No wonder she was able to attract so many Tianjiao under her pomegranate skirt back then.

After this flower was taken off by Ying Zheng, I don't know how many men beat their chests, went crazy with jealousy of Ying Zheng, and caused a lot of trouble for Ying Zheng.

Red face and misfortune is to describe such a woman.

"Since you forced me like this."

Huan Zheng sighed and was honest: "I don't like your Miao'an's desire to refuse and return the means of returning." "

"Then you came to provoke me later."

Yanjia Blue pursed her red lips and was disgusted.

"What a fragrance." Ying Zheng has a long center of gravity.

Smoky Blue: "?????? "

On a white jade table, the delicacies were tempting, the wine was fragrant, and the smoke was blue and pouring wine, she held the jade cup in her hand, took a sip, leaned on Ying Zheng, and passed the wine to Ying Zheng.

Dreamy, mesmerized.

Ying Zheng held her delicate body, it was difficult to resist such a temptation, and fell on the bed............

"Mother, mother..."

Win's childish voice sounded, followed by footsteps in the attic.

The two who almost blended looked at each other, and Yan Jialan hurriedly pushed away Ying Zheng, sorted out his clothes, and resumed his dignified appearance.

Ying Zheng wants to cry without tears, all the last step, gone?

I am the strongest person in the world.

I'm a man too.

The two-year-old boy climbed up with little short legs, holding a purple spirit fruit the size of a fist, and the other holding a half-eaten spirit fruit.

This is a kind of spirit fruit produced only on the sacred mountain, the flesh is tender and watery, sweet and fragrant, and most people like to eat it.

"Father is there."

The little guy raised the half-eaten fruit in his hand and took another bite, enjoying the deliciousness of the spirit fruit, his big eyes were bent into a crescent moon, and two small dimples appeared on his small face.

"Mother, father, this spirit fruit is really delicious, give it to you."

His cheeks bulged and he said vaguely.

Huan Zheng squatted down and smiled: "But you only have one spirit fruit, and your father and mother have two, who do you give it to?" "

Yanjia Lan glanced, this bad guy...

The little guy stopped chewing and looked at Ying Zheng with big eyes, and then at Yanjia Blue, very embarrassed.

"How about giving your mother your left hand intact, and giving me a bite if your right hand is not finished?"

The little guy hesitated, nodded reluctantly, handed the intact spirit fruit to Yanjia Lan, and handed the half-eaten spirit fruit to Huan Zheng's mouth.

Huan Zheng opened his mouth and bit down, the little guy looked at the spirit fruit that was directly bitten nine tenths on his hand and doubted life, after a few seconds, the little guy's mouth pouted, his big eyes were full of tears, and he was about to cry.

Having a child is not used to play, then what else to give birth.

"If a child eats this spirit fruit and cries again, he will be caught by a ghost." Ying Zheng said solemnly while chewing the spirit fruit.


The little one's eyes widened, and his tear-filled eyes became even more watery.

"What kind of ghost?"

The little one also seemed to feel the seriousness of the matter and did not dare to cry anymore.

Huan Zheng thought for a while and said, "It's the kind of ghost who is very fierce, ugly, and can eat children." "


"I'm afraid!"

The little guy immediately threw himself into Ying Zheng's arms, but raised his head slightly, afraid and curious: "And what?" "

Huan Zheng blinked his eyes: "The fierce and ugly ghost is wrapped in egg liquid, glued with breadcrumbs, and fried in the pan until golden brown and crispy and fished out, the old people and children love to eat, and the children next door are hungry and crying." "

The little guy swallowed his saliva, looked left and right, and said to himself: "Why hasn't the ghost come yet?" "

Saying that, the little guy left the embrace of Ying Zheng and walked around the house, his little face was slightly wrinkled, pale, his body trembled slightly, and he was afraid and did not run away.

Yan Jialan watched her son spin around and said curiously: "Yan Huan, what are you doing?" "

The little one trembled, "I want to lure the ghost out." "

"What are you doing luring ghosts out?"

Yanjia Lan was a little funny, with the two of them, even if there were any ghosts hiding 108,000 miles away.

The little guy was scared with a hint of seriousness, tiptoed to Yan Jialan's side, and whispered: "Father said that ghosts like to catch children who eat spirit fruits and cry, I cried just now, the ugly and fierce ghost is wrapped in egg liquid, glued with breadcrumbs, fried until golden brown and crispy and oil-controlled and fished out, it's delicious to think about..."

Yan Jialan couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, and gave Ying Zheng a fierce look.

Look at what you have taught your son to be.

It's all a foodie!

Ying Zhengfu sighed, I actually gave birth to a foodie.

Even ghosts want to eat.

In order to eat ghosts, he actually used himself as bait regardless of the danger, and such determination and perseverance were actually used in eating.

The little guy is actually a congenital Dao fetal holy body, born extraordinary, and has the cultivation of a saint king as soon as he is born, but he was sealed by his mother as soon as he was born.

Yanjia Blue was in Miaoluan when she was a baby, and she didn't know who her parents were.

I started cultivating when I was just able to walk.

Before leaving Miaoluan and going to the outside world, her life had nothing else except cultivation, and her seven emotions and six desires were suppressed.

He didn't want his son to only have boring cultivation, so the two-year-old Ying Yanhuan had not yet embarked on the path of cultivation.

Except that the body is much stronger than the average two-year-old, there is no difference.

After waiting for a long time, using himself as bait did not lead to ghosts, the little one gave up in frustration and left the attic by himself.

This night, the attic was shaking all the time.


Wandering unhurriedly.

"Over the past few hundred years, some sporadic memories have popped up in my mind. It's just a pity that it's too fragmentary to calculate anything, and the appearance of memory is immediate and irregular. "

"However, the First Emperor Sutra is undoubtedly a part of the memory, worthy of the name of the Emperor Sutra, if it were not for this, I would not be able to complete the Holy Body in less than four hundred years."

Everywhere he went, one by one the children offered courtesy to Ying Zheng.

The immortal nature is cold, whether it is a disciple or a subordinate or a follower, there is no one.

Therefore, hundreds of people on the sacred mountain, all of them were followers of Ying Zheng, and they were actually named disciples.

When the government is interested, he will give some pointers.

Ying Zheng has the strongest name in the world, even if it is only a slight point, it is enough to make people break through the shackles, and often make people look forward to the autumn water.

Ignoring the pitiful disciples along the way, after a while, Ying Zheng stopped next to a spiritual spring.

The general palm-sized spirit spring is the treasure of the town sect in ordinary small sects, and this spiritual spring is ten miles wide.

It was not transferred by the government of victory, but was conceived by the sacred mountain itself.

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