I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 308 The truth about Daluo, the cause of chaos

"The one who took action was a true immortal."

The ecstasy in Bai Yuya's eyes gradually subsided, and then calmed down, and he became a little more uneasy, because he compared the environment in front of him with what he had seen in ancient books, and knew that this was the immortal of the immortal. The spiritual world, but beyond that nothing is known.

This means that he only knows that it is an immortal who takes action, but whether the immortal is kind or malicious is completely unknown. For a monk, the unknown is the greatest danger.

A great monk who has been able to cultivate to the level of Nascent Soul has experienced so many things. Needless to say, he will not think that all immortals are lawful. Among monks, there are calamities, so why should there be no evil among immortals? Fairy.

Han Yi also thought of this.

Right now.

A figure flew up from a certain position in the valley, reached mid-air, and then spoke:

"Everyone, please be quiet."

"Now we are in the Qingxuan Dojo, in Master Xinghen's fairy world. You are about to take us to the Daluo fairy world. During this period, please be patient."

The person standing in mid-air is a middle-aged monk. His appearance is unremarkable, and he does not have much aura in the fairy world of Xuanxian. However, every word he speaks is heard by all the monks present, including the demon cultivator. Go to your heart.

Because he is the master of the Beidou Immortal Palace. He is a poor half-immortal. He is placed in the Beidou realm. The human race is the strongest. Even the several half-immortals in the demon tribe territory do not buy his account, but they are not willing to fight with him. He makes enemies for no reason.

At this moment, the information revealed by Fuqiong Banxian's two simple sentences made many monks think about it.

After these two sentences, he fell down.

Not far away, Han Yi was shocked. What Zhi Puppet said before flashed through his mind. The main body of Daluo Immortal World is still there and has not been broken. It turns out that it is true, and it was confirmed so quickly.

So, the dojo that this Xinghate Immortal from Qingxuan Dojo came from should be the unbroken or rebuilt Qingxuan Dojo. I just don’t know if this Xinghate Immortal came specifically to find the fragments of this dojo, or was destroyed by something. Caused by accidents.

Then, more questions come.

Da Luo is not broken, Qing Xuan is still there.

Why leave this fragment alone? After all, on this fragment, there are immortal corpses, many immortal objects, and immortals who suddenly woke up and were killed before?

What about other broken fairy worlds? What about Beidou Realm?

One hundred thousand years, no contact for one hundred thousand years, why?

Han Yi suddenly realized, because there is another organization that is not weaker than the forces of the Immortal Realm, Zhijie.

He flashed what Zhi Puppet said. Sansheng Tian Zhi Puppet killed the immortal, and Sin Tian Zhi Puppet came to look for her. So, the most reasonable guess at the moment should be that the power of the Zhi Realm blocked the Daluo Immortal Realm.

Opposite Han Yi, Bai Yuya's pupils shrank wildly: "Da Luo Immortal Realm? Isn't Da Luo broken?"

Faced with this ancient mystery, Bai Yuya couldn't help but feel anxious. He said to Han Yi: "Fellow Daoist Han, please don't go away. I'll go and inquire about it and then come back."

Then, he prepared to walk quickly towards the position where the Master of Beidou Palace fell, but when he just raised his feet, he turned around and said to Han Yi:

"That's all, I haven't transformed yet, and I'm no longer in the Shattered Immortal Realm at the moment. It doesn't matter that Fellow Daoist Han comes with me."

After saying that, he took Han Yi forward. Han Yi did everything he could. Their speed was very slow. In this fairy world, they were afraid that going too fast would cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Actually, at this time.

Not only Bai Yuya and Han Yi, but almost all the formal members and preliminary members of the Beidou Immortal Palace, including those half-immortals who were temporarily invited, the gods took the lead in walking towards that position.

Even the three half-immortals of the demon clan and several powerful demon gods put down their dignity and came forward to inquire about the news.

The Nascent Souls who were temporarily invited, as well as the Nascent Souls and Demon Saints who later came in through projection, also moved their hearts and tried their best to move closer to the position where everyone was walking forward.

At this time, the two races, which were originally incompatible with each other in the Beidou Realm, temporarily put down their hostility in this fairy world.

