A jade hand gently landed on Huan Zheng's shoulder, he smiled lightly and held the jade hand: "How long will it take?" "

Huan Yixian leaned on Huan Zheng, pondered for a while, and slowly said: "Less than twenty years, more than fifty years, quasi-emperor nine heavens, still need to polish, this step is the most important step before preaching, it is best to polish the roundness and flawlessness, the road of preaching can go further." "

"It's a little faster than the so-called predictions."

Most of the ancient and modern emperors were men, and there were only a few female emperors.

In mythological times, the Nine Heavenly Venerables were all male or male.

Of the dozens of supremes in the primeval era, only Immortal Grandma was a clearly recorded woman.

And now in the Desolate Ancient Era, it is clearly recorded that there are nine Great Emperors in the Universe, only Nuwa the Great Emperor is a woman, and Huan Yixian is likely to become the tenth Great Emperor and the second female Emperor of the Desolate Ancient Era.

It can be said that among the women that Ying Zheng has seen now, she is the most talented woman, even if the scope of 'women' is extended to everyone, Ying Zheng has not seen a person comparable to her.

Don't look at Huan Qianxian who is soft and weak in front of Huan Zheng, like a little daughter-in-law, but she is known as a ruthless person in the outside world.

Her weakness is only for Yingzheng.

Just as she said to Ying Zheng four hundred years ago, she wants to be a woman who is proud of the past and the present, fighting with the heavens, the earth, and herself, not with extraordinary talents, but relying on her own strength, she will kill all the kings and become independent of the nine heavens.

She did it, she was a mortal body, she had no good inheritance, but she came to the point where she is now, becoming the worst enemy of all those who are interested in preaching, and becoming one of the most powerful people at that time.

Her opponents almost have a heaven-defying physique, a powerful inheritance, the best exercises, and endless resources.

There are Yuan Spirit Body, Innate Dao Fetus, Heavenly Demon Body, Human King Body, Dark Body, Chaos Body, Tai Shang Immortal Body, Primitive Demon Body, Sun God Body...

However, these people with anti-heavenly physiques were all crushed by the Immortals.

This is not that Huan Xian claims to be a fairy, but everyone admits that there is indeed a woman on their head who presses them.

This is a fact and cannot be justified.

Four hundred years ago, Huan Xian Immortal was just a mortal body who had just arrived in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, and his physique in the mortal body was considered good, but that was all.

After a hundred years, the Golden World entered the most glorious period, and most of those Tianjiao were already fighting in the Saint Realm or the Saint King Realm, and at this time, the Winning Immortals were able to enter the Sendai Realm.

At this time, she was still a "woman who won the reign of the Ancient Holy Body" among others.

After another hundred years, the Tianjiao had already entered the Saint King or Great Saint Realm, and at this time, the Heavenly Immortals had accumulated thick and thin, and actually entered the King Realm, crossing three steps in just a hundred years.

At this time, Huan Xian entered everyone's sight, and at this time, in some people, she was no longer a "woman who won the government of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body", she was called Huan Xian Immortal, but that's all.

After another hundred years, the golden world was in full swing, the Tianjiao entered the quasi-emperor realm, and the final result of the path of preaching would soon be divided.

At this time, all the Tianjiao raised a feeling like a glow on their backs, looking back, huh? How did someone catch up? How is this a woman?

Before they could react, this woman was already on par with them, and then beat them with a blue nose and a swollen face.

Immediately afterwards, this woman went farther and farther in their gaze, surpassing them, although they were all Tianjiao, they couldn't catch up, and could only watch a woman press them.

Huan Xian was silent for a moment, and said faintly: "I know, you can preach a long time ago." "

Huan Zheng laughed: "Don't you say that the more perfect you polish in the Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens, the farther the path of preaching will go?" "

Huan Yixian poured his body down, and put his head in Huan Zheng's arms: "In the first four hundred years, you were my dependency, and in the future, I will be your dependency." "

Huan Zheng raised his eyebrows: "Then I won't eat soft rice?" "

Huan Yixian straightened up, his willow eyebrows upturned, murderous: "Who dares to gossip!" "

Huan Zheng cried and laughed: "With you as a 'ruthless person', who dares to gossip, don't die?" "

Huan Yixian snorted coldly: "They don't dare, you can eat soft rice, that's you have the ability to eat..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, she glanced at Huan Zheng carefully, buried her face in Huan Zheng's arms, and the urn sounded angry, a little shy: "I didn't mean this, I didn't mean that you eat soft... Oops, in short, whoever gossips, I will kill his whole family! "

"Master, the uncles are here..."

Ning Taixian walked in with a big grin, and before he finished a sentence, when he saw Huan Yixian, he was immediately suffocated, and became respectful: "Master, the uncles have arrived in the front hall." "

Although Ying Zheng did not accept them as disciples, they all called Huan Zheng Master, and Ying Zheng was not strict, so they admired Ying Zheng more than they were in awe, and in the face of Shi Niang, they had nine points of awe and one point of admiration.

Ning Taixian has always been a big grin in front of Ying Zheng, but as long as Huan Xian is there, he does not dare to be presumptuous at all, and respectful people can't fault it.


A stream of light fell on the sacred mountain, and some people were surprised and asked the elder: "Master, why do we climb up, he can fly up?" "

Master said in a low voice: "She is the owner of this sacred mountain, of course she can fly up." "

What flew up was a fairy-like, peerless demeanor, holding a small boy about two or three years old.

The woman walked straight into the front hall, and several people in the front hall looked at her strangely, at this time, Huan Zheng and Huan Yixian walked in side by side, and when they saw the woman, their faces froze, and their hearts trembled:

It's over, it's the Asura field again.

Ji Chengkong, Zhang Kongpan, Jiang Futian's face twitched, looking like he wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh.

Ying Zheng said angrily: "If you want to laugh, laugh." "


The three of them immediately burst into maniacal laughter, and the hall was filled with their laughter.

"Congratulations to Brother Win, happy to have a son."

Ji Chengkong said with a smile.

"Oh, it's a pity I didn't bring enough gifts today." Zhang Kong's face was full of bad smiles.

Jiang Futian walked next to the little boy and pinched the little boy's face: "Gee, it's really like a brother, the tiger father has no dog son." "

What kind of characters the three of them are, at a glance, you can see that the little boy has the blood of winning politics, and there is no such 'happy son' bridge.

"Call Daddy."

Yanjia Blue touched the little boy's head.

The little boy was curious and envious, and looked at Ying Zheng with a little timidity, and his voice was soft: "Dad." "

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