"Thank you Emperor."

The crocodile ancestor's flesh will allow him to live at least a few hundred more years.

When the old monk's qi and blood are abundant, he may be able to stabilize the old monk, but unfortunately, now that his life expectancy is exhausted, his qi and blood are decaying, and he is no longer a crocodile ancestor's opponent, hunting the demon saint to extend his life with the blood and flesh of the demon saint, he is also powerless.

At that time, Shakyamuni set up eighteen levels of hell. Suppressed the eighteen giants in the universe, bloody and murderous like crocodile ancestors, powerful as the Great Cheng Holy Body of the gods, which one is easy?

As soon as he entered the first layer of hell, Ying Zheng found that this was a yin and yang prison, divided into two layers, restraining and complementing each other, which was a wonderful idea.

Using the natural forces of heaven and earth to suppress eighteen demons for two thousand years.

Some of the great demons that Shakyamuni suppressed have already sat down, and some are still alive.

These big demons have just got out of trouble, and without exception, they all made a big move against Ying Zheng, but they were suppressed by Ying Zheng and suppressed by Huan Zheng, a lesson, honestly followed Ying Zheng, and did not dare to rebel.

Shakyamuni's suppression of them actually wanted to temper them, but if he could wear out their ferocity, only two thousand years had passed, and he would strike a big deal as soon as he came out.

In other words, these big demons have some problems with their brains.

I didn't know that it was like that.

Or was it locked up for two thousand years and became like this.

The last eighteen layers of hell, a total of thirteen great demons who were still alive, were cleaned up by Yingzheng, and realized that Yingzheng was an even more terrifying existence than Shakyamuni.

The highest strength of the thirteen great demons was the Quasi-Emperor Triple Heaven, and it took a lot of effort for Shakyamuni to suppress him that year.

This is an ancient bird, full of fiery red feathers, turned into a Taoist robe and wore on his body, and he came up to fight a decisive battle with Ying Zheng, because he knew that if he did not fight, he would be subdued and it would be difficult to get out.

?“ An old rooster should be known as a mountain phoenix, the bloodline is revived, it is rare to resist in the demon clan in the world, and he was undefeated in his life before encountering a bald head, and today he has encountered a big setback. "

"The old rooster is unlucky, and his heart is proud, but he always meets the strongest and presses him."

"For these two thousand years, the old rooster has always shouted about Shakyamuni's bald donkey's means, otherwise he would have suppressed Shakyamuni????."

Other demons whispered, some gloated, had suffered from him back then, and were happy to see him deflated.

The black king yang in hell is extremely large, a hundred and ten times wider than a star field, lifeless, lifeless, no fish in the sea, and no demons. It was a dead sea, silent.

The seemingly dead and silent Dead Sea is attacked from time to time by demons, who are half-alive and half-dead, radiating with the breath of death and decay.

It's just that the strength is not strong, and even these big demons who have just escaped from trouble can easily deal with it. Wang Yang, there is no water, and the Hanhai is covered above, separating the water.

Densely packed, there were bones everywhere, and the cold bodies of living beings were everywhere.

.“ There are even those who have fallen here. "

There are countless broken soldiers and remnant flags on the ground, and there is no lack of quasi-imperial weapons, although the destroyed ones cannot be used, and even the divinity of the materials has disappeared, but it can be seen that it is definitely quasi-imperial soldiers.

The closer to the core area, the more tragic the battlefield, the bones on the ground are endless, the land is black and red, this is made of countless blood mud and residual blood, in that level of battle, it is difficult to have corpses left, it will inevitably become a blood mist.

In the most core area, there were actually a bunch of stump limbs and broken arms of the existence of the imperial road, which made those big demons creepy and couldn't help but approach Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, his eyes shone brightly, breaking through the fog, so that the entire hall lit up, and the fog dispersed.

Below the hall there was a fiery red egg, emitting a soft light, this egg was suspended in midair, trembling slightly, as if the heart was beating.


The thirteen great demons swallowed their saliva almost at the same time, their eyes were full of greed, if it weren't for the presence of Ying Zheng, they would immediately fight and snatch this egg.

The life qi emitted by this egg is rich, and even the vitality of the Great Emperor is far less than the vitality of this egg.

If a great emperor exists, if he swallows this egg, his life will be extended by 780,000 years, and the life expectancy will be extended by 100,000 years.

No wonder there are ancient emperors outside, and the great emperor has a fight.

That pile of stump limbs and broken arms belonged to three different emperors, ancient emperors.

Of course, Ying Zheng is basically certain that those are the three supremes.

Since he became the supreme with a slash, he could only survive and easily did not dare to break the seal.

And swallowing this egg, you can immediately restore your heyday, no longer need to survive and self-style.

What a temptation this was for those supremes, and it was no wonder that such a fierce war would occur.

The three supremes died together, and seven or eight quasi-emperors died.

It is also temptation that blinds the mind, and the three of them divide the extension of life for 20,000 or 30,000 years, where is it compared to the previous person who exclusively extends life by 100,000 years?

Those supremes probably all wanted to monopolize this egg, and they ended up fighting together.

Of course, this egg is not necessarily just something that others want.

It is likely that behind the death of the three supremes is the means of this egg.

"Whew... Phew..."

The thirteen great demons were breathing heavier and heavier, their eyes were getting redder, and it seemed that they would burst into snatch in the next moment.

At this moment, Ying Zheng snorted softly, like billions of thunders exploding in his ears, thirteen big demons and a stirring spirit, instantly sobered up, only then sounded, there was a big guy in front of him.


Presumptuous in front of this big guy, isn't that looking for death?

They knew very well that this was a much more terrifying existence than Shakyamuni, and suppressing them thirteen was nothing more than a hand-to-hand.

"This egg... What kind of egg is it? Why is the life essence so rich? Provoke the Supreme to die together. "

One by one, the thirteen great demons glared and were full of surprise.

Huan Zheng said lightly: "Outside the supreme, the quasi-emperor has been devoured by him and flesh and blood, you still want to beat the attention of this egg, are you tired of living?" "

"What! All devoured by this egg? "

The voices of the great demons are unnatural, and if it weren't for Ying Zheng here, I'm afraid they would also end up with the same fate as them.

"It's terrible!" Can make the Great Saint Capital say this, the body is cold, you can see what a terrifying scene you see and see. This egg has a demonic power that affects people's minds and can't help but fight for it, and the thirteen demons have been affected by it before.

The demonic power and extremely rich life essence made even the Supreme have to fight hard.

"This egg is transforming, and the more flesh and blood it absorbs, the faster it transforms." A big demon trembled.

Which of the ten demons is not a peak master, they have experienced too much, and they can understand the horror of this place through a little bit, and some things are not something they can touch. _

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