Clang! Clang! Clang!

The Heavenly Emperor scattered his hair chaotically, holding the Immortal Heavenly Saber, and the snowy sword light cut through the ten thousand heavens, colliding with the Wujin stick, and the immortal light was bright, and hundreds of millions of strands fell down.

Each wisp crushed a ridge, and the great desolation in the distance collapsed into a dust, and the lush and vibrant mountains were instantly bare, without a single grass, and razed to the ground!

"Ugh! Tyre! Tyre! Emperor Son! You are too weak! You are too weak! A little stronger! "

The monkey is like a mad demon, and the big stick is raised, swinging thousands of miles of vitality and shaking the clouds.

"Holy Prince! I will take your life! "

The Heavenly Prince roared, imitating the Heavenly Saber in his hand, and collided violently with the big stick.

Ye Fan and Phoenix Void Dao made a move, punched out, and forged ahead, the stars were brilliant in front of his fist fingers, and the brilliance cut through the eternal sky, and he was invincible.

After the two collided violently, they all flew out upside down.

The whole person of the Phoenix Void Dao is very blurry, covered by the traces of the Dao, and no one can see his true face, but his strength is undoubted, and he only lives for the Dao all his life!

The fire unicorn wants to make a move, to kill the holy prince, like a blue brute dragon across the sky, the body smashes the vacuum, the six in eight wastes all collapse, the powerful aura makes all living beings tremble, and all the birds and beasts in the great wilderness fall to the ground.

At the same time, Huolin'er also moved, her aqua-blue hair shone, she was like a goddess descending into the world, her eyes were bright, no longer as soft as before, heroic and intimidating.


She flicked down with a jade hand, and the heavens and the earth collapsed, and it was difficult to resist anything.

Ye Fan's true body faced the fire qizi, and the Dao body faced the fire qi'er, blocking their way, and the violent collision unfolded, and the ten directions of Tianyu were shaking.

"Six Reincarnation Fists!"

Ye Fanwu moved, his momentum was as fierce as thunder, fast as electricity, and his will was like a tsunami, wave after wave of impact, five fingers pinched into fist prints, striking the three people, although there was blood bursting, but it made the three people unable to kill the Holy Prince, and could only fight with him.

"He is breaking all kinds of laws with ingenuity, with the help of the Dao body, it is normal to temporarily stop the three ancient princes, when the time comes, he will surely fall!" Some Gu clan powerhouses also arrived and watched the battle from a distance.

"That being said, this is really amazing enough, he is at least at the level of the ancient prince, but he is just a human being, can it be said that the heir of the ancient emperor?!"


A vision of the Holy Body above Ye Fan's head emerged.

Bright moon on the sea!

Yin and Yang Life and Death Circle!

The stars are shining in the sky!

Chaos Seed Green Lotus!

Immortal King Pro Nine Days!

Unexpectedly, one person suppressed the three people.

"Get out of here!" The fire qizi drank angrily, and finally used the unimaginable power of the world, and the blue brilliance boiled like the sea.

Ye Fan blasted out with a punch, and the void was like a big sunset.

Now the light and heat emerged, but they did not erupt, but lingered around Ye Fan's fist, he was like pinching a big sun in his hand, and his fist was like a big sun exploding.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, Ye Fan and the fire qizi had collided thousands of times, and the sounds of each other's attacks had been mixed into one, and the mighty power was like a shocking tsunami, causing tens of thousands of miles of void to rumble.

"Want to go over? Pass me first! "

Ye Fan laughed, he pushed one big star after another, like an immortal king descending to mortal dust, sending out the power of grinding the world, the true body and the Dao body blocked the three people, one after another life ancient stars rotated, the power fluctuated unmatched, each ancient star can be turned into a Dao sword, a ding, a big bell, a long spear.

And the fight between the Holy Prince and the Heavenly Prince has reached a fever pitch, both of them have already bled and their bodies are tattered, making people suspect that they will crack in the next moment.

The holy prince coughed up blood, his golden hair stood up, like a brilliant golden god of war, the battle intent was boiling, he was full of holy light, brave to the world, but he was still injured in this big battle.

The Emperor was no better, his handsome face was flushed, wisps of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and the monkey's big stick weighed as much as hundreds of millions, which made him feel hard.

The fathers of both are peerless legends, one respected by all races, starting from the early primeval period, and one ruling the primeval period, sitting in the last primeval years, far away.

Although the Holy Prince does not look down on the Heavenly Prince, it does not mean that the Heavenly Prince is weak, he is definitely one of the strongest people in today's arrogance.

"Galaxy Seal!"

Half of Huolin'er's body was smashed, and her whole body flew away, not knowing that she flew thousands of miles away.

The Phoenix Void Dao appeared, and the phoenix cracked the sky, and struck with his arms, as if the immortal phoenix was slashing against the immortal domain, and the sky was shattered.

Ye Fan's big hand raised and collided with a palm that seemed to descend from an immortal phoenix, and this palm Dao pattern loomed, forming an extremely complex Dao rule, the power was surging, really like the phoenix roaring for nine days.


The palms collided, and the palm of the Phoenix Void Dao exploded, and then the surrounding body also exploded into a densely packed hole, and the tendons were broken.

Zheng Zheng!

The stars surrounding Ye Fan turned into Dao swords, staggered out, and only looked at the next moment to behead the Phoenix Void Dao.


The fire qi'er held Fang Tian's halberd to kill, and the blade was like the Nine Heavens Galaxy pouring down, murderous.

Ye Fan's body shook, and the Dao body suddenly appeared in front of him, allowing the Fire Qier's Fang Tian Halberd to split the blade body in almost half, and the Dao body was almost dead.

Ye Fan was not exempt from being implicated, his face suddenly turned white, but he did not miss this opportunity, the stars around him soared, and when he opened his mouth, a galaxy fell, knocking down the heavenly halberd in the hand of the fire qi'er, shooting out the palm vertically, pushing the starry river, the fire qi'er snorted, his arm was broken, and the divine blood spilled into the sky.

"It's nothing short of miraculous! The three ancient princes of the Holy Body Battle were actually in a crushing state! "

"Now, I want to kill the Heavenly Prince, do you still want to stop me?" Ye Fan said calmly.

An emotion called fear spread among the three, and although it had to be admitted, it turned out that the three besieged one person, but they were seriously injured by Ye Fan alone.

"Why are you..."

The Void Phoenix Road is astringent.

There was blood seeping through the corner of Ye Fan's mouth, but his demeanor was still blood-stained, and he smiled indifferently when he heard this: "I also want to thank you, without your pressure, I would not have become a half-saint so quickly, just now, I stepped into the half-saint." "

The faces of the three changed, no wonder Ye Fan was stretched thin at the beginning of the fight, but just now, he easily injured them severely.

Now Tianjiao, almost all of them are slashing kings, and Ye Fan, who came to the top, walked in front of them.

Half-saints, although they did not step on the fourth step of Sendai, but one foot has already landed on the fourth step, and only waiting for the other foot to leave the third step can become a true saint.

It is equivalent to saying that Ye Fan is already ahead of everyone, and in the sermon marathon, he has become the leader.

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