I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 321 The Fifth Soul Slave, Demon-Suppressing Fairy City

Han Yi reacted and sighed softly in his heart.

It’s really an uncomfortable feeling to see one’s wealth disappear overnight and one’s money be thrown back to its original shape.

But he then thought about it, the life seed drawn from the scarlet dimension was also a windfall. Now, it was just a windfall that was gone, and he also used it to break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, which was somewhat of a gain.

Thinking like this, he felt better inside.

Then, he first used his spiritual thoughts to take out Luo Tian Dan and Zhen Ying Dan from the Qian Kun Ring, and controlled the consumption of them in his lower abdomen. A wave of power rose up in his body like a resurgence.

Feeling the obvious effect of the elixir, Han Yi felt certain in his heart. Then, he looked at the woman hundreds of meters away and said through his spiritual consciousness:

"Who are you?"

"Where is this place again?"

Although Han Yi had some guesses about this place, he also wanted a definite answer.

The woman heard the message and replied respectfully:

"Senior, I am Du Juan, a member of the Du family in Demon-Suppressing Fairy City."

"This is the first level of Void Prison."

The woman, Du Juan, did not dare to say unnecessary words. In front of a monk who was suspected of being a Nascent Soul, or even a deity, whatever he asked, Du Juan answered, was the most correct.

Hearing the second sentence, Han Yi felt awe-inspiring.

"It is indeed a virtual prison."

"So, the thought in my mind, and the phantom that changed after the last thought left, should be, as I guessed, when Yuan Shun sent him back to the Yuheng Realm, during that process, someone in the virtual prison It exists, attached to one’s own consciousness.”

"Why do you control your thoughts so much?"

Han Yi really couldn't figure out the purpose of the strange existence attached to his consciousness, but he guessed that the level involved should be very high. After all, the phantom was definitely an existence above the immortal level.

Han Yi first hid this doubt in his heart, and then he had doubts about the first sentence.

"Where is the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City? I mean, which fairyland is it in?"

He didn't know much about the Immortal World. He only knew that there were originally ninety-nine Immortal Realms in the Immortal World. After the First World War a hundred thousand years ago, the Thirty Immortal Realms were destroyed and turned into large and small broken Immortal Realms.

In addition, he also knew that in the north of the fairy world, the fairyland occupied by Suizhu Immortal Court was called Suizhu Fairyland, and across several fairyland, in the northeastern part of the fairyland, there were Nine Thunder Fairyland and Canglong Fairyland. Immortal City is located in the Nine Thunder Immortal Domain.

Originally, he should have learned more about the Immortal Realm at Suizhu Immortal Mansion and made all preparations before going out.

But influenced by the thought in his mind, he didn't even do anything in seclusion to digest the gains, and directly joined Lu Anping's team to go out to search for the Gu clan.

Now that I think about it, this is really inappropriate.

Du Juan was slightly startled. This powerful monk didn't even know about the Demon-Suppressing Immortal City. Could it be that he was not from the Da Luo Immortal World? She had also heard that there were eight more magnificent worlds like the Da Luo Immortal World, but All her life, she had only been around the Demon Suppressing Fairy City, and had never been to other fairy lands, let alone other fairy worlds.

"Senior, the Demon-Suppressing Immortal City is located in the Qingxuan Immortal Territory, and the Qingxuan Immortal Territory is one of the three most powerful Immortal Territories in the southern part of the Immortal Realm."

Han Yi was confused: "The southern part of the Immortal Realm, the southern part of the Daluo Immortal Realm, wasn't it destroyed by bombing in the battle a hundred thousand years ago? Why is there still the southern part?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Han Yi reacted again.

The southern part of the Immortal Realm that the woman named Dujuan mentioned should be based on the current geographical situation of the Immortal Realm. The southern part of the Immortal Realm she mentioned should have belonged to the central area of ​​the Immortal Realm a hundred thousand years ago.

Hundreds of meters away, Du Juan had already guessed about himself and believed a little more. This powerful monk should not be a monk from Daluo Immortal World, but a monk from other immortal worlds. Otherwise, there would never be the same thing as just now. That question.

She organized her words and was about to continue to answer, but she was stunned for a moment because her position changed instantly. In the blink of an eye, she had reached a certain pure white space. A hundred meters in front of him, there was a person. A young monk with an immortal spirit.

Du Juan was stunned, and her expression immediately changed, because she was just a foundation-building monk, and she could not fly in the air by herself without the help of magic weapons. But at this moment, she was suspended in the air.

The monk a hundred meters away should be the monk who is transmitting messages to him.

