I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 324 First-grade Immortal Envoy, Lotus Fire Immortal Lord

Han Yi's bad premonition became stronger and stronger, but he did not give up. Instead, he quickly set up his escape light and fled towards another cross-domain teleportation formation. As long as he could leave, even if he paid a high price, he would be able to escape. No matter what.

But a moment later, when they arrived at another teleportation array, there was an immortal sitting directly on top of that teleportation array.

Dozens of miles apart, thousands of golden elixirs, Yuanyings and even god-transforming monks looked anxious, but in front of the immortal, they did not dare to make any mistakes, not even making a loud noise, but they were unwilling to leave just like that, and It's just hanging around.

Seeing this situation, Han Yi felt no longer happy in his heart.

Even the immortals have been dispatched, so this cross-domain teleportation array will definitely be useless.

It seems.

The high-level monks of this Demon-Suppressing Immortal City want to keep all the monks in the city to resist the attacks of the intelligent tribe's affiliated races. If the teleportation array is really released, not to mention the casual cultivators, even the large immortal cultivators or the Immortal Sect may be Arrange for the core monks to leave, and even the immortals may leave secretly. In this way, the power of the immortal city will be greatly weakened.

If he were a high-level official in Immortal City, he would definitely do the same.

But now that he is a trapped monk, this is quite troublesome.

Han Yi suddenly thought of Zhu Sui's self-introduction. He was a monk of the Demon-Suppressing Immortal Sect, and the Demon-Suppressing Immortal Sect was the administrative Immortal Sect of this fairy city. If he went to find him, he didn't know if he could find a way out.

However, he glanced at the immortals sitting on the cross-domain teleportation array in the distance. Even the immortals were dispatched. Zhu Sui was just a god, so he probably didn't have the ability to activate the teleportation array.

This path doesn't work.

Han Yi was about to set up the escape light, but suddenly found that the silver candle token he carried with him lit up slightly, and a message was transmitted from this special spiritual treasure.

After checking the information, Han Yi's eyes lit up.

This message is very simple. It is sent to all Suizhu Xianting monks in the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City, asking all monks to go to the Suizhu Xianting stronghold.

The message didn't say whether they could leave, but since it was a gathering, there must be more secure arrangements in Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, instead of having no place to go like now.

Han Yi followed the address in the message and fled north. It took half an hour before he finally arrived at a cliff. This cliff was called Jinzhu Cliff, which was the stronghold of Suizhu Immortal Court in the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City.


In every fairy city in the fairy world, there is a stronghold of Suizhu Fairy Court, just like when we were in Daqian Fairy Kingdom, every fairy city had a holy land and a stronghold of the three major sects. This is the ultimate strength and influence. Directly reflected.

Han Yi landed on the Golden Candle Cliff and saw hundreds of monks gathered there, and as time went by, more monks came.

These hundreds of monks, each looking for a place outside a main hall on the Golden Candle Cliff, sat or stood cross-legged, silent or talking.

After Han Yi arrived, he was led into the main hall, showed his token to a monk in the transformation stage of the hall, reported his personal information, and was then arranged to go outside the hall.

He also took the opportunity to ask about the next arrangements for Immortal Court, but the news he received made him uneasy.

"There is indeed a teleportation array here in Xianting."

"However, in front of a stick of incense, the teleportation array has been closed. This is the fairy city formation. It uses great magic power to cut off the spatial positioning and prevent all the monks from leaving."

"However, don't worry. Even if we, the Immortal Court monks, don't need the teleportation array, the safety can be greatly improved if we gather together."

The expression of the god-transforming monk was calm and not a trace of nervousness. Obviously, he had full confidence in Immortal Court and did not feel anything to be nervous about.

But Han Yi, who walked out of the hall, looked at more and more monks gathering here, and the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

But one thing the god-incarnation said was right. When monks gathered together, the security was definitely much stronger than if he were alone.

Han Yi observed the monks in front of the main hall. Many monks put on the same style of clothing as Suizhu Immortal Mansion. This made Han Yi a little embarrassed because he was in a hurry to go out before. After becoming a monk in the Immortal Mansion, he needed a lot of items. None of them went to collect it, only a Sui Zhu token representing their identity.

Ignoring this, Han Yi calculated the auras of all the monks. By the time he walked out of the hall, there were not many monks who had returned from outside. There were probably more than 500 monks in front of the hall.

