I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Jian Biluo, the Sword God of Chicken Slaughter

, The fastest update I can absorb the latest chapter of mental pollution!

"Ke Nan, the 418 chief graduate of Yuanzhou University, founded a detective agency after graduation and solved the gold corpse case that shocked the southern three states in 419. He was nicknamed Detective Ke Nan, a D-level warlock!

"At the same time, perhaps because of the scar on his forehead, he was called the Son of Heaven by some underworld circles!

"He is also the deputy commander of this mission..."

Jian Biluo squinted her eyes, and quickly remembered a lot of information about this person in her mind.

It's just that there is nothing new under the sun. This person has a good time for a while, but the heat didn't last long. In 420 years, he gradually disappeared from the public eye.

Now it seems that you have joined the Ministry of Urban Defense, seeking to go further?

At this moment, this famous detective, who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, was pointing at the signboard and saying something aloud.

All the decision-makers are there, some are not strong, but they can be regarded as a period of enlightenment for the think tank.

Hey, the two sisters of the Tang family are also... that guy once made me pay more attention to these two people...

Jian Biluo remained calm, her small and lovely earlobes swayed slightly, and gathered the voice from there:

"... Commander Conan is right. You can no longer follow the steps. The crystals can't be kept for too long."

"Yes, and someone deliberately leaked the news, they said they had encountered more than a wave of jackals inside."

"Then what to do?"

Ke Nan said in a slightly childish voice: "Increase the search range. The original three-person group is changed to single-person exploration. Regardless of the cost, use the fastest speed to find out..."

"Okay, let's deploy now!"

Several people left the crowd from there, including two from the Tang family.

Actually change the strategy? A group of three is not very safe. If everyone spreads out, it's okay to encounter magic seeds. If you encounter those mimic creatures, there is absolutely no hope of survival during the resuscitation period.

While listening, Jian Biluo walked over, without hesitation, interrupted directly: "I don't think it's right, it's too radical."

"Ah You……"

Seeing a woman with a beautiful figure tremblingly out of the crowd, everyone was stunned.

A few people looked surprised and didn't seem to expect that someone here would be so disrespectful to Ke Nan and directly refuted his plan.

You know, although Conan is a deputy commander, because of his reputation, even the commander-in-chief of this battle is only in the rear, and Conan is in charge of the front.

This new woman, so courageous, with a lofty posture, is really uncomfortable... Several people thought in their hearts, but there was no alternative.

Because, Jian Biluo, as one of the few D-class combatants here, even if only a newcomer to the picket group, still has enough identity ratings to express doubts.

With a smile on his face and a clean voice, Ke Nan asked, "Miss Bi Luo, you said that, is there any good way to solve the problem at hand?"

"No, but the commander-in-chief has an order to minimize the casualties. If you arrange this, I am afraid that a few people will not survive." Jian Biluo said coldly.

"Ha ha."

Ke Nan smiled, took off his glasses, and took out a small clean cloth from his arms to wipe: "What you said is indeed correct. In most cases, I will also make a relatively stable strategy. The three teamed up to investigate. , Theoretically feasible and safer"


Ke Nan suddenly changed his tone and said: "Time is not allowed."

Jian Biluo said: "The above did not ask us to complete the time."

"Yes, the commander-in-chief did give me enough time, but the enemy won't give me time. In other words, Miss Bi Luo is sure to replace my deputy commander and lead everyone to kill all incoming enemies?"

Ke Nan said while wiping the lenses, but always stared at Jian Biluo's eyes, with a smile on the corners of his mouth.

His eyes are very deep, with very few whites, and most of them are abyss-like pitch black, as if they can absorb all the light, except for the lightning scar on his forehead, which is extremely bright!


Jian Biluo's heart palpitated slightly, and his back was chilled by him.

This feeling is not due to the other person's warning words, but from the look in his eyes.

It does not contain any **** or violence, on the contrary, it does not contain any emotions.

But for some reason, with such gaze, Jian Biluo felt that his body was completely seen through from the inside out, even including his mind.

In front of this person, he seems to have no secret at all!

"Horrible man..." She didn't say any more, and quickly stepped aside, took a few Qi-tonifying pills, closed her eyes and started to adjust her breath to recover, and waited for the next deployment of the ‘acting commander in chief’.

"If it were that guy, what would he do in this situation?"

In Jian Biluo's mind, Xie Yao's shadow emerged uncontrollably.

Can he deal with this weird guy?

Ha ha, no need to doubt!

If it were him, he would have chosen to chop off Conan's head just now, and then seize power to give orders to everyone.

No, maybe worse, he might chop off Conan to just one head to make Conan obey orders...

After all, that was a total lunatic! demon!

Jian Biluo cursed secretly, but couldn't tell what kind of emotions he had mixed in.

It doesn't seem to be all hatred and fear, and... there is a trace of hope?

She was so frightened that she quickly dispelled her thoughts.

"...Forget it, now you are just a **** that can be discarded at any time.

"A poor worm." Jian Biluo said to himself.

It didn't take long for the decision-makers who had gathered in one place to start running around, ordering Ke Nan's orders.

Many people have complaints and doubts, but when they raised their heads and saw the back of the ‘boy’, they all chose to execute silently.

People from the City Defense Department were quickly dismantled into dozens of separate action units.

"Hmm... uh~"

Over the camp.

There are people shaking in the tent, and strange sounds are ringing.

