"Three days ago, I severely injured a god king body."

The overlord's expression was cold and gloomy, his gaze was like a torch, and he fell straight on Ye Fan, and teased slightly: "I heard that your woman is his sister." "

"You only have one end today."

Ye Fan's words were like a voice coming from hell, announcing the fate of a person, he was confident and strong.

The overlord laughed, wild and full of coldness, there was a kind of spirit that the world gave up and me, high above, not putting everything in his eyes: "Indeed, you only have one end today!" You don't have the luck of the God King Body, I won't let you escape my palm!" "


The overlord roared, swallowing mountains and rivers, the starry sky trembled with him, and one person and one horse rushed forward, terrifying to the extreme, like a huge demon star crashing in.

Ye Fan let out a shout, his body emitted golden light, steaming up a fairy mist, and the blood and qi swept across Liuhe, overwhelming the sky!

At this moment, he used the word of soldiers, attacked the overlord, and regarded the whole person and horse as a weapon, and controlled and killed with all his strength, leaving no room for it.



In the depths of the unknowable, the will of the Heavenly Dao and the battle between the Immortals is still accumulating, and at this moment, the will of the Heavenly Dao has fallen into the end of the road, and he no longer has any way back and hope of overturning.

With the invasion of the will of Daqin, the will of the Heaven-shading Heavenly Dao had already begun to fall, but it was still struggling in vain.

In the starry sky, Ying Zheng strolled with his hands in his hands, his eyes casually swept away, and said to himself: "Emperor Zun, I don't know how long you can endure?" "

Most of the human array laid out by Emperor Zun has been uprooted, which can be described as a million years of hard work almost burned, but Emperor Zun deserves to be able to endure millions of years of existence, extremely forbearing, so far, Ying Zheng has not caught his rat tail.

"It's just that when the fairy road opens, can you still bear it?"

Huan Zheng smiled gently, his gaze crossed half of the universe, and landed on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, where Ye Fan was engaged in a shocking battle with the Overlord.


The overlord flew sideways, blood gushed out of his mouth, his body was almost beaten to pieces, and purple blood rain flew in the air, startling the heroes.

What kind of combat power is this? A group of people were all silent, this scene was too shocking, people's hearts were cold, in other words, if they went up, they would be directly hit into a cloud of blood mist.

How brave is the overlord? No one knows who on the ancient road, but they can't stop this kind of strong killing, and they almost die tragically on the spot, which is an absolute shock!

In a battle of the same rank, Ye Fan was clean and clean, and he launched a thunderous blow when he came up, beating the overlord to almost half crippled, his bones cracked in many places, and a pair of hegemonic fists could not be clenched.

At the beginning, most people were not optimistic about Ye Fan, according to reason, both of them were extremely demon existences, invincible at the same level, fighting beyond the steps was like drinking water, and the combat power of the two of them was not much different from the same rank.

It's just that Ye Fan is still in the Saint King Realm, but the Overlord has already stepped on the Great Saint Realm, and the realm is absolutely suppressed.

However, a protector of the Starry Sky Ancient Road was half talking to himself, half answering everyone's questions: "God Forbidden Realm." "

Everyone heard it, and after being shocked, they understood why Ye Fan was obviously not as good as the overlord, but he could crush the overlord from beginning to end.

Forbidden refers to cross-border combat capabilities, in layman's terms, being able to fight across several realms and resist is several prohibitions.

The top demons, Tianjiao are all located in the seven forbiddens, the eight forbidden, and the overlord is located in the eight forbiddens.

But on top of the eight prohibitions, there are nine prohibitions.

If stepping from the seven forbiddens to the eight forbidden is a small metamorphosis, then stepping from the eight forbidden to the ninth forbidden is a qualitatively all-round great transformation, so the nine forbidden is called the divine forbidden.

God forbidden, this is a taboo field, there are countless Tianjiao in the world, few people can break in, and even if they break in, it does not mean stepping into the God Forbidden, only the final long-term residence means stepping into the God Forbidden.

Throughout the ages, great emperors and ancient emperors have mostly stepped into the forbidden gods.

"I am invincible!" The overlord roared, covered in purple qi, his hair stood upside down, his eyebrows also stood up, releasing dazzling divine light, and the entire starry sky trembled violently.

As soon as his body moved, his flesh instantly expanded, turning into a thousand mighty flesh, punching out, his body tilted slightly, and the starry sky was driven by a reversal.

Both the hegemonic body and the holy body are qi and blood, and the flesh body is an extremely strong physique, and their physical body is the strongest weapon.

Compared with the overlord's thousand-zhang flesh, Ye Fan is still an ordinary person tall, and he confronts the overlord.

With a boom, the overlord flew horizontally again, his arm covered the sky, blood splattered, and every drop of blood was heavier than a mountain peak, directly piercing the planet.


The overlord went crazy, his body shook, and nine virtual gods appeared, each of which was the same as him, and at the same time attacked Ye Fan in the center, and no one among the onlookers could see which was the real body.

It seems that every figure has shocking combat power, chaos the heavens and the earth, cracks the sky, makes the vast universe tremble, purple qi rolls, and the vast space is far away.

"There are some secret techniques that I have never performed, I am preparing to surprise them when I fight the Great Demon God, the Human King, Di Tian and others, and I can't imagine that you have been forced to this step." The nine figures said coldly together, their thick black hair dancing wildly.

Ye Fan sneered, Yuantian opened his eyes, broke through the void, only to find that five of these nine figures had real combat power, although he did not find out the real body, but this moment made him full of arrogance: "Back then, the first emperor did not preach that there were many supremes who could still burst them, and there were five overlords, why can't I burst!" "

I saw Ye Fan's body shook, and he actually turned into a three-sided eight-armed person, his heart beating like thunder, and his qi and blood swelled ten times in an instant.

"Six Daosen Luo Yin!"

"Reincarnation Immeasurable Seal!"

"Zhenhell Seal!"

"Optimus Seal!"


Bang bang bang!

Ye Fan's hands rose and fell, his fist seals flew over, and one after another magic seals crushed away, wanting to suppress the heavens.

At this moment, he seemed to turn into a Heavenly Emperor, covering the sky with one palm after another, dragging up the boundless heavenly realm, and smashing towards the enemy.

The eyelids of the nine figures of the overlord jumped wildly, followed by a fist print, followed by the next fist print one after another, the third, fourth, fifth punch...

In less than one hundredth, thousands of punches dissipated the eight figures of the overlord.

Bang bang bang!

The overlord's head was slammed directly into his chest, and his arms fended off the attack in vain.

Ye Fan suddenly stopped, the overlord's head was still growing, and his arm waved to block the air.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Fan shook his head and smiled, the overlord was suffocated, and he couldn't wait for the ground for him to get into.

He was actually blinded by Ye Fan, which was simply a great shame.

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