Duan De raised his hand and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I want to steal the tomb of the First Emperor, not the Tomb of the First Emperor!" I know that the First Emperor and the Beginningless Emperor are taboo for you, if I really want to steal the tomb of the First Emperor, I will bring you here?" "

The big black dog closed his mouth and frowned: "Then why is it said to be the tomb of the first emperor?" "

Duan De said grimly: "During the Desolate Ancient Period, the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor sat down and there was the First Emperor Mountain, you wouldn't know it." "

The big black dog snorted coldly: "Of course I know." "

After speaking, the big black dog reacted and stared at Duan De: "What do you mean, there is the tomb of the person from the First Emperor Mountain?" "

Duan De nodded: "That's right!" After many explorations, I finally found the tomb of the people of the First Emperor Mountain, you know, in the desolate period, even if the First Emperor Mountain does not count the First Emperor and the ruthless Emperor, the First Emperor Mountain is also the world's largest strength, how strong the force is, their tomb, there must be a lot of good things. "

The big black dog asked, "How did you detect that the tomb of the people of Shihuangshan was here?" "

Duan De shook his head and said with a smile: "After the mysterious disappearance of the First Emperor Mountain and the Ruthless Emperor, the Forbidden Area Supreme launched a dark turmoil, and the biggest contributor to calming that dark turmoil was the First Emperor Mountain. "

The big black dog's mood was slightly low: "Of course I know, there are clear records in the history books. "

After all, strictly speaking, the big black dog is from the First Emperor Mountain, and there is still a feeling of attachment to the big force that has been wiped out for hundreds of thousands of years.

Duan De did not pay attention to the mood of the big black dog, and his eyebrows fluttered: "On the eve of the dark turmoil of that year, the power of Shihuang Mountain was already extremely brilliant, and the history books clearly recorded that at that time, Shihuang Mountain, an alternative enlightened powerhouse, eight quasi-emperors, twenty-one great saints, saints, saint kings more, several supreme attacks, were killed by the powerhouses of Shihuangshan Mountain, forced to retreat part. "

"But whether the strong man of Shihuang Mountain died or not, the history books do not clearly record, the exact is that no one knows, there are history books that record that the strong man of Shihuang Mountain shed the last drop of blood, and there are history books that record that the strong man of Shihuang Mountain is still partially alive, burying himself and his companions in one place."

"And I, lean towards the latter."

In the barren mountains, ten thousand mountains are like dragons, ancient trees towering into the sky, old vines covering the mountains, vast, ancient, mysterious, primitive... There is an inexplicable charm.

The mountains are majestic, each of them is majestic, and many large waterfalls fall from the mountains, thousands of feet long, like a white expanse, incomparably magnificent.

There are spirit beasts haunted, shou apes climbing sacred mountains, cranes dancing among the white clouds, colorful divine deer jumping with lingzhi, and there are many rare birds and exotic beasts that cannot be named.

After walking for a long time, Duan De's spirit was shocked: "It's finally here!" Black Emperor, quick, arrange the formation! "

Duan De and the Black Emperor soldiers divided into two ways, each doing their own thing, and after a while, the formation had been arranged.

Duan De took out a compass, and a divine light bloomed on the compass, falling into the mountains like a rain of light.


The mountains shook violently, and after a while, a large canyon was cracked, and the Grand Canyon was dark and dark, exactly swallowing all the light, making people feel hairy in their hearts.

There is a whining sound coming from the Grand Canyon, as if this Grand Canyon and the Nether are connected together, and there are ghosts roaring inside.

The big black dog was creepy: "Duan De, you didn't find the wrong place, why do I feel that something is wrong?" "

Duan De swallowed his saliva: "It should be right." "

The Grand Canyon is bottomless, the wind is howling, there is no light, and there is a clicking sound under the feet from time to time.

The two could only grope with divine thoughts.

"MD, what the hell is this place, you can't see anything, even the divine mind has been compressed tenfold, in case something ghost sneaks up, you can only wait for death!" The Black Emperor cursed in a low voice.

"What a thing!"

Suddenly, Duan De stopped.

The big black dog trembled, "It seems that something is eyeing us." "

There seemed to be a pair of vicious eyes staring at the two in the darkness, this ghost thing was hiding in the darkness, and the whistling wind seemed to come from his mouth.

So, the time of frightening did not last long, and there was a faint light ahead, the light was very dark, like the faint light before the sunset at dusk, but it lifted the spirit of one person and one dog and accelerated their pace.

Although there was light, the vicious eyes behind it were like a glow, which made the two of them extremely uneasy.

The big black dog regretted a little: "Dead fat, greed kills people, next time I listen to you demagogue me is a dog!" "

Duan De also regretted a little, but still hardened: "You are originally a dog." "

The big black dog did not speak, because he saw the sarcophagus in front of him, to be precise, the group of sarcophagus.

There are dozens of sarcophagi, neatly and orderly arranged in front.

Seeing the sarcophagus, Duan De was overjoyed: "The quasi-emperor is full of treasures, a bone is worth a lot, if there can still be a quasi-emperor, the divine soldiers of the great saints, the imperial soldiers, then it will be a fortune!" Hahahaha..."

One man and one dog quickened their pace towards the sarcophagus.

Each sarcophagus was one foot long and three feet wide, not an inch more, not less than an inch, and there was nothing fancy, and there was not even a single pattern on the sarcophagus.

"Hey, why didn't you leave?"

Suddenly, Duan De saw that the big black dog suddenly stopped, and asked suspiciously, as soon as the words fell, his expression froze, and his head turned mechanically inch by inch.

And the big black dog spat out its big tongue and trembled its legs.

"Before... Former...... Former...... Former...... Predecessor...... I waited without malice, as it was... If the seniors ... Don't like it... I...... I wait... Immediately...... Go..." the dead fat man sweated profusely and stammered.

I don't know when, a person appeared outside the two of them, the clothes were very old, the age was also very old, but standing there was very oppressive and suffocating.

The 'vicious' eyes they thought before were the gloomy eyes of this person, not a little angry, full of dead air, extremely cold, and chilling down the spine.

"This man is terrifying."

Duan De's vision is very unique, it is bristling, and he can't see the depth of the other party.

"It's hard to fathom, it's terrifying! In any case, it is impossible to resist. This was the evaluation made by the Black Emperor secretly, and it found that its legs and stomach were turning.

Suddenly, the man's eyes shifted slightly, fell on the big black dog, and looked at him.

In an instant, the big black dog fell into an ice cellar, its body could hardly move, and it couldn't say a word, like an ant overlooked by a dragon.

"MD, what the hell is this, Duan De killed the fat man, you killed me! I just looked at him, but that kind of light made my heart break! "

The Black Emperor quickly looked away and cursed Duan De madly in the transmission.

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