"Amitabha, if the poor monk is defeated, he will not participate."

Amitabha Buddha's muddy mud squirmed and turned into a beautiful little monk, he retreated wildly and stood with the Battle Saint Emperor, but his skin was pale and almost transparent, and he was obviously not lightly injured.

He was self-aware, and the fact that Zhengzheng left him alive did not give him a chance to continue the siege.

One palm beat Amitabha Buddha into meat mud, so at the same time, all tangible and intangible things in the void in all directions were violently pushed and squeezed by the terrifying attacks around them.

Up and down, the galaxy, and the void were all blocked, and all the attacks of the Great Emperor and Ancient Emperor struck fiercely.

When Ye Fan saw such a terrifying attack, his heart jumped wildly, and he was afraid that he would be exploded in an instant if he was in this environment.

This was not an attack that a great emperor could withstand at all.

Ying Zheng's eyes opened and closed, his five fingers flicked, and endless divine radiance returned to his palm, just like a mortal playing a piano, but he played the Dao God Chain, and I saw that it was all over the heavens and the earth, and the Dao God Chain of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths trembled violently.

Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes!

An indescribable terrifying feeling that the world was about to collapse suddenly hit everyone's hearts.

"What kind of magical means is this!"

The Battle Saint Emperor's cold hair exploded, and a trace of unconcealable fear appeared in his eyes.

Amitabha put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's trumpet: "Only the wrong name, there is no wrong title, the name of the first emperor of all ages is worthy of the legend, the gap between me and him is too big, Ye Daoyou, where has the first emperor come?" "

Ye Fan shivered, as if waking up in a dream, he thought that he had become the Heavenly Emperor, the gap with his father had narrowed, how could he know that his father's divine power was still like a prison, not that he could see clearly, hearing what Amitabha Buddha said, he frowned and spoke:

"Father once said that becoming an immortal does not necessarily mean going to the immortal domain to become an immortal, and red dust can also become an immortal."

The Battle Saint Emperor shook his head: "I was in the red dust to transform into a war immortal, but unfortunately, I failed." "

"Red dust fairy?"

Amitabha whispered: "I am afraid that there are few people who can turn red dust into immortals." "

"yes." Ye Fan sighed slightly: "Since ancient times, there are only a few people who can turn red dust into immortals, you should guess that red dust is an immortal, so far I have no clue." However, the red dust fairy and the real immortal are not equal, and the span of the red dust fairy is larger than that of the real immortal. "

"Hehe, I know that."

The big black dog pulled his flower pants and said with a smile: "It means that Your Majesty has surpassed the True Immortals, you want to fight Your Majesty, wash and sleep." "

Emperor Amitabha and the Battle Saint Emperor both knew the character of this big black dog, and even if he preached, he didn't change at all, and ignored him, making the big black dog so depressed.

At this time, the billions of Dao Order God Chains in the void all emerged, and ripples spread in all directions, and the sound of the void shattering roared endlessly, spreading at a speed far ten million times faster than the speed of light.

Immediately afterwards, an unfathomable force emanated from Ying Zheng's hand, and the Billions of Dao Order God Chain suddenly broke, causing the entire star field to dent, twist, and shrink in the eyes, and in the eyes of Ye Fan and others, the star domain where the emperors were located showed a flattening.

The Dao God Chain of Order where the heaven and earth of Ying Zheng is located is extracted, and then they are crushed, and the important factors that make up this side of heaven and earth are shattered, so that this side of heaven and earth is shattered, collapsed, reduced in dimensionality, and collapsed from three-dimensional space into two-dimensional space.

And in an instant, two-dimensional space continues to collapse, in this star field, stars, ordinary stars, meteorites, black holes, dust, light all disappeared, and even the matter needed in two-dimensional space is rapidly disappearing.

"Not good! What a means is this! "

A venerable emperor, the ancient emperor was like a great enemy, roared in unison, burst out the divine power of the whole body, sacrificed the imperial soldiers, and blasted his strongest divine power to Ying Zheng.

The power of the imperial soldiers and the divine power turned into a brilliant but destructive light, and the terrifying power almost made the entire universe tremble, terrify, and bow down.

But at this moment, they found that they had lost the concept of up and down in their minds, or in other words, the concepts of up and down gradually blurred in their minds, and they could only go back and forth, left and right.

Even the direction of their magical explosion was the same.

It's like turning into an ant.

In an instant, the entire star field had collapsed into a two-dimensional space and a plane under the intervention of Ying Zheng, and the emperors seemed to have become villains on a piece of paper.

That is, they are great emperors, who can still preserve themselves under such terrifying power, without flattening themselves, if they are a group of quasi-emperors, they have become a painting on 'a piece of paper' at this moment, not a villain who can still jump alive on 'a piece of paper'.

Huan Zheng smiled gently, and then suddenly collapsed, shattering all the substances needed in the two-dimensional space, and the two-dimensional space collapsed towards the one-dimensional space.

In the face of the dimensionality reduction blow of Ying Zheng, although the emperors had time to react, even if they exerted two hundred percent of their strength, they could not resist this mysterious and strange dimensionality reduction power.

In the process of the collapse of two-dimensional space into one-dimensional space, the emperors found that the concepts of left and right were gradually blurred, and gradually, the concepts that could only be before and after became clearer.

For them, the whole world is about to become a thread.

The blow of the high dimension is irresistible to the creatures of the low-latitude space, and the high latitude descending to the low latitude will only cost the collapse of the low-latitude space, because of this, the emperors were horrified to find that a big face plate looked at themselves condescendingly.

At a glance, they look like ordinary grass, and ordinary weeds are typical one-dimensional creatures, and people are typical three-dimensional creatures.

How do people kill weeds?

Gently lift your feet and fall.

And the great emperors are to the government what weeds are to mortals.

Shock, horror filled the hearts of all the great emperors, ancient emperors, and Tianzun, all this happened too quickly, but in just two or three breaths, the place where they were had been reduced to a one-dimensional space.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Ying Zheng chuckled, and then stretched his five fingers and gently closed them.


The one-dimensional space shattered violently, collapsing towards the zero-dimensional space.

That is, a point.

And the terrified emperors found that they could not even sustain themselves, and they were about to collapse along with the collapse.

"First Emperor, I have served Jiuli, let me out." Emperor Jiuli arched his hand.

"I obeyed."

All the great emperors have spoken out to show that they are convinced, and the siege of a group of great emperors and ancient emperors of an era has been lightly solved by people, what else is not convinced?

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