At the center of the crowd, Half-Immortal Fu Qiong looked at the three demon clan half-immortals and many demon gods. His eyes flashed, and he did not have murderous intent, but thoughtfully. Then, he finally put aside the two clans for the time being. After all, after returning, these monsters can be used by themselves.

"Hall Master, when you say Da Luo is not broken, do you really mean Da Luo Immortal Realm? Then these one hundred thousand years..."

The first person to speak was a middle-aged man wearing a purple emperor's robe. The middle-aged man's face was majestic and his eyes were filled with purple light, showing his inner peace.

As soon as they got closer, Han Yi, who was led by Bai Yuya and whose position was not too far away, looked at the middle-aged man and his eyes flashed, because this middle-aged man in imperial robes was the leader of the Dagan Immortal Kingdom and the emperor of Dagan. , Pang Wan.

Before he entered the virtual world projection, he had long known that Pang Wan was an official member of the Beidou Immortal Palace. After setting foot in the Qingxuan Dojo, he even saw Pang Wan at the Beidou Station, but from a long distance, what he saw was not real. .


This is the first time that he has been so close to Pang Wan, and it is also the first time that he has seen his appearance clearly.


Not only Pang Wan, but also all the monks in the valley at the moment could see his appearance clearly.

Han Yi looked at another monk next to Pang Wan. This was a young man with a sword on his back, wearing a green robe, and a calm face. This man was no stranger to Han Yi. He was the Immortal Taoist of Yujing Mountain. Jun, Li Changsheng.

On the field.

Half-immortal Fu Qiong glanced at Pang Wan, then glanced at all the monks present, including the four half-immortals surrounding him. He believed that if he didn't speak, no one in the entire Beidou Realm would know this secret.

Because he is not a monk from the Beidou Realm, but from the Daluo Immortal Realm.

Five thousand years ago, in the Great Luo Immortal Realm, he used his Nascent Soul cultivation to set foot on the outer battlefield and mistakenly fell into a rift in space. When he woke up again, he had inexplicably arrived in the Beidou Realm. He had been looking for a way back, and happened to be in the Beidou Realm. There is an organization called Beidou Immortal Palace in the domain. During the long five thousand years, he joined the Beidou Immortal Palace and even achieved the position of its leader.

The main reason why he dared to rush forward and give it a try on the fragments of Qingxuan Dojo was because five thousand years ago, as early as in the Daluo Immortal Realm, he had already recognized Xinghen Xuanxian.

Even on the outside battlefield five thousand years ago, he had seen this mysterious immortal from a distance, and happened to know this mysterious immortal. He is more particular about cause and effect. Among immortals, he is a lawful immortal, at least he will not attack at will. Kill the low-level monks.

This gave him the determination to give the poor half-immortal a try. If he missed this time, he would be trapped in the Chaotic Demon Zone, and becoming an immortal would be just a luxury.

Fortunately, he got it right.


Naturally, he will not reveal his identity to other monks. He will take these monks, including demon cultivators, and return to Daluo as Beidou Immortal Temple monks as the master of Beidou Realm and Beidou Hall.

Daluo Xianting's Beidou Palace has long been abandoned. He hopes to gain the support of Xianting and restart the Palace until he becomes the true master of Beidou Palace.

And under the Great Luo Immortal Court, the master of the Thirty-six Immortal Palaces has a cultivation level of Golden Immortal.

This is also his ambition.

"Yes, the Daluo Immortal World has not been broken, or in other words, its main body has not been broken. One hundred thousand years ago, a shocking battle occurred, which caused the Daluo Immortal World to be shattered. However, the broken area only occupies the entire Daluo Immortal World. one third."

Speaking of the 'shattering battle', Fu Qiong's eyes could not contain the look of panic. It was an ancient battle in which even Da Luo Immortal Lords fell one after another, and even two Dao Ancestors of Da Luo fell. One of them The battle of Dao Ancestor's fall directly destroyed one-third of Daluo Immortal Realm.

"Most of the one-third of the Daluo Immortal Realm that collapsed was directly beaten into nothingness, and a small part was transformed into the Broken Immortal Realm, floating in the void outside the territory."

