Blood Bodhi was busy in the kitchen. Although Lin Feng said that he didn't have to wait for dinner, Blood Bodhi still wanted to prepare it.

The phone rang, "Prison Master, I found out what you told me."


"If the information is correct, the Lin Feng you asked me to check is most likely the heir of the Lin family. The head of the Lin family is Lin Yuantian. He is the richest man in Qingyuan City and one of the richest men in the entire Eastern Alliance. Lin Yuantian There is only one son, and his name is Lin Feng. There are rumors that the amount of funds that the Lin Group really owns is unimaginable. It is claimed that it is tens of billions, but it actually exceeds one hundred billion."

Blood Bodhi weighed the spoon and asked, "Is there any news about Lin Feng?"

"Five years ago, Lin Feng's mother disappeared in Country Y, and he went to Country Y alone. Just a few days ago, there were rumors that Lin Feng had returned to Qingyuan City. Someone saw Uncle De, the manager of the Lin family, and went to the airport in person , to greet a mysterious man, who also came off the plane, was Lin Yuantian’s daughter Lin Dandan. As for other specific information about Lin Feng in Country Y, we couldn’t find out at all.”

"Okay, let's do this for now. Get your business in Qingyuan City in order. I will need you at any time."

Fang Jie on the other side of the phone looked respectful, but his hand holding the phone couldn't stop shaking because of excitement.

He suppressed his trembling voice: "Obey the prison master!"

The day has finally come. Since the new warden took office, he, as one of the four wardens, was sent to the Eastern Alliance. Apart from the annual work report, the new warden did not give him any tasks. He only told him to take good care of himself. Developing business in Qingyuan City, nothing more.

Many people said that Fang Jie was sent away and would never return to the Blood Purgatory headquarters of the Mist Federation.

Now that the prison master actually called him personally to give him the task, how could Fang Jie not be so excited!

The Luoshen Temple has long noticed Fang Jie's arrival, but he has not done anything to harm the interests of the Eastern Alliance. The Luoshen Temple has no objection to the Blood Purgatory setting up a branch in Qingyuan City for business.

Even the Li family, one of the eight major families in Luoshen Hall, secretly came forward to support Fang Jie. As for the purpose of the Li family, it is unknown.

Fang Jie has been secretly accumulating strength in Qingyuan City.

The reason why he was able to find out the information about Lin Feng so quickly also proved his ability from the side. Now it was finally time to use this chess piece.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, and Xue Bodhi opened the door. The person who came back was not Lin Feng, but Lin Dandan.

Looking at the frail young beauty in front of him, Xue Bodhi felt wary.

Lin Dandan was also a little confused for a moment. Why did another beautiful girl appear?

She has a really good figure, her breasts are so firm, and her legs are so long. Brother Lin Feng really has beautiful women accompanying him wherever he goes.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you!"

They both asked at the same time.

"I am Lin Feng's good friend."

"I am Lin Feng's sister."

"Are you Lin Yuantian's daughter?"

Lin Dandan nodded subconsciously. It seemed that he was really a good friend of Brother Lin Feng. He even knew Brother Lin Feng's family background so well.

Little did he know that with this sentence, Blood Bodhi verified the information Fang Jie had investigated: Lin Feng was indeed the heir to the Lin family!

Lin Dandan walked into the room and looked at the house. It was her first time here.

If Aunt Fang hadn't been at home today, she wouldn't have dared to sneak in here. Her mother gave her repeated orders not to go to the water and electricity apartment.

This place is a forbidden area for Aunt Fang and her daughter. Lin Yuantian will not like them coming here. This place only belongs to Lin Feng's family of three.

But in such a place, a woman now lives in it.

"Your name is Lin Dandan."

Lin Dandan asked with some surprise: "Brother Lin Feng told you about me?"

She understood Lin Feng's character. Brother Lin Feng was never willing to mention his family background to outsiders.

It seems that this woman has a really close relationship with Brother Lin Feng, she should be like Linda and the others.

"My name is Blood Bodhi. Lin Feng is really nice to you."

Lin Feng almost killed him in the Blood Purgatory just because of her.