Among them, there are more than sixty cultivators of the Transformation God, gathered at the entrance of the main hall. Most of the others are Nascent Soul cultivators, about four hundred of them. The lowest level is the Golden Pill cultivator, but There are not many in number, less than the transformed gods, about thirty or so.

In other words, Nascent Soul is the realm of Suizhu Immortal Court, where most monks go out.

In fact, it is understandable.

Suizhu Immortal Mansion is an immortal mansion established by Suizhu Immortal Court to cultivate immortals. Most monks can only access the path to becoming immortals when they reach the Nascent Soul stage, and they can achieve success only when they reach the Divine Transformation stage.

Monks lower than Nascent Soul do not belong to the Suizhu Immortal Mansion, but are in a lower-level institution. That institution does not encourage monks to cross the Immortal Realm, and low-level monks do not have the ability or financial resources to cross the Immortal Realm. , came to the southern area of ​​​​the fairyland.

Only a small number of Jindan monks with strong strength and astonishing luck can stand out from this low-level organization, obtain the token of Suizhu Immortal Mansion, enter the Immortal Mansion, become the master of the mansion, and have the ability to go out.

When Han Yi first obtained the Suizhu token, the token reminded him that low-level monks were at great risk, so he left directly. When he reached the Nascent Soul stage, he returned to the Immortal Mansion by chance.

Another half hour later.

A monk fell from the sky.

The aura of this monk is far superior to that of the transformed god, but it does not have that heavy immortal power.

This is a half-immortal who has never caused any immortal calamity.

As soon as this half-immortal appeared, the gods who were closer to the entrance of the hall already stood up.

"Meet the immortal envoy."

Han Yi also learned a little about the Suizhu Immortal Mansion in Yuan Qinghong's Jade Butterfly in the Qiankun Ring.

In Suizhu Immortal Mansion, there is a position called 'immortal envoy'. This position can only be held by half-immortal or true immortal or mysterious immortal monks.

To simply understand, the Immortal Envoy is the same as the elder deacon of Xuan Dan Sect in Yuheng Realm.

Among the immortal envoys, they are also divided into levels. The first-level immortal envoy is the half-immortal level, the second-level immortal envoy is the true immortal level, and the third-level immortal envoy is the highest, which is the mysterious level.

Above the Immortal Envoys are the high-level people above the Golden Immortal level. These high-level monks can already control the Immortal Palace or a higher-level Immortal Mansion.

For example, the supreme master of the Suizhu Immortal Palace is a Taiyi Immortal Lord, and the master of the Immortal Palace of the Wanzhan Immortal Palace and the Zhide Immortal Palace is the Jinxian.

At this moment, the person who appeared at the entrance of the hall was a first-grade immortal envoy.

Han Yi did not know this immortal envoy, but when he saw the eager eyes of other god-transforming monks, including the surrounding Nascent Soul monks, he knew that this immortal envoy should have a good reputation.

After the immortal envoy appeared, he stretched out his hand and pressed forward into the void. As if the air had solidified, the sound immediately dissipated.

"Everyone, I am the first-grade immortal envoy of the Zhengfa Immortal Palace, Lu Ye."

"As you are able to gather here, you must also know that the void war outside the territory has resumed, and it has affected the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City. Some of the monks in the Immortal Court in this fairy city have been teleported back to the northern fairyland through the teleportation array."

"However, now within the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City, the spatial positioning is isolated. If you insist on opening the teleportation array, you may be directly teleported to the void outside the territory, which is extremely dangerous."

"Right now, if you want to return to the Immortal Court, there is only one way, and that is to take an immortal boat and go north without relying on the teleportation array. Hundreds of thousands of miles away, there is an immortal city called Danxia Immortal City. There is also a stronghold of Immortal Court in the city. As far as I know, Danxia Immortal City is temporarily safe and there is no forbidden space. We can use the teleportation array there to teleport back to Immortal Court."

"In addition, the Immortal Court's second-grade immortal envoys and above in the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City have all been recruited by the Demon-Suppressing Immortal Sect. Now, including me, there are only three first-grade immortal envoys. We will take you out of this place together."

"This is a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles, and the dangers are unknown. If there are monks who are unwilling to go with us, we can stay here and don't force them."

