"The hope of becoming an immortal?"

Ying Zheng shook his head, if people knew that there was no immortal world in the Sky Covering World, there were no immortals, only the crippled immortal domain, I don't know if those who spent their entire lives, gave everything, pursued a lifetime, just to become immortals knew, would they go crazy on the spot.

Those so-called paths to becoming immortals are only leading to the crippled immortal domain, but there is indeed a long biomass in the incomplete immortal domain, which can make people immortal, but they cannot make people immortal and eternal.

In the Sky Covering World, there are only red dust fairies equivalent to immortals.

The so-called hope of becoming an immortal was obtained by the Feather God Dynasty 300,000 years ago, trying to conceive it, capturing Ying Zheng, who had lost his memory, and causing the Feather God Dynasty to fall with a bang.

"The entire galaxy is rumored to have been large a million years ago." The hundred-footed insect said softly.

Ying Zheng paced in the solar system and heard this: "This planet is even larger than Beidou and Ziwei, but together with the solar system, it has been sealed, shrinking by a million or even tens of millions of times. "


Voyager 2 is an unmanned outer space probe launched in 1977 at the Kennedy Space Center.

It carries a gilded record with the theme "Greetings to the Universe", containing some popular music and greetings recorded in the fifty-five languages of the earth, in the hope that one day it will be intercepted and received by a possible alien civilization.

From the seventies to the present, Voyager II has been traveling alone, and it is as small as a speck of dust in the vast universe.

Most of the contemporaneous outer space probes have either failed or have lost signal contact and disappeared forever in the silent universe.

More than thirty years have passed, science and technology are constantly developing, human beings have developed more advanced outer space probes, and perhaps the exploration of the starry sky will achieve further development in the near future.

But even so, for a long time, the new outer space probe still cannot keep up with Voyager 2.

More than three decades later, Voyager 2 is already 14 billion kilometers from Earth.

At this moment, it has reached the third cosmic speed, and its orbit can no longer guide it back to the solar system, becoming an interstellar spacecraft.

In the dark and cold universe, the stars are dotted, like crystal diamonds set on the black screen.

Although the Voyager 2 space probe is flying at great speed, it is like a small ant crawling slowly on the dark earth in the cold and boundless universe.

More than thirty years have passed, and it has not yet flown out of the solar system.

It can be seen that the universe is too big and too big for the earthlings.


They had been monitoring the information sent back by Voyager II, and just today, they saw a terrifying image.

At this moment, everyone in the main monitoring room of NASA changed color at the same time, and finally remained motionless like a wooden clay sculpture, and they were shocked to the point of being beyond belief!

This is another shocking picture since Kowloon pulled the coffin a few years ago!

It wasn't until a long time later that everyone came back to their senses, and then the main monitoring room suddenly boiled.

"Fourteen people!"


"There are actually fourteen people walking naked in the universe!"

"Oh my God, is it God?"

"God is coming?"

Ying Zheng looked around the solar system, and finally found that the core of the sealed solar system was on Earth, and that place was Kunlun Mountain.

Several of the most powerful countries on the planet discovered these fourteen people at the first time and blocked the news at the first time.


Majestic Kunlun, magnificent and vast, across Liuhe, vertical pressure eight wilderness, boundless.

Kunlun Mountain is the first mountain of the Ninety-nine Dragon Mountains, the most vast and huge, through the seal, Ying Zheng can see that each mountain peak is high and scary, directly piercing into the depths of the universe, clouds around the fog lock, like chaotic qi pervasive, full of the initial qi of heaven and earth.

If you soar to the sky, you can generally understand that this is a sleeping dragon, and countless huge mountains are the spine bones of the great dragon, lying horizontally and crossly, and the weather is varied.

Ying Zheng sighed slightly: "The emperor's hand is big enough, but the last step was cut off by the immortal emperor, so far he can only survive." "


A green glow flashed, and a burst of fragrance floated out.

"Half-step immortal medicine!"

When a demon saw it, he raised his foot to catch up, but immediately thought of a boss beside him, and stopped abruptly.

This is a He Shou Wu, an ancient medicine that moves with the help of the earth's veins, and it has become a fine, shining green, and the medicinal fragrance is intoxicating.

Qingxia flickered, it was emitted by its vines and leaves, this old medicine plant was extremely fast, the rhizome was like an old man, the moment he saw Ying Zheng's group, his expression was terrified, and he quickly fled.

Huan Zheng lightly stretched out his hand, and this half-step immortal medicine arrived in Huan Zheng's hands.

This He Shou Wuteng leaf bicui, golden roots, old face, frightened expression, was caught by Ying Zheng in his hands, handed over his hands one after another, begging Ying Zheng to spare his life,

Three or four strains of such a half-step immortal medicine together are comparable to a real immortal medicine, extremely precious, small, and do not let these big demons be Great Sages or Quasi-Emperors still have such hot eyes.

He Shou Wulao fell in tears, bowed to Ying Zheng, pleaded bitterly, and spread a vague consciousness, asking Ying Zheng to let him live.

This kind of divine grass is like the medicine of immortality, it is difficult to give birth to a powerful divine consciousness, the medicine body can live forever, but it does not have the Dao practice of heaven, and it cannot protect itself.

But even the weakest consciousness has the intention of survival.

Ying Zheng ignored it, put it in a cornucopia, and in an instant copied ten He Shou Wu.

After walking around the Kunlun Mountains, I encountered several half-step immortal medicines, copied them and released them.

The big demon around him was extremely surprised, but he did not dare to give birth to half an objection.

City B.

This is the city where Ye Fan has lived for more than twenty years.

An old courtyard from the last century, old but charming, surrounded by large woodland and an artificial lake.

In the courtyard, two old men sat dumbfounded, one old man unconsciously rubbed the photo album with his fingers, and the other old man was diary, tears falling and wet the paper.

"I saw Xiao Fan again in a trance, and saw him come back, but when I woke up, I found that there was nothing, just some cold tears on my face..."

"It's another rainy day, the joints hurt a little, and the person is really old. It was very cold at home, and hearing the crying of the neighbor's children, I thought of Xiaofan again when he was a child. "

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