As soon as Lin Feng returned to his apartment in Gran City, he received a notice of the meeting.

The Netherworld Palace is located in Mahatma Mountain on the outskirts of Gran City. This is a private land where outside climbers are not allowed to set foot.

There is an inconspicuous cave on the back mountainside. Even if outsiders enter the cave by mistake, they will not notice the mystery inside.

Dim lights, quaint discussion hall, seven chairs evenly arranged around a round discussion table.

Lin Feng wore a silver mask and sat in the sixth position.

In the absence of the chief deacon, the second deacon serves as chairman of the meeting and the third deacon is responsible for presiding over the meeting.

The four deacons sat expressionless.

Fifth Deacon Qisu looked towards Lin Feng, their eyes met, and they nodded to each other, everything was said without saying a word.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

The three deacons banged their gavels.

"The meeting has begun. Is there any deacon who needs to speak?"

Seventh Deacon Nilang straightened his body and said loudly: "Since Sixth Deacon is back, let me speak first."

"In recent days, the headquarters of the Ficker Organization has been destroyed, and its branches have been disbanded one after another. The coalition forces of Country Y and Country F successfully entered Shatan City and took over the power of Shatan City. Now the balance of power between the Western Alliance and the Mist Federation has been completely broken. , the armies of Country Y and Country F are like a wedge, deeply inserted into the hinterland of the foggy city-state."

With that said, Nilang glanced at Lin Feng.

"All of this is thanks to the Six Deacons to help Country Y and Country F expand their territory."

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and ignored it.

Nilang continued: "This is a serious violation of the contract of our palace-level extraordinary organization not to participate in secular struggles. Sixth Deacon, can you give everyone an explanation?"

Lin Feng said coldly: "There is nothing to explain."

Nilang finally got angry, and Lin Feng's indifferent attitude simply ignored him.


He pointed his finger at Lin Feng and shouted: "Not only did you destroy the Fick Organization, you also colluded with the Bloody Purgatory! In addition to the headquarters, the Fick Organization also had eighteen branches. They were all killed by the Bloody Purgatory overnight. !”

Lin Feng smiled and said with a look of relief: "I didn't expect Bloody Purgatory to be so efficient. I was just talking."


Nilang was furious, pointing at Lin Feng and speechless.

The Second Deacon spoke: "Lucifer, have you reached any agreement with the Bloody Purgatory?"

"No, this is just their sincerity to me."

Lin Fengshi sat on the chair and spoke lightly, not caring about the Fick organization at all.

"Lucifer, Bloody Purgatory is not our sphere of influence, and this force is incompatible with several organizations close to us. You should know this."

"Yes, I understand."

"Lucifer, this time you took it upon yourself to destroy the Fick Organization, which has had a bad impact on the palace. Can you admit this?"

"Of course, I did it myself, how can I not admit it?"

"Then do you know what the punishment will be for breaking the Extraordinary Alliance contract without authorization?"

Lucifer looked at the second deacon, "Second deacon, please speak clearly."

Before the second deacon could speak, Nilang stood up and said angrily: "I suggest that Lucifer be expelled from the Nether Palace. The deacons don't need such unstable elements!"

After hearing this, Lucifer's teacher Qixu couldn't sit still again.

He slammed the table angrily, "Isn't that ridiculous! Who made the rule that a deacon should be expelled just because he destroyed a secular armed organization!"

Seeing that there was going to be another quarrel, the third deacon said slowly: "The deacons have already advised Lucifer, but he still persists in his own way. This is Lucifer's fault. Just expelling him from the Nether Palace is a bit too much."

Nilang asked reluctantly: "Then according to the wishes of the third deacon, what punishment should be imposed on Lucifer?"

"Suspend Lucifer temporarily. Go back and reflect carefully. I hope Lucifer will not do anything that goes against the opinions of the deacons in the future. As for the rest, we will deal with it after the deacon comes back."

After speaking, Mo Ke looked at the second deacon.

The second deacon nodded: "Lucifer is temporarily suspended from duty to reflect. In addition, to hand over the management rights of the Animal World team, I suggest that the seventh deacon manage it on his behalf to avoid unnecessary complications."

Qi Xu thought it was ridiculous: "Humph, leaving it to the Seventh Deacon is an extraneous matter!"

"What is this rule? Does suspending one's duties mean that the forces under one's jurisdiction must be handed over to others?"

He clearly disagrees with such a verdict for Lucifer.

Lin Feng didn't mind handing over Linda and the others to the Seventh Deacon. He had absolute confidence in the loyalty of his group of people.

On the contrary, he is still looking forward to it. If the animal world is really handed over to the Seven Deacons, these weird guys will not know how troubled the Seven Deacons will be!

The third deacon said to Lucifer: "Lucifer, what do you think?"

Lin Feng secretly cursed in his heart, you are discussing how to punish me, and you come to ask my opinion? What can I say! Do I punish myself?

"Leave it to the deacons. I can hand over the dominance of the animal world, but I think it is better for Linda to continue to manage the animal world. Others, such as the Seven Deacons, do not have that ability."

Lin Feng looked at the Seventh Deacon and said, "Of course, I have no intention of targeting the Seventh Deacon here. I am purely talking about management capabilities and discussing matters as they are. Please understand, Your Excellency, the Seventh Deacon."

Nilang snorted coldly, he was too lazy to talk to Lucifer.

"Okay, then please ask Lucifer to temporarily hand over the management of the animal world, and Linda will be the captain for temporary management. If anything happens in the future, Linda can report it directly to me. This decision will be recorded in the meeting minutes!"

The second deacon made the final decision.

The others also nodded, and they had no opinion on this matter.

Lin Feng Shi Ran said: "Thank you, Second Deacon. I just hope to have a vacation and return to the Eastern Alliance. I have been out for so long and I feel a little homesick."

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the second deacon, "By the way, the deacons won't have any objections to stop me from going home to visit my relatives, right?"

The second deacon was speechless. He really didn't know what to say.

Without the deacon, Lucifer will be lawless and no one can control him!

The third deacon banged the deacon's gavel, "Okay, the meeting is over."

Walking out of the parliament hall, Lin Feng felt a flash of sadness in his heart.

In the far east, I still have a home! That was the place I was most familiar with.

Remembering that Aunt Fang called again yesterday to ask about Lin Dandan's situation, Lin Feng did not tell her the truth.

It's just that Lin Dandan is fine, and the hijacking incident has not been known to the public due to the intervention of extraordinary powers.

He wanted to send Lin Dandan back in person this time, and he really didn't dare to take any more risks.

When I returned to the apartment, I opened the door and saw two women sitting on the sofa in the living room at the same time.

Naturally, Linda and Qingyan.

Linda was the first to ask: "Master, I heard that you are going back to the Eastern Alliance?"

"Yes, I will send Dandan back after she finishes her recuperation."

Lin Dandan has been taken to Grand Hospital for rest.

"Can we follow?" the two women asked in unison.

Lin Feng felt a headache...

After a while, under the longing eyes of the two girls, Lin Feng squeezed out two words from his mouth: "Can't..."

"Linda, the Board of Deacons has temporarily suspended all my duties, and the animal world will be managed by you."

"You guys have to be obedient. I'll be back after a while."

"Okay, Master." They both responded at the same time.

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