Blood Bodhi stretched out his hand and faced Lin Feng's sister. She was extremely gentle.

"Hello, Sister Blood Bodhi."

Lin Dandan also extended her hand politely. This sister's name is so strange.

"Dandan, why did you come to Lin Feng?"

Lin Dandan told a lie casually: "Father told him to go home for dinner."

Lin Dandan thought to herself that this was not a lie. After all, since brother Lin Feng came back, his father had not been able to eat well.

He must want to go home with brother Lin Feng for dinner, right?

Blood Bodhi asked casually: "Has Lin Feng been living here since he came back?"

She wanted to learn more about Lin Feng from Lin Dandan.

"Well... Brother Lin Feng hasn't returned home to the Mid-level Villa yet."

Lin Dandan had no guard against the beautiful sister in front of her. In her opinion, a woman who could live in a water and electricity apartment must have an extraordinary relationship with brother Lin Feng.

"Is it because of Lin Feng's mother?"

Blood Bodhi is an extremely smart woman, otherwise she would not be the prison master of the Blood Purgatory.

Lin Feng must have had a rift with his father, Lin Yuantian, because of his mother's disappearance.

Lin Dandan nodded silently, but she did not want to reveal too much about Lin Feng's brother's personal issues.

Moreover, she didn't quite understand the reason.

"By the way, where is Sister Blood Bodhi and Brother Lin Feng?"

"I don't know. I guess I went on a date and won't be back until tonight."

Blood Bodhi said with some resentment.

"Oh", Lin Dandan stopped talking, the two of them stared at each other, silently waiting for Lin Feng at home.

However, Lin Dandan has never seen anyone whom brother Lin Feng has taken the initiative to date.

It seems that other girls have always been chasing Brother Lin Feng...

At twelve o'clock at night, "click."

The door opened.

During this period, Aunt Fang called Lin Dandan. Lin Dandan on the other end of the phone hesitantly told Aunt Fang that she was waiting for Lin Feng at the water and electricity apartment.

Aunt Fang did not rebuke Lin Dandan, she knew that Dandan would definitely go to Lin Feng.

However, Lin Dandan did not reveal that Blood Bodhi was also in the water and electricity apartment.

Lin Feng, who walked in through the door, smelled of alcohol and was dirty.

"Dandan, what's wrong with you?"

He glanced at Lin Dandan and fell straight on the sofa.

The blurred eyes showed that he was obviously drunk.

Before Lin Dandan could speak, Blood Bodhi asked, "Have you been drinking?"

Lin Feng nodded with misty eyes.

"Did you get into a fight?"

Seeing that Lin Feng's shirt was in tatters and his face seemed to be injured, Blood Bodhi felt a little worried. Who was this extraordinary person he was fighting with?

The other party came to your door?


Lin Feng waved his hand.

"what happened!"

Blood Bodhi was shocked and angry. Who could beat Lucifer with a black nose and a swollen face?

If you look closely, it doesn't look like a battle between extraordinary people.

"I went to the bar without any money..."

Lin Feng casually threw a black card on the coffee table.

Blood Bodhi has a black line on his face...

This black card really cannot be used in some small stores.

The dignified Lucifer went to the bar to drink Bawang wine and was beaten out.

Lin Dandan felt a little distressed. Who would have thought that the eldest young master of the Lin family would be beaten for drinking Bawang wine in Qingyuan City.

It turned out that after Lin Feng and Su Qing separated, they wandered around alone and found a bar.

Drink until dark.

"Brother Lin Feng, what's going on with you? Why are you drinking like this?"

Xue Bodhi sighed and quickly went to get a hot towel to wipe Lin Feng's face.

With Lucifer's self-healing ability, this minor injury is nothing, provided that he uses extraordinary power.

Lin Dandan came over, took Lin Feng's hand and said, "Brother Lin Feng, didn't you go on a date? How could you be so drunk and get beaten?"

As he said this, Lin Dandan was about to cry.

Lin Feng didn't answer Lin Dandan. He squinted his eyes and fell asleep leaning on the sofa.

He kept mumbling: "Su Qing... Su Qing..."

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