Stepping out of the restricted area, an old man sat in front,

"Cough..." In the distance, there was an old and violent coughing sound, as if he was about to vomit out his heart, and after a while, he let out a sigh and slowly leaned against the boulder.

"Qingdi, long time up."

"It's me." The thin old man nodded.

Simple questions and answers, very bland, but if it is passed out, it will definitely shock eternity, the legendary Green Emperor is still in the human world, and has not died completely, which is different from what the world knows!

The light of Ying Zheng's eyes fell on a strand of his hair, and at the end of the hair was an ancient tower with a knuckle length.

"The Barren Heaven Emperor's Barren Pagoda is truly extraordinary."

With such eyes, he recognized at a glance that this was an immortal weapon far superior to the imperial soldiers, and it was also the greatest treasure of the Middle East Wilderness.

It's a pity that this immortal weapon is already incomplete, and it is very badly damaged, stronger than the imperial soldiers, but also limited.

"The mutilation is too great, otherwise I would have fallen to such a point."

The Green Emperor sighed slightly: "Daoyou even knows about the Barren Heavenly Emperor? "

Huan Zheng said with a smile: "Arbitrarily dictating the Ancient Desolate Heavenly Emperor, it is not an exaggeration to say that this piece of heaven was created by the Barren Heavenly Emperor. "


The Qing Emperor was slightly surprised: "I only know that the Barren Tower belongs to the Barren Heaven Emperor, but the others don't know, it turns out that Daoist friends know so much." "

Ying Zheng just smiled slightly, without saying much.

"It is said that the first emperor is the first emperor of all ages, I didn't believe it before, but now that I see it, I know that the legend is true." The Green Emperor slowly got up.

Huan Zheng said: "The only enlightened person in 100,000 years after the desolate ancient world, Taoist friends are also extraordinary. "

Even if all the Tianzun, the ancient emperor, and the great emperor are put together, the green emperor is the kind that can be ranked first.

Being able to master an immortal artifact can prove a lot.

Although the Barren Tower is broken, it is better than all the imperial soldiers.

The Green Emperor ruffled the white hair in front of him and revealed his true face, this was an old man with a clear face, full of gray hair, a long figure, deep eyes, and a wise brilliance that was insightful in all things.

The green emperor's eyes fluctuated: "Daoist friends have become immortals, hundreds of thousands of years, the demeanor is still the same, but I don't know whether this road is right or wrong." "

He was originally an immortal elixir in heaven and earth, his body was a chaotic green lotus, rooted in a piece of green copper in the Immortal Pool, and then he cut off the characteristics of the immortal elixir, turned into a cultivator, and became an emperor in the post-desolate era, how powerful, but now he is dying of old age, surviving, suspecting that his path is wrong.

The Green Emperor took down the Barren Pagoda and softly expounded his Dao.

Now maybe only the Barren Tower and the Immortal Bell can accommodate his Yuan God, he suppressed the gods in the Barren Tower, opened up a small god domain there, and wanted to evolve to the Immortal Domain, he wanted to open up an immortal realm that could live forever in this world.

I have to say that the Green Emperor is amazing in ancient and modern times, and he is really too powerful, and he wants to evolve the Immortal Domain World that the Ancient Emperor longs for with his own strength.

Do not seek people, do not borrow the power of external heavens, but create and create a true immortal domain by yourself, amazing and against the sky!

"It was just a failed world, in the barren tower, although my life passed slowly, but after all, it was consumed day by day, and when I returned to the world one day, it would prove that this road would not work, and that was when it was my last attempt."

"Maybe I should have followed the path of red dust and immortals."

The Green Emperor let out a long sigh.

Huan Zheng shook his head slightly: "Your way may not be wrong, have you ever thought that this piece of heaven and earth is inherently incomplete, in the crippled world, how to open up a complete world?" "

The method of covering the sky has obvious advantages over the laws of many worlds in the heavens and realms, but the incompleteness of the heaven-shading world makes it difficult for the cultivators of the heaven-shading cultivator, and even powerful beings such as the Great Emperor can only live for tens of thousands of years.

If the sky is a complete world, it may not be impossible to evolve a perfect world.

The world that evolved failed is not that the Green Emperor is too weak, even if this world is a red dust fairy, even if it is evolved by the government of victory, most of them are failures.

"Heaven and earth are crippled... Heaven and earth are crippled... Heaven and earth are crippled..."

The Green Emperor muttered, "According to what Daoist friends said, the Barren Heaven Emperor created a crippled world? "


Ying Zheng shook his head: "I only say that the creator of this world is the Barren Heavenly Emperor, not that the Barren Heavenly Emperor evolved a world from scratch like you, but that this world originally belonged to a complete world." "

"So it is."

The Green Emperor let out a long breath, he did not suspect that Ying Zheng had lied to him.

"Maybe in the future I will use the Barren Tower, if I can pull the Barren Heavenly Emperor according to the Barren Tower, maybe the Great Emperor will not accept the risk of Shouyuan."

"Then we'll see."


The months passed quickly.

In the past few months, Ye Fan has thoroughly polished the Dao Palace Realm to perfection, and he can break through and enter the Four Extremes Realm at any time.

And the reason why the Desolate Ancient Holy Body is called a waste body after the Desolate Ancient is because none of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body can break through the four poles after the Desolate Ancient Body.

A few months ago, something happened that shocked Beidou.

First, a great emperor suddenly appeared, and a few days later, a shocking news reached Ye Fan's ears, and the Yin-Yang Sect that had been chasing and killing him was actually wiped out by someone, and all the Yin-Yang Sect disciples were killed.

And there is news that it was the Great Emperor who obliterated the Yin-Yang Sect.

When this news came out, everyone in the major teachings was at risk.

Ye Fan overestimated his disguise, and he was discovered less than ten days after he appeared in the Holy City, but it was strange that there was no old guy who bullied the small again.

This discovery made him a little unscrupulous, not hiding his tracks, and acting wantonly.

One by one, the geniuses of the same realm and even the four extremes realm were defeated by him one by one, and he became famous for the first time, but this time it was not the bad reputation that everyone shouted at before, but the first time he was mentioned with those geniuses.

The news that the Holy Body wants to break through the curse and step into the Four Extremes Realm has also attracted the attention of many forces, and many forces are ready to release their good intentions.

The premise is that Ye Fan can go against the sky.

Ye Fan, who broke through the four poles, is worth investing, behind him, not only stands a god king Jiang Taifu who has attacked the first in four thousand years, but in the eyes of some people with intentions, there is a supreme existence behind him.

That supreme being made people's hearts tremble when they thought of it.

Time flowed, and the divine moon hung high, like a round of gods fixed on the firmament, making the entire ancient city bright, like a white mist rising.

Ye Fan stepped on the moon, and on this night, he was dressed in white, flowing and ethereal, walking calmly, walking in the void.

Black hair danced in the night breeze, clear eyes as clear as a clear spring, he was like a fairy in the world, shrouded in the moon, white clothes out of dust, landing in front of the Dragon Pool.

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