As for what kind of place this was, she couldn't figure it out based on her knowledge, but she knew that the monk opposite had definitely thought of a way to deal with her.

She immediately shouted: "Senior, spare your life, I..."

Opposite him, Han Yi, who used his soul to pull Du Juan into this place, also had a slightly solemn expression.

His consciousness was hurt at this moment, and it was also reflected on his soul. The strength of his soul, at this moment, he was only at the foundation building level. If the Qingping Sword was not a spiritual treasure with its own spirituality, he would not be able to control it. An ordinary high-level magic weapon.

And this pure white land is the soul slave space.

The main reason why Du Juan was dragged here was that at this moment, Han Yi noticed that violent spiritual energy and strong murderous intent were spreading dozens of miles away.

There was a battle over there, and judging from the auras detected, it should involve at least six or seven Nascent Soul monks, including two late Nascent Soul monks.

This messed up Han Yi's plan. He originally planned to repair his injuries a little, then find an area nearby, set up a formation, and retreat. After his strength recovered a little, he would let the cuckoo take him back to the fairy world.

But a fight dozens of miles away disrupted his plan.


In the midst of the lightning and flint, Han Yi quickly changed his plan and directly pulled Du Juan into the soul slave space derived from the soul technique of Nine Destruction Soul Seal, preparing to plant the soul slave mark and turn it into his own soul slave.

Only soul slaves can obey from the soul level wholeheartedly.

Then he hid himself in the Qiankun Ring and was carried away by Du Juan.

This situation is naturally risky. The biggest risk is not Du Juan who will become a soul slave, but the high-level monks he may encounter. However, this risk is greater than the risk Han Yi himself brings outside.

After all, when high-level monks are fighting, if they encounter a foundation-building monk running for their lives, they may simply ignore it, but if they encounter a seriously injured Nascent Soul monk, they will definitely react violently.

Whichever is the lesser of two evils.

This is Han Yi's plan.

In the pure white soul slave space, four soul clocks were suspended above, corresponding to Han Yi's four soul slaves in the Yuheng Realm. As his Nine Soul Destroying Bells were put on the proficiency panel, what the Nine Destroying Soul Bells understood All soul skills have been upgraded to the same level as this inheritance.

Not long ago, Han Yi's inheritance of the Nine-Destroying Soul Bell had gone from returning to nature to becoming a transcendent and a saint, which was equivalent to the fifth level of this inheritance. He also understood the fifth soul technique of this inheritance.

And the soul technique of Nine Destruction Soul Seal has been simultaneously promoted to the realm of transcendent and sainthood, and the number of soul slaves has also been increased from the limit of four to five.

Han Yi originally planned to use this fifth soul slave on a certain key Nascent Soul cultivator, but at this moment, he could no longer think about it. In this strange environment, the one he could trust the most was naturally his own soul slave. .

When Du Juan's soul was pulled into the soul slave space, Du Juan's face changed drastically, and when he exclaimed, he had already tapped lightly, and a flash of spiritual light instantly spanned a hundred meters and landed in Du Juan's soul.

Du Juan froze in place. Even though Han Yi's soul was severely injured, it was still too strong for Du Juan. There was almost no resistance in his eyes. In an instant, he became extremely respectful.

At the same time, in the soul slave space, the fifth soul seed also quickly condensed out.

"This is also your creation."

With a wave of his hand, Han Yi expelled Du Juan's soul and returned to her body.

The next moment.

In the outside world, Han Yi's spiritual thoughts circulated, one was given to Du Juan, who had just become a soul slave, and the other was given the Qingping Sword.

The Qingping Sword shook slightly and fell into Du Juan's hand.

If you are a new spiritual person, you may disdain to be controlled by a low-level monk. However, the Qingping Sword is special. This sword combines many swords. When you are promoted to a spiritual treasure, your spiritual spirit is already very stable.

Han Yi's message to Du Juan was to let her escape with him, while the message to Qing Ping Jian was to let Qing Ping Jian restrain its spiritual aura and let Du Juan control it. If she encounters an enemy, she can use it freely.

After he conveyed his spiritual thoughts, Du Juan's eyes changed rapidly and he became extremely respectful. He rushed towards Han Yi. Then, Han Yi also escaped into his own Qiankun Ring. Du Juan gently fished it out and grabbed the Qiankun Ring. , placed close to the body.

Then, she quickly changed direction and ran towards the road she had just come from. She spread out her body skills at an extremely fast speed. With a swipe, she left the hilltop where Han Yi was and fled outside.

About five breaths after Du Juan left, a group of monks fled madly, with panic-stricken faces, and rushed into the black forest. Among these monks were two Nascent Souls and more than a dozen golden elixirs.

