"Only a great emperor, no matter who is his enemy, no one will ever worry about him, listening to his past, watching his experience, it is really destroying the decay, sweeping everything, all the way to the end!" No matter who he encountered, the Great Emperor was all wiped out in a war, and there was no suspense at all, suppressed to the end. "

"In the end, Ti Wuxi is a synonym for invincibility, heaven and earth, sweeping nine heavens and ten earths, no one dares to attack in the era when he is alive, even if it is the supreme in the forbidden area of life, they are all lurking."

"From ancient to modern times, the era when the Forbidden Zone Supreme is truly lurking, except for the era of the First Emperor, is the era of the Great Emperor."

Ye Fan clenched his fists, I don't know why, as soon as he heard the deeds of the First Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor and the Beginningless Emperor, he was always very excited, and his heart was surging beyond words.

At this moment, he couldn't wait to immediately return to the era when the First Emperor and the Beginningless Emperor were invincible, and see all this with his own eyes.

The Black Emperor's expression suddenly darkened: "But I know that the Beginningless Emperor preached, and even after the invincible nine days and ten lands, he was not happy, he just wanted to find his parents." "

Ye Fan's heart trembled.

"Forget it, don't say it."

The Black Emperor was excited and walked forward.


After searching for a long time, but still did not find the Western Emperor Sutra, Ye Fan's face was not good, staring at the big black dog: "There is no Xuanfa here at all, even if there is, it is just some ordinary techniques, you won't be fooling me, right?" If I don't find the Western Emperor Sutra, I won't show you the Beginning Sutra. "

His Dao Palace Realm has been completed, but he doesn't know why he can't open the next page of the Beginningless Sutra, and can't spy on the exercises of the Four Extremes Realm, so he came to find the Western Emperor Sutra.

The big black dog snorted coldly: "Didn't I say that even if you see the Western Emperor Sutra, you may not be able to distinguish it, and you need to figure it out slowly." "

"Found it, here!" The big black dog shouted, and it was transmitted in the middle of the night, and the echo was bursting. Ye Fan came to the front after a few ups and downs, this stone mountain was majestic, but there was no so-called scripture, and it was bare.


"This mountain is part of the scriptures, and whether you can get it depends on your creation." The big black dog replied with his head held high.

"You are perfunctory, casually pointing out a stone mountain and saying that it is the Western Emperor Sutra, how do you want me to believe, can you find the scripture?" Ye Fan questioned. "It depends on your understanding."

The big black dog is branched.

"You don't fool!" Ye Fan glared.

The big black dog was also anxious, and said, "There are definitely some scriptures here, I heard it with my own ears." "What did you hear?" Ye Fan asked. "The stone mountain with a round of heaven has some scriptures, and the stone mountain engraved with an ancient tree has some scriptures..." According to what the big black dog said, the "Western Emperor Sutra" was created, and the Western Imperial Mother carved and scattered this stone mountain while realizing the Dao.

On this cliff, there is indeed a round of blurry days, but the palm is large, even if you look closely, it is difficult to associate that this is artificially carved, very similar to natural formation.

"Such a ring is the so-called Western Emperor Sutra, you won't be joking, right?" The big black dog raised his head, tilted his neck, and said, "This has nothing to do with me, you need to understand it yourself." "

Ye Fan was very skeptical of the big black dog's statement, but he still took out the bodhi seed, sat down, and looked at the sky, in his eyes, the depiction of the day was actually radiant, as if it had really become a big sun.

"There is a change."

Ye Fan's spirit was shocked.

The big black dog was not sure on the side, and said to himself in his heart: "I should remember correctly, the place where the imperial mother realized the Dao was here, but where is the emperor scripture so good, if this kid does not realize, I will say that he has no chance, it's a big deal without a beginning, I don't look at it, and I can't lose face..."

Duan De paced left and right, staring at the sky deadly, his brows locked, but he couldn't see anything mysterious.


Suddenly, the light of the sky rushed up, and the stone cliff rose up for a round of heaven, extremely hot, and Ye Fan was completely engulfed in. The entire stone mountain turned red, the flames soared, the fire burned half of the sky, the red sun hung in the sky, huge and vigorous, Ye Fan was in the middle of the sky, and the treasure was solemn.

The sun is like a mountain, crowding the sky, and the four fields are white, like daylight falling. Ye Fan was in the center of the heavens and the sun, meditating cross-kneeled, motionless, with a quiet demeanor, detached from things, completely immersed in a kind of Dao realm.

That round of slap-sized heavenly days is an unimaginable Dao pattern, containing the imprint of the Western Imperial Mother, even though more than a hundred thousand years have passed, it is still immortal and eternal in the world. Ye Fan's mind was clear, bathed in the fire, the god of the heart was hidden, the fire was as red as the sun, brilliant and soaring into the sky, the candle illuminated the Dao Palace, and there was a piece of light.


The Black Emperor's eyes widened: "This kid really realized the Western Emperor Sutra?" "

Duan De looked dazed: "Why didn't I see anything?" How many pieces of shit did this kid step on? Yes, this kid mixed with the black dog, not to mention stepped on hundreds of pieces of shit, luck against the sky. "

Duan De comforted himself so much in his heart, and suddenly felt a lot better.


"That dream again... I'm going to repeat it again..."

Suddenly, Ye Fan's heart was shocked:

"It's not a repetition, I can see the back..."


Beidou seemed to be about to fall apart, the ancient forbidden land collapsed, a giant rose up into the sky, his hair was golden and shining, and the shining man could not open his eyes, and he roared fiercely:

"A pack of rats! If you wait for the First Emperor, the ruthless emperor and dare to be born before the disappearance of the ruthless emperor, I will still wait for a few points, and now, Er is ashamed to be an ancient emperor! "

"It's useless to talk more, rats or warriors, we are the ultimate winners."

In the cold universe, there is a voice full of coldness, which is unforgettable hatred.

They have been suppressed by the First Emperor and the ruthless emperor for 50,000 years, and they can be said to hate them to the bone.

The days of being a rat are not good.


This golden giant rose up in the sky, blocking several supremes, and a great war broke out.

"You are old, the peak is not there, how many can you block, how long can you block?" The voice is cold and cruel.

"Give it a try and see how many I can drag on the road." Dacheng Holy Body roared, fought bloodily, and his golden hair was shining, although his body was destroyed due to the ominous occurrence, but there was still a pride that swallowed mountains and rivers, making people feel a kind of majesty.

"That's why your life is dying, but we can live forever, you don't know how to be flexible."

The Eucharist laughed, full of sarcasm: "What is the point of being a mouse, even if it is eternal? "

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