"As for the Beidou Realm, it has cut off its connection with the Immortal Realm in the past hundred thousand years because..."

After saying this, Fu Qiong paused, because the name mentioned next, just the name alone, made him a little frightened.

"Chaos Demon Zone."

Surrounding him, all the monks from the human race and demon race were silent, but they all remembered the name.

Han Yi was thinking about the 'Ranma Zone' in his mind, and suddenly his eyes flickered and he raised his head suddenly. 'Ranma' reminded him of the most incomprehensible imagination in the Beidou Realm.

That is, every time you advance to a realm, you need to take the evil-proof pill, because when you break through, there will inevitably be demons. According to rumors, in the ancient times, when the fairy world was not broken, there were no such frequent demon tribulations, but the Great Luo Broken After the split, every time you advance to a level, there will be a demon.

There is obviously something wrong with this, but for a hundred thousand years, all the monks have been trying to find the root cause, but no one knows it. In the end, over time, they can only succumb.

Before his thoughts could disperse, Fu Qiong spoke in a deep voice.

"In the immortal world, the one who is above the Immortal Lord in the Great Luo Realm and is the supreme one can be called the Taoist Ancestor, the ancestor of the Immortal Tao."

"Nine immortal realms, the number of Taoist ancestors can only be counted on one's fingers."

"One hundred thousand years ago, at the beginning of the Yuanhui, two Taoist ancestors fell in that shocking battle. One of them happened to fall on the border of Daluo Immortal Realm. His name was Tianmo Taozu. It was also in that battle that Shattered the Great Luo Immortal Realm.”

"The Demon Ancestor died, and chaos Demons were born."

"Yes, you probably guessed it."

"The place where the Heavenly Demon Dao Ancestor fell is the Chaotic Demon District. In the Chaotic Demon District, the immortal calamity is cut off, so the immortals are extinct."

"Unfortunately, the six realms, including the Beidou realm, are within the Ranma Zone."

"And in the Beidou Realm, the Heavenly Demon Tribulation accompanies the monks in every small realm, and it is also because of the Chaos Demon Tribulation."

At this point, Fu Qiong stopped, because every word he said could shock the entire Beidou Immortal World.

After a moment, he added, but this time, he did not go into details.

"However, in the past 100,000 years, no immortals from the Daluo Immortal Realm, or even ordinary monks, have come to the Beidou Realm. The Nascent Soul among them is not just because the Beidou Realm is located in the Chaotic Demon Zone."

"It's because all the monks in the Great Luo Immortal Realm cannot reach the Chaotic Demon Zone. This involves another force that triggered the shocking war at the beginning of the Yuanhui."

"That is the world of wisdom."

"You will naturally know about the affairs of the Intellectual Realm when I arrive in Daluo."

Up to this point, Fu Qiong didn't speak again.

The monks' eyes were either shocked, confused, or pondering. They were all trying their best to digest every word Fu Qiong said, thinking about the factors that might be related to them.

The same is true for Han Yi.

Unlike others, Han Yi had some understanding of Da Luo Wei Shao and the Wisdom World before this. After all, there was a Wisdom Puppet in the space within his body at this moment.

He followed the white jade cliff and found a place to sit cross-legged. Countless years of experiences flashed through his mind. Among them, there were many at a higher level, but there were still some that could not be explained based on what he knew at the moment.

For example, in the Immortal City of Eternal Breath, what the Demon-Slaying Inner Armor cultivator faced was not a wisdom puppet, but an army of ancient demons. Is this ancient demon related to the wisdom world?

Another example is the Nine-layer Void Prison, the death of the Lord of the Void Prison, and the chaos of demons dancing at the bottom of the Nine-layer Void Prison. How does this relate to the intellectual world, or the battle a hundred thousand years ago?

Han Yi put these two points aside. He has not been exposed to this information for the time being, so he naturally has no way of knowing it. When he is exposed to it, he should be able to get a reasonable explanation.

The general background of this world has opened up a crucial scene for him. It is no longer vague, but real.

He believes that as his strength and knowledge grow, he will be able to unlock all the secrets hidden in history.

