful death in the station.

Even if it is a Zhongzhou overlord such as the Feather God Dynasty, this can be regarded as a broken bone.

As for those holy places, families, and great religions that were wiped out together by the half-saints, kings, and great religions, they could only consider themselves unlucky.

Someone had a strange thought, and they were calculating.

Behind Ying Zheng stood a Dacheng Holy Body, even if he was not beside Ying Zheng, it was more powerful than any guardian.

And the Holy Body of Ying Zheng is based on the divine forbidden, cultivating the forbidden vision of the Holy Body, and seeing that a Dacheng Holy Body is about to rise, if you can invest in him, or close the relationship with him, the goodwill of a Dacheng Holy Body in the future will be richer than any return.

Jiang Futian's protector broke out in a cold sweat and said in a trembling voice, "Holy Son, it's good that you don't have that kind of thought. "

Seeing the saints who were not weaker than himself or even stronger than himself, the half-saints were directly wiped out, which made his heart tremble.

Jiang Futian chuckled and greeted him: "Brother Win, admire." "

Huan Zheng walked over with Ji in the air and asked, "Brother Jiang, Brother Zhang, do you have any secret techniques that can restore people's memories?"

Zhang Kongpan glanced at Ji Chengkong, who had been unconscious, and said in surprise: "Brother Huan has a friendship with him?"

Ying Zheng nodded: "Forget it, when he was captured by the Feather God Dynasty with me, hundreds of people, only me and him survived by luck, when the Feather God Dynasty wanted to cut off our memories, I had a good relationship with him back then, and I couldn't bear that he continued to be deceived by the Feather God Dynasty." "

"Let me come, if it is a sealed memory, it is very simple, but if it is cut off, it is more complicated, it will take about seven days. "

The old knife spoke up, took the unconscious Ji Chengkong, nodded to Zhang Kongpan, stepped out, and disappeared.


The holy city at night is not silent, there are pedestrians in the streets and alleys, and melodious music comes from the temples.

On the street, there are countless palaces, brilliant gold, bright lights, and shimmering brilliance. The singing is faint, ethereal, touching and intoxicating.

The holy city is a city that never sleeps, palaces full of gods, blooming in Ruixia, a dreamlike scene.

The stars are falling, the moonlight is like water, and the entire holy city is shrouded in a layer of sacred tulle, a piece of beauty, and the song and piano music are gently chirping.

The fragrant aroma of wine wafts from the sky, and a magnificent heavenly palace is dazzling, brightly lit, suspended in the sky next to the street.

"Although it is the land of wind and moon, it is so holy. "

In the lake, pieces of Qionglou Yuyu, looming, surrounded by night and mist, shimmering crystals.

Zhang Kongpan smiled: "Otherwise, how could Miaoluanan be at the top of the top ten winds and moons? "

Huan Zheng shook his head slightly: "But I don't believe that a holy son like Brother Zhang and Brother Jiang, whose heart is as strong as an iron stone, how can he move for the sake of the wind and the moon? "

Jiang Futian smiled: "In the past, the Holy Lady of Miaoluoan may enter the Brother Ying, but this generation of Holy Daughters may not be, the previous Miaoluan's Holy Daughter is beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as her, and some good deeds call her the most beautiful woman in the Eastern Wilderness, with unparalleled immortal posture, and there are really many descendants of the major forces who are willing to sink for her." "

He paused and glanced at the expressionless Huan Qianxian: "Of course, with younger brothers and sisters here, the most beautiful woman in the Eastern Wilderness may not be." "

"What about the two of you?"

Ying Zheng asked.

Jiang Futian smiled slightly: "You guess?"

Zhang Kongpan didn't know where to get a fan, shook it slightly, and made a merry talent: "If you can hold the beauty back, why not." "

Some words need not be said too clearly, it is obvious that the two of them are not the ministers under Yanjia Blue's skirt, but if Yanjia Blue's so-called fate falls on them, they will not refuse.

The sound of heavenly sounds appeared, smoke blue fluttered, ethereal dust, white clothes fluttering, along with the flowers falling, Ruixia rose, fell into the depths of the lake.

Ying Zheng followed Jiang Futian to board a dragon boat and sailed towards the depths of the clouds and mist in the lake.

There are at least hundreds of boats sailing deep into the lake.

"Seeing that no, a descendant of the Fuxi Emperor, the holy son of this generation of the Feng Clan, Feng Wuxian is no less powerful than Yu Qianhua. "

Emperor Fuxi was too far away from the current era, at least two million years ago, he was the first existence to become an emperor after the Battle Saint Emperor, opening the era of the Desolate Age.

The Wind Clan is now also one of the top forces in Beidou.

Huan Zheng looked at Feng Wuxuan, he stood at the bow of a dragon boat with his hands in his hands, tall, with a majestic figure, thin lips, lightly pursed together, sword eyebrows flying obliquely into his sideburns, from the face of a person with an extremely resolute heart.

"There is another one there, the descendant of the Demon Emperor Palace. They claim to be the inheritance of the Demon Emperor, but no one knows whether it is true or not, but the Demon Emperor Hall is indeed the top force of the Demon Race, and the Demon Emperor Hall is passed down night and night, and rarely appears in the sphere of influence of the Terran race, but legend has it that the geniuses of the Demon Race he fought are all bowed. "

Jiang Futian gloated: "Not to mention the descendants of its holy land, these two people have had conflicts, just them, it is a good show, we sit and wait for the good drama to be staged." "

"Buddha of Western Desert Buddha, gee, these monks actually came?

"The descendants of the Golden Family, this family is not welcomed by the Terrans, they are the descendants of the intermarriage between the Golden Race of the primeval creatures and the Terrans, and were expelled to the Northern Plains by the Ancient Emperor, but the clan land still borders the Eastern Wilderness Northern Region. In the Holy City of the Eastern Wilderness Northern Region, there are eight major restaurants and the top three drunken immortal ques. "

"The descendants of the Nuwa Great, there are historical records, Nuwa the Great is the emperor after the Fuxi Emperor, and there are nearly two million years from now, this family is passed down from generation to generation, but it is sparsely populated, at most there are only two or three people in one generation, or even a single transmission, but each generation can give birth to a great saint, which is the top force of the Big Dipper. "

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