"Qingya, if you finish eating, let's go." Yang Yuhang looked at Lin Qingya on the opposite side.

"Well... Good. Lin Qingya immediately got up.

"Wait!" Chairman Chen stood up and called out to Yang Yuhang, who was about to leave.

"How? Didn't bring enough money with you? Yang Yuhang turned his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth smiled.


"What the hell are you... Who the hell is it?

"My name is Yang Yuhang, do you remember?" After speaking, he immediately picked up Claire, took Lin Qingya's jade hand and left the private room, like a family.

"What... What the? He is Yang Yuhang?

"Who?" Why haven't I heard of this character?

"I'm afraid you're not drinking too much fake wine!"

"He was the first to use the universal capsule!!

Hearing this, the man woke up like a dream.

Seeing that the meal could not be eaten, everyone was just about to leave the table when they saw the waiter pushing the door in.

"Hello, sir, you spent a total of 95,207, how do you pay?"

(キ'゚Д゚ ́)!! President Chen's heart and liver are trembling~

I finally saved some money, but it was not enough, there was no way, I couldn't run away, I could only call my old man on the spot to ask for money for emergencies, when Vice Principal Chen heard that he ate more than 90,000 in one meal, he immediately cursed on the other end of the phone!

But it didn't take long for the money to be transferred over there.

Anyway, this time, Chairman Chen's face was really lost.

"Yang! House! Boat! See if I don't kill you later!! In the bottom of his heart, Chairman Chen secretly made up his mind.

After returning to the Qingjiang Landscape Villa, Yang Yuhang asked the school for a period of leave, and the reason for the leave was very casual, that is, simply to rest for a few days.

Even Lin Qingya couldn't look past this reason for the leave, worried that he would be scolded by the counselor, so he persuaded him to change it, but Yang Yuhang said that it was okay, just talk to the counselor.

Originally thought that Yang Yuhang's leave would definitely accompany the counselor to educate well, but who would have thought that he would pass it directly, and asked if there was enough time? You can come back to class whenever you want.


Lin Qingya thought to herself, how can other students ask for leave, the counselor does not have such a good face!

Huaxia, northwest no-man's land, on the Gobi Desert.

"Claire, let me see how far you can fly." Yang Yuhang said to the beloved disciple in front of him.

"Yes, Master!" Immediately, Claire's body floated in the air and slowly rose.

"Take it easy and channel your 'qi' well."

"I know, Master~"

Seeing that Claire was already free to fly in the sky, Yang Yuhang stepped out and instantly appeared on Claire's same cloud.

"Claire, the real warrior doesn't want you to be so leisurely~

" "Master... I want to fly as fast as you too, but... I feel like I won't have much strength to fly for a while. "

Hehe~ Claire, your strength is still very weak, 'qi' is naturally also weak, cultivate your strength first, your flight speed will naturally be faster!"

"Uh-huh~ Master, I will cultivate well!" Claire's eyes lit up and she nodded immediately.

"Come here today, come back with me." Yang Yuhang beckoned to Claire, and the other party immediately flew into his arms.

A moment later, Yang Yuhang returned to the Qingjiang Landscape Villa.

In the backyard, Yang Yuhang had already bulldozed those flowers, and Lin Qingya shouted a pity when she saw this.

In its place was an oval shiny object larger than the villa, supported by four huge pillars, with no ladder to go up, except for a circular hole at the bottom.

Just shout 'Sesame open door~', the base of the circular hole will slowly descend until it is about ten centimeters above the ground, when the person stands on it, and then shout 'Sesame close the door~' The base will rise, and the person standing on it will naturally enter the building.

Guessed right, this is the gravity training room that Yang Yuhang brought back from Gemini!

This gravity training room can adjust the gravity between five times straight and a thousand times, and is also equipped with a lot of auxiliary combat training robots, other infrastructure, such as bathrooms, kitchens, cloakrooms, and most importantly, the sound in this gravity training room is perfectly placed, and people in it can feel the charm of surround sound in all directions.

Yang Yuhang and Claire entered it on the same day, originally Lin Qingya was also curious, and when she wanted to go in and take a look, she was directly and ruthlessly rejected by Yang Yuhang, the reason was that it was very dangerous inside!

o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

Lin Qingya thought to herself, I'm not a five-year-old girl, you lied to me like that?

"Claire, are you ready?" Entering the gravity training room, Yang Yuhang looked at the beloved disciple beside him.

"Uh-huh, Master, I'm ready!"

"Okay, then you take off your clothes first!"

“(⊙o⊙)..." Claire.

"Master~ Sister Qingya said that girls can't undress in front of boys casually..." Claire tugged at the corners of her clothes and lowered her head.

"Where do you want to go, I mean, you can't train well in this outfit, so quickly take it off and change a set." Yang Yuhang was very depressed, but he didn't expect to be treated as a big color wolf by a five-year-old girl.


Claire changed into a simple tracksuit and walked out of the cloakroom again.

"I'm going to turn gravity to five times now, do you know what five times gravity means?"

"I don't know~"

o((⊙_⊙))o Yang Yuhang thought to himself, it's still too small, be a master, be patient!

"Claire, how much do you weigh?"

"Master, I have forty-eight pounds! I weighed it yesterday!

"Well, if you're forty-eight pounds, after I adjust the gravity to five times, your weight will become two hundred and forty pounds, is that clear?"

"Uh-huh, clear!"

Immediately, Yang Yuhang adjusted the gravity to five times.

Suddenly, the gravity in the entire training room changed, and Claire's expression gradually became solemn from the ease just now.

"Division... Master, I feel... It feels like the whole person is having difficulty moving.

"Well, this is the effect of five times gravity, if you overcome five times gravity, the strength of the whole person will increase."

"Division. Master, I will work hard. Gritting her teeth, Claire moved her body with difficulty.

"You first adapt to adaptation, don't worry, start by walking, then run, jump, and sky, got it?"

"I... I know! Wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead with difficulty, Claire responded immediately.

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