Wu Qiancheng's face turned pale, the corners of his eyes jumped wildly, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Did he really cut out the calamity?

"Yingzheng, be careful, he is very strong."

Xi Yuxi said softly.

The white-clothed creature did not make another move, and it may have been sealed for millions of years, and its thoughts were a little dull, as if it was thinking about something.

After about ten breaths, the white-clothed creature walked out of the divine source, his face was very handsome, and the white clothes were fluttering, like an immortal, standing there, there was an air of self-respect.

"How many years have it been..."

He muttered softly, his gaze as deep as an abyss, sweeping in all directions, and his power was throbbing.

"Huh? Person! "

The man in white suddenly shook his body, looked at Ying Zheng, and saw that his eyes were like stars and moons, with an aura and momentum that surpassed the heavens, like the ruler of the heavens and realms, a heavenly emperor, invincible for nine heavens and ten lands.

The next moment, the face of the white clothed man changed wildly, as if he saw something terrifying, he couldn't help but take a few steps back, and said in a lost voice:

"You! You! You...... You...... Who are you...... How is it possible..."

Seeing Ying Zheng, he seemed to see something he couldn't believe, which made him lose his sense of proportion so powerful.

Huan Zheng frowned slightly: "Who are you." "

Hearing Yu Zheng's words, the man in white suddenly calmed down a lot, and whispered to himself: "Yes, it can't be... It's not surprising that there are two similar-looking people in the world..."

"Who are you!" Ying Zheng's tone was aggravated.

The white-clothed man's eyes narrowed slightly: "As you said, Ning Fei." "

The Jade Void Sect was like a thunderbolt: "It's really the first god general!" "

Ying Zheng ignored him and said lightly: "You have many questions? "

Ning Fei nodded: "You also have a problem. "


Entering the room, Ning Fei's eyes paused on Huan Yixian, and he couldn't help but admire: "What a stunning woman." "

Win is expressionless.

"I see me and seem to think of something, who am I like?"

Ning Fei stared at Ying Zheng, there was still horror in his eyes, and slowly exhaled: "You should know that I am the Immortal Emperor sitting down as a god general, and in the Emperor Dojo, there is a painting hanging from beginning to end, and that painting is only one person, exactly the same as you." "

"The emperor has great respect for the person in the painting, even if it is only a painting, even if the emperor is at the top of the picture, and all races respect it, the figure in the painting still seems to be the person he respects the most."

Ning Fei's gaze was faint, and he seemed to return to the primeval era: "Once I couldn't help but ask him who the person in the painting was, the emperor sighed and didn't speak, but I saw a flash of Ru Mu. "

Only Ning Fei knew how shocked and shocked he was when he saw Ying Zheng.

What kind of person is the Immortal Emperor, and the paintings he personally made are full of spirit and lifelike.

Just now, he explained that the person in the painting and Yingzheng are only similar in appearance, and there are two similar flowers in the world.

But now he knew that the explanation did not make sense, because the spirit he felt from Ying Zheng was very similar to the person in the painting.

There are two similar flowers, but it is impossible to have the same bones, stamens, corolla, and pedicels.

"Painting of the Immortal Emperor."

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, thinking in his heart.

He inexplicably felt that the painting might have something to do with his memory.

It's an intuition.

But what exactly it has to do is a mystery.

"Unless I can meet the Immortal Emperor, or the memories in my mind recover more."

Huan Zheng looked at Ning Fei, who was puzzled: "What's your problem?" "

Ning Fei said, "What do you have to do with the person in the painting?" "

Huan Zheng said lightly: "I learned all the information in this painting from your mouth, what do you say?" "

"You are not sealed in the Divine Source."

Ying Zheng shook his head: "I am a person in the world, not a god born." "

"How long is it since the time of the emperor now."

Ying Zheng thought for a while: "I don't know the specific age, at least tens of millions of years." "

"She's not born yet."

Ning Fei looked at the sky through the window and muttered to himself, a warm smile appeared on his face.

The smile is the same as when I first saw the girl.

The girl stood under her subordinates, throwing flowers and smiling, and the smile warmed his heart.

So beautiful.

So warm.

No amount of beautiful words could describe her beauty in his heart.

He is the first god general, invincible in the world, the princesses of all races let him take what he wants, and there are many more beautiful than her, but his heart is too small, and he can only accommodate her.

Ning Fei said softly.

"Can you do me a favor?"


"Reseal me as a divine source in the future." Ning Fei said sincerely.

Ying Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly: "You were suppressed by the Immortal Emperor in his era, and you couldn't become enlightened, in this era, there are no people who suppress you, why don't you become enlightened?" "

Ning Fei smiled: "Preaching? What good is it about preaching? Might as well hold her hand. After preaching, she could not be sealed into the divine source, and her life expectancy was only tens of thousands of years, how could she see her when she was born? If the road to Chengxian is not opened, she will not be born. "

"Your love, too humble."

Ning Fei's expression remained unchanged: "Whether it is humble or sublime, it has nothing to do with me." "

Ying Zheng nodded: "Now you can seal the town for a maximum of 100,000 years, if you want to seal the town for a little longer, you may have to wait for a later time." "

Such a quasi-emperor who can fight supremely, if he wants to seal him for a long time, with the current strength of Ying Zheng, he is still unable to do so, unless Ying Zheng preaches the Dao or Ying Yi Immortal preachs, he can be sealed into the Divine Source again waiting for the woman he is waiting for.

"Thank you."

Ning Fei opened his mouth to thank him.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

In the past ten years, Ying Zheng traveled to many places, trying to find all the secrets of the immortal emperor, but found nothing, and was about to go to the next place, but received news from Ying Xian Xian.

"My Word is complete."

Seeing Huan Zheng's first words, Huan Yixian's words surprised him slightly.

The time was faster than expected.

Huan Yixian chuckled, "It may be because of the destruction of the Feather God Dynasty, and the speed of Dao consummation is much faster. "

"Although you cross the calamity, I will protect the way for you, and will not let people disturb you to cross the calamity."

Huan Zheng's eyes flickered, and it was not only Tianjiao, who was fighting with her, but also the Forbidden Zone Supreme who wanted to stop Huan Xiandu from robbing the Dao.

According to time calculations, the life essence they plundered last time they launched the black hole turmoil is about to be exhausted, and in order to continue to survive and wait for the so-called immortal road, they will definitely be born again and plunder the life essence of the universe.

If a great emperor appears, it will definitely stop them from plundering the essence of life.

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