And Yue Fei's willpower has gradually dissipated.

defeat me

Ying Bu roared, dozens of gun shadows mixed into a line, piercing the space


The spear in Yue Fei's hand was bounced off. The next moment, Ying Bu's spear had already swept across Yue Fei's waist. His body flew high, and as soon as he fell, Ying Bu's spear head appeared in front of his neck, Yue Fei could almost feel him blood dripping from gun head

Yue Fei is captured! Throw away the weapons! Surrender, save your life

Ying Bu roared loudly, and then, one after another sounded on the battlefield.

In an instant, the news of Yue Fei's capture spread throughout the Zenith Pass.

The sound of weapons landing sounded one after another, and the soldiers of the Northern Song Dynasty dropped their weapons one by one, squatted down and hugged their heads to surrender. This world's first heroic pass, the Zenith Pass, fell into the hands of Da Qin.

The army of one million in the Northern Song Dynasty suffered more than [-] casualties, and more than [-] were captured

Chapter 374: I Created the Xianqin Multiverse Empire

The seized food, baggage, horses, armor, and weapons are countless

Captured Yue Fei, the Marshal of the Northern Song Dynasty.

There are three champion generals, two Zhongwu generals, five Dingyuan generals, and more of their lower ranks. It can be said that the middle and high level of the entire Northern Song Dynasty army were swept away in this battle.

The elites of the Northern Song Dynasty lost the first battle, which means that the Northern Song Dynasty did not have any resistance.

Compared with Bai Qi and Li Cunxiao, Li Xin's war process was much smoother. Xixia and Dali surrendered without any resistance. Although the Jiaozhi area is more complicated than the land of Shenzhou, the combat effectiveness of the countries in Jiaozhi is higher than that of China. The land of China is far inferior to other countries

The whole process of Li Xin is more like a pure horizontal push

However, when Han Xin conquered the countries in the Western Regions, he still encountered a hard bone on the plateau, the Tubo Kingdom. However, when the Northern Song Dynasty had millions of troops, the Tubo Kingdom had already been destroyed by Han Xin, because the Tubo Kingdom vowed not to surrender, so the royal family be beheaded

The Northern Song Dynasty, Daming, Southern Song Dynasty, Western Regions, and the Jiaozhi area are all progressing according to the established plan, and there are no major accidents. Basically, it is the same as the original plan.

And the whole world, including all martial arts schools, from the shock and anger at the beginning to the panic, fear, and then to the numbness at the back

大 明

On the wall of the capital city, looking at Daming's most elite army like being chopped melons and vegetables, no matter how calm and calm the officials of Daming are, their scalps are numb and their hands and feet are cold at the moment.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were blood red, and he roared hoarsely, like a dying beast.

Impossible! I am the most powerful army in the world! How is it possible

Xu Da

Chang Yuchun

Li Wenzhong


Mu Ying

Deng Yu

Send me orders to them! Kill, kill, kill! No matter the cost! Block me

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was like a gambler who lost his eyes and wanted to rebel at any cost.

Liu Bowen reminded softly: "Your Majesty, Deng Yu, Mu Ying, and Li Wenzhong have already died in battle.

Up to now, Liu Bowen has assisted Zhu Yuanzhang to bring peace to the world.

Zhu Yuanzhang called him "my son's house" many times. Among the people, there is also a saying that "Zhugeliang is one-third of the world, Liu Bowen, the military advisor of the former dynasty, and Liu Bowen, the military advisor of the later dynasty".

But he has thoroughly tasted that kind of power, the kind of violence that can break ten skills with one force, even if he is wise enough to break through the sky

No matter what strategy he uses, he will break it

Bai Qi belongs to the kind of famous generals who have been ranked in the forefront of China through the ages. Maybe he can't compare to Liu Bowen in terms of governing the country, but on the battlefield, Liu Bowen may not really be able to compare to Bai Qi.

Most of his plans on the battlefield can be seen through by Bai Qi

For example, Liu Bowen set up a trap on the road, and a trap was placed in the trap. Bai Qi saw the trap. He had three choices, one was to take a detour, the other was to destroy the trap, and the other was to go straight. past

And Bai Qi chose to walk directly over

Because even if he walks directly over, the trap can't hurt him at all, and detouring and destroying the trap will waste time, which is unnecessary.

Zhu Yuanzhang's roar stopped abruptly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he repeated: "Memorial Xu Da! Chang Yuchun! Lan Yu! No matter what the cost! Kill me!

The fighting will of the Ming army is very strong, especially the elite Shenji army, all of them have a look of death, exuding the momentum of going forward and going forward

Kill! Kill! Kill! Protect my mountains and rivers

Tomorrow is invincible! I will never give up

kill kill kill kill

Those who offend my Ming Dynasty will be punished even if they are far away

These soldiers, laughing, roaring, fighting with blood, the faith in their eyes seems to set the void on fire

Bai Qi looked at the fierce resistance and fighting of the Ming army, and also felt the generosity of millions of flags, bloody battles in ten directions, and the generosity of He Xu, who was wrapped in horse leather, and was also slightly moved.

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