I Can Absorb Other People’s Talents And Skills

Chapter 64 Damn It, Why Did You Mention This?


Even though their talents were sealed, Leisen and Zander both had great agility, as they reached Ye Feng in a matter of seconds.

"You're pretty fast."

Ye Feng was surprised to find that they were quite fast.

Xander sneered at Ye Feng and kicked Ye Feng.

"However, you are still slower than me."

Just like before, Ye Feng took a step back carelessly, dodging the kick inch by inch.



It was Leisen who was waiting for Ye Feng to take a step back.

Seeing this, Ye Feng took a step back as he thought. Leisen punched Ye Fengjun.


Although Ye Feng blocked the punch in time, he was still pushed a few meters.

"Look, you will regret being so arrogant and asking us to fight together."

Zander was surprised to see Leisen's punch, he could barely see it falling on Ye Feng; however, he was satisfied that the punch landed on Ye Feng.

"Really? I doubt it.

Ye Feng looked at Zander, smiled and shook his head, which made Zander annoyed with Ye Feng's attitude.


As soon as Ye Feng finished saying this, he rushed towards Xander.

Xander raised his brows, assumed a fighting stance, and waited for Ye Feng to approach him.


When Ye Feng walked to him, Zander took a step forward and gave Ye Feng a knee in the abdomen.


However, Ye Feng put his hands on Zander's knees and used this power to fly into the air.

Ye Feng didn't stop there, he hit Ed's jaw with his knee.


That crisp sound sounded, and it was obvious that Xander's jaw was broken.


"so cool"

Lin Xuan'er and several others were surprised by Ye Feng's seemingly fast and elegant movements.


"You can admit defeat and leave from here."

Ye Feng landed gracefully on the ground and said to Xander.

In less than a minute, Xander's jaw was broken.


After saying these words, Ye Feng didn't even bother to look at Zander. Instead, he rushed towards Rayson.


Zander was very angry at Ye Feng's words. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't even bother to pay attention to him, he yelled at him.

However, Zander couldn't even pronounce it correctly because his jaw was broken.

On the other hand, Ye Feng and Lei Sen have already started fighting.


Leisen was too lazy to block or dodge Ye Feng's attacks, so he responded to them all; but at the same time, he would occasionally punch or kick.

What was more terrifying was neither Leisen nor Ye Feng; they showed no expressions of pain, let alone made any moans.

"Are they all monsters?"

"Despite those bruises, how could they not show pain?"

"Let's not compare ourselves to them."

"Yes. Even if their talents are sealed, they are still monsters.

The onlookers were shocked when they saw the fierce battle between Ye Feng and Lei Sen.

Time continued to pass, and five minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

However, Ye Feng and Lei Sen were still fighting and did not feel tired; on the contrary, they looked very excited.

"I thought, that's enough, it's time to end it.

Ye Feng had told everything about the [Treasure Land] during the five-minute fierce battle. So, he guessed that this day's battle was enough.

Soon, Ye Feng showed a smile, jumped into the air, kicked Leisen with both feet, and pushed him into the ranks of the Bai family.

"Since I defeated you two, why don't you transfer your treasure points to me now?"

Ye Feng looked at Xander holding his chin, and Leisen asked with the support of the team members.

"What if we don't give you some treasure?"

Zola and Zen stepped forward, intending not to transfer the transfer point to Ye Feng.

Xander and Rayson remained silent, leaving Zora and Zen to deal with the situation.

"What are you two doing?"

Amy frowned when she heard their words, because only now did she realize that they were unwilling to follow the rules from the beginning.

"Amy, you've already given him your points. So, just keep quiet and stand aside like you always do.

Zola watched Zen sneer at Amy.

Sensing the gaze on him, Zen looked at Zola, thought for a moment, and said: "Let's add a new rule to the game.

"The winner should belong to the Bai family or the City Lord group. "What did you say?"


Zora agreed to his proposal, since only the skills of the participants from her city won her over.

"Wow. So you want to kick out outsiders like me?"

Ye Feng pointed at himself, pretending to be surprised.

He already knew that the participants would not let an outsider like him have all the treasure points; however, to his surprise, Amy followed the rules.

"Hiss...she is still as upright as she was in the past; but, it is of no use in this world.

Ye Feng sighed at Amy, looked at Zen and Zola, and then said: "Okay, if you don't want to give your treasure points, what should I do?

"Good. At least you know your place.

Zen and Zola believe that Ye Feng is afraid because no matter how powerful Ye Feng is, without his talent, he cannot fight against 45 members.

`々Of course I know my place. "

Ye Feng was not angry. Instead, he nodded at their words and smiled faintly.

"Okay. Since you know your position, why don't you transfer your points to me?"

Zen and Zola asked Ye Feng at the same time.

"Of course, but who should give me the treasure?"

Ye Feng asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Who else? Of course to me. I am the daughter of the city lord Theodore. If you give your treasure points, you don't have to worry about anything in your life.

Zola saw that Ye Feng was willing to give away his treasure points. So, she hurriedly used her father's name to guarantee the points.


Ye Feng nodded and slowly walked towards Zola.

"Wait a minute. Brother Ye Feng, the Bai family will also give you anything you want. Just give us points."

How could Zen Buddhism let go of treasure points so easily?

He hurriedly shouted, Qu's family name stopped Ye Feng.

Although not as powerful as Theodore, the (good) lord of the city, the Bai family has its trump card.

"Hiss...why don't you two stand up? Then, I will share my treasures with you equally.

Ye Feng stopped and suddenly suggested splitting the treasure points equally with them.

"Brother Ye Feng, there is no need to be afraid of the Bai family. If my father takes action, he can wipe out the Bai family from Tallong City.

Zora doesn't want to share the treasure points with Bai's family. Therefore, she belittled the Bai family.

"Damn it, Zorapaw."

Zen's brother Zach, who had remained silent throughout, opened his mouth to curse Zola.

"If it weren't for my father, your father wouldn't have become the Supreme Hero and the Lord of Talon City. If my father hadn't killed those two wilderness explorers..."

"Idiot. Why are you bringing this up now.

Before Zach could finish his words, he hurriedly closed his mouth.

Ye Feng clenched his fists, because he knew who Zach was talking about, and a volcano erupted in his body.

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