"How many ancient kings do you still have to come."

Jiang Tai said calmly.

The Fallen Heavenly King spoke lightly: "Even if there is no ancient king coming again, with you alone, how can you support the status of the Terran race?" "

"Return to my clan and inherit my Daoist lineage, not only can you be immortal, but you can also reign in the world in the future, and with your qualifications, you may be able to become a great saint."

The Fallen Heavenly King stands tall and looks down on everything.

Jiang Tai sighed: "It seems that the qualification still has to be beaten." "

"What qualifications to talk about, you don't have it at all!" An ancient king shook his finger, looked indifferent, and said very ruthlessly.

This is contempt from the bottom of the heart, a long-standing psychological superiority, which has never changed since ancient times.

"In the primeval years, your Terrans survived in the cracks, surviving at their most pitiful, and almost extinguished. Once as a vassal, attached to the feet of some strong people, seeking asylum, what dignity to talk about, what qualifications ?! "

"Terrans! More than one saint! "

The number one big colt in the Northern Region, the old immortal, appeared, wearing a wide black robe.

All the ancient kings still looked contemptuous.

A third saint appeared, and the Gu Clan put away a little contempt, but still didn't care.

This saint was tall, senile, and seemed likely to die at any moment.

It was Wei Yi, one of the three masters of Tianxuan.

However, the Fallen Heavenly King and other ancestor kings looked slightly solemn, they couldn't see through this saint, and this saint was probably not weaker than them.

Not long after, another saint appeared.

This saint from Zhongzhou Qishi Mansion, an old mansion lord who has been retired for many years, and his successors have died for several generations.

A venerable saint appeared, so that the ancient race all put away their contempt, and the strength of the Terran began to become mysterious in their eyes, and no one knew how many saints the Terran had left.

As the monkey said, in the primeval period, the Terrans were also one of the ten thousand races, but later the strength of the Terrans rose rapidly, crushing all races, and the Ten Thousand Races eliminated the Terrans from the list of ten thousand races, and opposed the Terrans and the Ten Thousand Races.

And if as one of the ten thousand races, the strength of the Terran race now is no less than that of the royal family.

And how many powerful existences are hidden by the Terrans?

"The Nine Phoenix Ancestral King and the Lin Heavenly King have arrived." These two Venerable Ancestor Kings were in the same rank as the Fallen Heavenly King, and were revered as the Nine Phoenix Kings, and there were few opponents in the primeval period.

The arrival of these two saint kings washed away the surprise of the Terran saints appearing one after another, and a heart hung in the air again.

A full-scale war is not the wish of the ancient race and the Terran race, so although the imperial soldiers of the Terran and the ancient race, the imperial soldiers can be activated at any time, but no one has the intention to activate the imperial soldiers, the imperial soldiers, once the imperial soldiers, the imperial soldiers are opposed, it is a full-scale war, destined to be strewn with corpses and blood drifting.

The Gu tribe just wants to take their due interests, and the Terrans just want to protect their own interests as much as possible.

At best, the two sides will clash on a small scale.

The Gu tribe and the Terran unveiled their chips one after another, and so far, the chips of the Terrans are far inferior to the chips of the Gu clan.

Suddenly, Ye Fan saw an old man, it was the genius girl Xia Jiuyou, who was stunning in the world, still dressed as a man.

"Is the senior here? The seniors used to be kind to me, and I always wanted to repay them, but I never found a trace, and I have a true dragon immortal liquid here, which can prolong the life of the seniors. "

In the past, when Gai Jiuyou made a move in Qinling, he said that Shouyuan was exhausted and he was dying.

Although Ye Fan didn't know how strong Gai Jiuyou's strength was, he knew that Gai Jiuyou's strength was very strong.

The emperor died 9,000 years ago, and was sealed by Qishifu and resurrected.

Such a young talent, the deceased person he knows is a masterpiece of nine thousand years ago, tracing back a long time, which person is the most suspicious?

There is only one person, that is, the invincible Gai Jiuyou in the past, who is famous in the sky and on the ground, that is a person who almost preached!

An existence that has lived for nine thousand years is also Ye Fan's greatest strength for the Terrans of this Yaochi Ten Thousand Races Conference, and he is always looking forward to the arrival of Gai Jiuyou.

Xia Jiuyou shook his head: "Master has already found an opportunity, and this time it cannot come." "

Ye Fan's heart sank to the bottom, Gai Jiuyou did not come, how to survive this Terran catastrophe?

Suddenly, the ancestor king of the ancient clan Qi Qi made a movement and saluted an old man.

"Hun Tuo Great Sage!"

Some ancient tribes recognized the old man, and then there was a pop in the place, and the ancient tribes all bowed down, and the mountain called out to the great saint.

This is a very ordinary old man, not so much an ancient race, but more like a Terran, very much like an old man in the village, even dressed.

Hun Tuo Great Sage name Zhen Taiko, only one defeat in his life, was suppressed by the other party's hand, but it was not shameful, because it was an invincible existence - the Battle Saint Emperor.

Hun Tuo Great Sage looked at Wei Yi, faced this old man who seemed to die of old age at any time, and smiled: "The Terran still has strength. "

Wei Yi opened his old eyes and said slowly: "The Terran of Nuoda, without some strength, how can they occupy the land of Beidou?" "

Hun Tuo Great Sage waved his hand and said, "Then Daoist friend, take a look, how is the strength of my ancient clan?" "

Wei Yi narrowed his eyes slightly: "The strength of the ancient clan is very strong, but if there is a big battle, I don't know how many more will be left." "

Hun Tuo Great Sage calmly said, "Then after the great war, how many pillars of the Terran race are left?" Daoist, the ancient tribe does not want to fight, but they are not afraid of a big war, if there is a real war, can the ancient tribe afford it, can the human race afford it? The status of the Terrans in ancient times was no different from that of slaves, could it be that Daoist friends wanted the Terrans to return to antiquity? "

"How do you want to talk?"

Wei Yi's attitude softened.


Hun Tuo Great Sage nodded: "In the area of Beidou Nuo, the Terran race accounts for ninety percent, and my ancient race accounts for one percent, which is not in the interests of ten thousand races, and the strength of the ancient race should not only survive in that one percent region." "

"What are the conditions for Taoist friends?" Jiang Tai opened his mouth.

"The Eastern Wilderness belongs to your Terrans! Ximo, Nanling, Beiyuan, and Zhongzhou belong to my ancient tribe! In the whole world, your Terran clan accounts for two percent, and my ancient clan divides that eighty percent, this condition is very generous! "


Wei Yi decisively refused.

"The Eastern Wilderness, Zhongzhou must belong to the Terrans, and the Western Desert, Nanling, and Northern Plains can belong to the ancient tribe!"

The Eastern Wilderness and Zhongzhou are the most densely populated areas of the Beidou Terrans, and more than seventy percent of the Terrans live in the Eastern Wilderness and Zhongzhou.

The western desert has a vast area, but the natural conditions are harsh, and it is not suitable for the survival of the Terrans, and the South Ridge is the coexistence of the demon race and the Terran race, and half of the current northern plains is occupied by the ancient race.

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