The recorder outside glanced: "Heh, it's been more than ten minutes..."

He looked sourly at his watch.

At this time, a person ran up and conveyed to him the plan to explore the changes in the plan.

He nodded and cursed inwardly.

That guy Conan is really ruthless. He doesn't put the lives of the soldiers in his eyes at all!

However, it is no wonder that after all, he is a warlock in a high position. In their eyes, Wufu is a stronger cannon fodder...

"Ahem! Jinja, it's almost done, save some strength, then you cancel the team mode, you have to go alone to detect the target..." The recorder knocked on the doorbell hanging outside the tent, and said.

hiss! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The scream was intense.

No, it’s just that, what the **** is it, just forget it, you **** like this?

"Wait, it's not quite right"

The recorder was stunned. He thought the cry inside was a little weird.

It seemed that it wasn't that kind of cry, but rather, similar to the gasping of a beast, like a roar of pain.

At this moment, he saw the two figures stand up, and the higher they stood, the screams became more and more exciting, and finally turned into a scream!


A high-pitched scream of a male sounded.

This attracted the attention of several people around.

They all know what the tent is for here, but why is the person inside called so harsh?

Jian Biluo just came back, she was a little surprised.

This voice seems to be Jinja?

At this moment, the scream turned into a roar.

"Ah, let me go! Get out!"

After that, he heard the sound of banging fights, and then a blade of lightning slashed out, splitting the entire tent!

After the smoke was gone, I saw a huge mountain of meat standing in the middle, with broken clothes on the ground, including nurse uniforms and urban defense uniforms.

This Roshan is about three meters high, and it makes a weird scream of ‘squeaky squeak’, while eight thick tentacles are broken on the ground.

On the surface of them grow fine and dense black spider hairs, but some jewellery is embedded at the top.

"Devil Seed?"

"Ah! No, it's a mutant!"

"It's Xiao Yu!"

Someone recognized Roshan's identity through jewelry, and it was the medical staff.

"Why is it suddenly contaminated?"

Many people were horrified. It was obviously safe in the camp!

"what is this?"

Everyone looked at the middle, their eyes horrified.

On Roshan, about 1/2 place, there is a man who is'growing' with his feet hanging in the air, his body is full of trees, and the part of his body connected to Roshan actually seems to be contaminated, starting to turn purple-black with air bubbles on the surface. !

No, it is not polluted, as if this part of the body is the source of pollution, the pollution generated from here!

"Jinja!" Someone recognized him.

Looking at the way he holds the knife in his hand, it is obvious that he is the one who just opened the tent with a knife.


Jin Jia tremblingly turned back, and suddenly saw Jian Biluo and Wang Xu in the crowd.

"team leader……"

Suddenly he couldn't help crying, and trembled: "It's me... the blood of the human face spider on my body..."

He couldn't cry and was extremely desperate.

The crowd around the audience guessed something at once, and took a breath.

This guy had a relationship with the female medical soldier because he didn't take a bath, causing the blood of the demon seed on his body to contaminate the opponent and mutate?

damn it!

Everyone had a chill on their backs, and felt that Jin Jia was simply abnormal and pitiful.

He will soon be eaten alive by Roshan, in such an evil and weird way, it is simply cruel.

A knife on the head of the color word!

"Captain, save me...I...I don't want to die..."

This powerful Jiuqiao Takeru suddenly cried.

Ugh! Wang Xu sighed, even if it was a second-order martial artist, he could do nothing, because the pollution is irreversible!

"I will give you a good time." Wang Xu said in embarrassment and pain.

"He hasn't been contaminated yet!"

At this moment, Jian Bi fell into motion.

She closed her eyes and threw the long knife far away, hitting with great precision!

It cut off the part of the connection where Jinja fell into Roshan with a single knife.

Only the front part of it was stained with blood and turned black, but the little flesh on the Jinjia side at the back was still in the process of mutating.

He is not completely contaminated!

Take a step.

The thing broke off at the sound, blood spurted wildly.

Jin Jia landed and his whole body was dull. He ignored the pain and stared at his crotch blankly.

"I...I..." He changed the tone of his voice, and for a moment he didn't know if he should be saved with emotion, or if he should end his anger.

"Forget about it, brother, it's a good thing to be alive, let's commit crimes and meritorious service!" The well-intentioned man threw a piece of clothing.


"Damn it, **** it!"

Jin Jia seemed to collapse. While screaming, he raised the knife and chopped Roshan into pieces to vent his anger.


Although the others were not ashamed of his harming behavior, they all felt chilly under the crotch at the moment. Looking at Jian Biluo's eyes, they couldn't help but feel a little scared.

This woman... terrible...

Killing, no, killing chickens without blinking!

"Bi... Jian Biluo, thank you for saving me..." Jin Jia's face was bright.

Others praised: "Ah...Miss Jane is a hero in female middle school~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ordinary women may be ashamed to watch it."

Jian Biluo looked at the thrown knife, gave up the idea of ​​picking it up, and sneered:

"Just this little thing is worthy of embarrassing me to watch?"


After Jian Biluo finished speaking, his expression didn't fluctuate at all, he turned around and took the task and left.

Leave a question mark.

The men looked at each other.

Listen to this tone!

The goddess in my mind seems to belong to someone else, and she is quite familiar with this matter, as if she had been familiar with it more than once!

"Ah, **** it!"

"Who is the first to get there!"

A series of desperate howls suddenly sounded in the same place.

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