Behind them, there were only four monks chasing after them, but these four were all Nascent Souls, two of them were in the late Nascent Soul stage, and the other two were in the middle Nascent Soul stage.

A huge bronze stick was thrown out from behind by a late-stage Nascent Soul monk, and hit the monk flying in front. A mid-stage Nascent Soul monk, with his eyes cracked, burned his magic power and soul, and exploded with a shocking explosion. However, under the giant stick, it was directly blown up, and the three golden elixir monks who were slow to escape also died on the spot under this blow.

Terrifying power fell from the sky and landed directly on a black hill. The hill, which was only tens of meters high, was directly blasted into pieces, and the sky was filled with gravel.

And this hill happened to be where Han Yi was before. In other words, if he didn't leave immediately, he would be bombarded by a spiritual treasure from the late Nascent Soul.

In his current state, even if he can dodge the blow of this spiritual treasure, facing two late-stage Yuanying and two mid-stage Yuanying, it will be difficult to escape. In the end, he will choose to wake up the one sleeping in the space inside his body. Intelligent puppet.

The giant stick was put away, and the four Yuanyings appeared in the mountain forest that was bombarded beyond recognition. The late Yuanying monk holding the giant stick flashed his eyes and glanced in the direction where Du Juan fled.

And there was another monk, who looked like a young man, looking at the destruction of the mountains and forests, his eyes were aqua blue, exuding a strange brilliance.

"There's something weird here, it smells like a Yuanying monk."

"No, more than that."

This young man was also in the late Nascent Soul stage. He took out a simple turtle shell and lightly touched it. The aura flickered on the turtle shell and turned into cyan, then black, then gray, and finally turned into nothingness.

Then, the turtle shell exploded directly.


The young monk suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his soul was severely injured in an instant, and he fell into a coma in an instant. This was the last moment for him to cut off the connection with the innate hexagram technique, so as not to die on the spot.

"not good."

The monk holding the giant stick gently waved his hand to catch the young man, and then ran back in a panic and frantically. Behind him, two mid-stage Nascent Souls followed close behind, their faces tense and frightened.

They knew they had made a mistake.

This young man's innate hexagram skills can even predict the transformation of gods. The terrifying backlash just now is definitely far beyond that of transformation gods, at least half-immortals, or even immortals.

Although this is the first level of the nine-level virtual prison, and monks above the god level will usually only pass by, it does not rule out that a certain immortal level will stay here or leave some marks and methods.

If the innate hexagram technique just now was aimed at the immortal level, then the immortal would definitely know it at this moment. If he knew that they had destroyed his layout, he would be absolutely furious, and they would only die.

They fled back the same way, which made the other monks who had been chased by them feel happy for a moment in confusion. Inspired by their survival, their speed increased again.

As for Du Juan in the third direction, she also noticed a powerful psychic wave erupting from behind. This terror frightened her. If she was still where she was, she would definitely be dead at this moment.

She didn't dare to stop and ran straight to the teleportation point along the route she had explored before.

In the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City, Youfang City has set up a teleportation point that can be teleported to the first floor of the Void Prison. However, the cost of each teleportation is not low. Moreover, after so many thousands of years, although the Void Prison is large, it is difficult to explore There were too many people, and most of the ordinary spiritual objects had been looted. For newcomers, the harvest was getting less and less. Du Juan was also faced with a dilemma, and had no choice but to choose to come to the Void Prison to give it a try.

call out!

Suddenly, an arrow shot out from hundreds of meters away, blasting towards Du Juan with murderous intent.

Du Juan was shocked. Before he could react, the Qingping Sword in his hand had already been taken a step forward and gently lifted.


A crisp crashing sound suddenly occurred.

The arrows with murderous intent exploded instantly and turned into fragments, scattering in all directions.

"Who?" Only at this moment did Du Juan react and let out a sweet shout.


"You couldn't be shot to death?"

"Is this sword of yours a top-grade magic weapon?"

A young man appeared several hundred meters away. Behind this young man, there were two middle-aged guards in uniforms.

This young man held a bow in his hand, his eyes were greedy and excited, staring at the sword in Du Juan's hand.

"Du Rong."

When Du Juan saw the person clearly, her expression changed again, but when she thought that her soul master was now a powerful Nascent Soul or even a monk who transformed into a god, and the one she held in her hand was also a spiritual treasure, she no longer had the fear she had before.

Talk about it.

The reason why she had no choice but to enter the virtual prison was because of the rules of the family. The Du family stipulated that only ten people in each generation could decide their own destiny. They could choose to join the Shangzong through the Du family channels. In the end, Become one of the leaders of the family.