Bai Yuya beside him suddenly chuckled: "Immortal world, fairy world."

"I didn't expect that the immortal world pursued by countless generations of monks in the Yuheng world would be so easily obtained by us."

"Those half-immortal seniors who have died may never have imagined that the truth is so...unbelievable."

"When we reach the immortal world, the tribulations of heaven and demons will not be chaotic, and the tribulations of immortals will be normal."

"It's not difficult for monks like us to become immortals."

After saying this, the light in Bai Yuya's eyes trembled, and a confident momentum spread out, reaching the sky.

This is……


Han Yi's face was filled with joy, and he immediately moved to his side, holding the black and yellow Tai Chi disk that he had just practiced for a short time in his hand. He slapped it hard, and a spiritual light emerged, surrounding him and Bai Yuya.

The surrounding monks' eyes flickered. The ones they didn't recognize moved back wisely to avoid misunderstandings. The ones with hatred moved forward, but when they saw a powerful god descending from the sky, Then he pretended to be nonchalant and turned away.

The incarnated power that descended from the sky was the Emperor of Daqian, Pang Wan.

He glanced at Bai Yuya, smiled, looked at Han Yi again, and nodded with satisfaction.


This sentence is good, whether it means that Han Yi is strong, or that Han Yi protected him when he broke through Baiyuya. Only he knows, maybe it is both.

Then, he turned around and sat down nearby.

Han Yi breathed a sigh of relief. With Pang Wan in charge, no one should be causing trouble except for the half-immortal. And there are only eight half-immortals here. Whether they are worried about Fu Qiong, the master of the Beidou Immortal Palace, or the leader of the fairy world. Lord, even Xinghate Immortal cannot take action.

Han Yi turned around, looked at Bai Yuya, and stepped away a little. Moreover, he did not provide spiritual stones or spiritual objects. In this fairy world, this inconspicuous valley has a spiritual energy comparable to the eighth level. Spiritual Veins, Bai Yuya's breakthrough was considered a trick, but after his breakthrough, he had a lot of karma with Xinghen Xuanxian, and he needed to repay it.

As for the other monks, they did not dare to absorb the spiritual energy here before Baiyuya broke through. When he broke through, they naturally did not dare. When they reach the Nascent Soul realm, it is instinct to assess the situation and weigh the gains and losses.


On the edge of the valley, a colorful elk appeared. The elk tilted its head, looked at the white jade cliff that was breaking through below, and said softly: "The talent is acceptable."

Then, a white bead was spit out from the elk's mouth. The bead exuded a pure white light. It flashed lightly and reached the top of Bai Yuya's head. It sank down and fell into Bai Yuya's body. It was so fast that it kept falling. Even the other half-immortals were unable to intercept it, let alone Pang Wan and Han Yi.

Immortal, this elk turned out to be an immortal, and everyone was shocked.

This should be the attribute of Xinghen Xuanxian, Fu Qiong reasoned in his heart.

When everyone looked again, there was no trace of the colorful elk, so they turned their attention back to the white beads. The breakthrough was complete. From the middle stage of Yuanying, to the white jade cliff in the late stage of Yuanying, their eyes were long and full of envy. , there is also spying, and there is even hidden murderous intention.


Bai Yuya opened his eyes, and white light shone out from his eyes, just like two newborn stars.

He stood up and raised his hands toward the upper side of the valley: "Thank you, the Immortal."

The valley is long and silent.


Bai Yuya looked back and thanked Pang Wan and Han Yi. Pang Wan nodded, stood up and walked away. He was a top god and had his own circle.

Han Yi accepted it with a smile. He was sincerely happy for Bai Yuya's breakthrough.


No matter how you look at it, I feel like this guy has the template for a protagonist.

He is indeed a legendary monk, Han Yi sighed secretly.

Next, Bai Yuya continued to stabilize his cultivation, while Han Yi stayed on one side.

In the fairy world, it is all daylight, and there is no sun rising or moon setting, but this cannot trouble these great monks.

About seven days later.

A voice, carrying a heavy celestial power, seemed to fall from the sky and resounded throughout the valley.

"The Immortal Court Station has arrived. Let's get ready."

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