Others outside the ten people had to accept the family's arrangements and became the wives and concubines of the disciples of the Shangzong, or became tools to win over the family elders with other surnames. In short, everything had to obey the family's arrangements and no longer had any ego.

However, Du Juan's cultivation is not enough to enter the top ten, and can only be ranked around twelve. The family's resources are not enough for her to break through in a short time. This is the reason why she ventured into the virtual prison.

She wants to control her own destiny, not lose herself.

As for the Du Rong in front of him, he is in the late stage of foundation building and is temporarily ranked ninth in the ranking of this generation of the family. It can be said that, barring any accident, he should be one of the next generation family controllers.


Du Rong and Du Juan have an old feud. If they really determine the top ten of this generation, Du Rong is in the list and Du Juan is out, then Du Rong will never let Du Juan go, and she will only die.

What Du Juan didn't expect was that she would meet Du Rong here, and it seemed that Du Rong was ambushing here.

As she turned her thoughts, she knew that her whereabouts had been exposed to Du Rong. However, Du Rong couldn't wait for the family competition and followed Du Juan into the virtual prison in advance. He wanted to kill Du Juan first to ensure that he could not escape. Accident.

"Du Juan, put down the magic weapon in your hand, and I promise to spare your life." Du Rong said.

Before Du Juan could speak.

Han Yi, who was always paying attention to the outside world in his Qiankun Ring, was quite speechless when he saw this scene.

"What the hell. Kill!"

The grievances and grievances in the foundation building period were simply child's play to him, and he had no interest in continuing to watch them.

With a thought, the Qingping sword in Du Juan's hand broke free from Du Juan's hand and flew out quickly, silently, like a stream of light, flashing past.

Du Rong, who was holding a long bow and had a look of greed on his face, showed no fear, and his head was already flying high.


Not only a head, but also the two golden elixir guards behind him were beheaded in an instant. The terrifying power, even if there was no soul-killing, the souls of these three people were also destroyed here.

Du Juan was pleasantly surprised when he saw Du Rong being beheaded. He was surprised that this sword was so terrifying. It could easily kill Jin Dan with its spiritual power alone. What he was happy about was that Du Rong, who had a big hatred against him, actually died in front of him. In front of me, this is what I have been dreaming of for many years. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, it has been realized.


When she was pleasantly surprised, the voice of the Soul Master also sounded in her mind. The blue-black long sword had returned to her hand, and not even a trace of blood was left on the sword body.

Du Juan agreed, and then continued to rush forward. When passing three corpses, an idea occurred to him, and he took advantage of the situation and put away the magic weapon and three Qiankun bags on the corpses.

She was still a little worried that the soul master would be displeased with her actions, but there was no sound coming from her, which proved that the soul master didn't mind this at all.

As a result, she became even more happy.

With Du Rong and the two family golden elixir guards' magic weapons and the Universe Bag, she has enough spiritual stones to buy a mid-grade magic weapon, and enough spiritual stones to support her magic practice, and it is very possible that she can even Before the family competition, we entered the late stage of foundation building.

Killing the enemy and obtaining resources, in just one breath, this kind of ecstasy even made her whole body excited.

In this ecstatic mood, her speed became a little faster.

after one day.

She appeared in a valley, and what surprised Han Yi, who was in the Qiankun Ring, was that there was a city hidden in the valley.

This city is very large, much larger than the ones Han Yi saw in Yuheng Realm. Of course, in order not to attract the attention of other Nascent Souls and even gods, he did not scan the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness.

However, to be able to open a market in Virtual Prison, it is definitely not simple. There should be support from the Immortal Sect behind it.

Du Juan had a clear goal and ran towards a building on one side of the valley. After a while, he handed over the spirit stone in this building and walked into a valley wall with a cold light.

The valley wall is invisible, and the cuckoo passes through it. When it reappears, it is already in the real world.

Immortal world, Qingxuan Immortal Domain, Demon Suppressing Immortal City.

Du Juan walked out of a tower in Chufang City. She did not return to the Du family. Instead, under Han Yi's instructions, she spent some spiritual stones to rent a cave in the edge of Chufang City. A fourth-level cave.

In the cave.

Han Yi escaped from the Qiankun Ring and sat cross-legged in the depths of the cave. He was severely injured at this moment. Although he had taken the elixir, he was currently unable to set up the Nine Heavens Thunder Spirit Formation. Therefore, he could only let Du Juan guard the door of the cave. .

In front of Du Juan, the Qingping Sword is suspended in mid-air. This is the main guarding force. Even if a Yuanying monk breaks in, it can temporarily resist it.


Han Yi began to heal his wounds again. (End of chapter)

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