"This is the current situation. We will set off after a stick of incense."

As soon as these words came out, the immortal envoy named Lu Ye turned around and stepped into the immortal palace, leaving many monks outside the palace looking at each other.

Many monks' faces changed drastically because this was different from what they expected.

They gathered here because they wanted to return to the north through the teleportation array. Although they knew that the teleportation array was banned, all the monks expected the Immortal Court monks to find other ways, such as communicating with the Demon-Suppressing Immortal Sect to release the authority of the teleportation array and allow teleportation Arrays can be repositioned.

after all.

They are monks from Suizhu Immortal Court, Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, but now it is one of the four Immortal Courts in Daluo Immortal World. Although its strength is not as good as Daluo Immortal Courtyard, it has profound foundation and is the oldest force in the Immortal World.

With such a status, the Demon-Suppressing Immortal Sect did not show any shame, and even directly recruited the immortals stationed here in the Immortal Court.

This is really something they didn't expect.

But when they reacted, all the monks' faces became grave.

What did this mean? They just thought about it and guessed 70% to 80% of it.

The front line is absolutely unbearable. Even the Demon Suppressing Fairy City may not be able to hold it. Instead of holding on, it is better to risk leaving. As long as you cross hundreds of thousands of miles and reach Danxia Fairy City, you can use the teleportation array. , Return to the Fairyland.


It is too dangerous to leave the Immortal City at this moment. Outside the Immortal City, without the Immortal Formation, if you encounter the Immortal-level intelligent race affiliated race, it will definitely be a dead end.

But if it is predicted that the fairy city is about to fall, then venturing out is a way to have a higher survival rate.

This is a tough choice.

Han Yi, who was further behind, also changed his expression.

He also did not expect that after ten years of seclusion, he would be able to return to the battlefield after coming out of seclusion and greatly improving his strength.

He has experienced the scarlet dimension and knows that personal strength below the immortal level is too low on the battlefield. Survival depends mostly on luck, and luck is too elusive. No one can guarantee good luck all the time. .

In Lu Ye's words just now, he also deduced a lot of hidden information.

The first point is that the fairy city is about to be attacked, and may even fall, and the city will be destroyed directly. The only way is to go north, leave the fairy city, cross hundreds of thousands of miles, and reach another fairy city. There is still a chance.

Second point, don’t count on the teleportation array in the city. The Demon-Suppressing Immortal Sect has blocked the spatial positioning. In front of the Destroying Sect, it doesn’t matter if you are an Immortal Court or some other powerful force. Anyone above the Immortal level will be recruited without mercy. If he resists, he will be captured directly and convicted of rebellion.

The third point is, if you want to leave, come with me. If you don’t want to leave, stay and save yourself.

Han Yi peeled off the hidden aura and finally recognized the immortal envoy's judgment.

Even the semi-immortal level immortal envoys cannot leave directly through the teleportation array. They can only rely on the immortal boat to escape. They leave the immortal city first and are willing to take their monks with them. What is there to be dissatisfied about?

After a stick of incense.

An immortal boat rose from this stronghold and headed towards the north gate of the immortal city.

But in this stronghold of Suizhu Immortal Court, more than eighty people stayed, including three god-transformation monks.

The lowest level of the monks are all golden elixirs, and each has its own judgment. The monks who stayed, whether they judged that the war would not be spoiled, that the fairy city could be defended, or that it was too dangerous to leave the city, or they had other channels , they should all bear the consequences.

Correspondingly, if you follow the three immortal envoys, leave the fairy city on the fairy boat and fly north, you will have to suffer the corresponding consequences if you encounter danger.

Everyone chooses and is responsible for the consequences.

Hundreds of thousands of miles is not close to a semi-immortal monk. At this distance, even if Lu Ye sacrifices an immortal boat with an immortal weapon level, it will take half a stick of incense.

Although half a stick of incense is short, for a monk who is half-immortal or above, if he encounters an enemy during this period of time, once they engage in combat, it can be fatal in an instant.

If the ghost witch who forced the fairy city to open the fairy formation was watching outside the fairy city, it would most likely be enough to easily kill the cultivators with a casual blow.

In the fairy boat, although Han Yi was worried, he was calm. The probability of being attacked was too small. If he really encountered it, he was destined to have such a disaster.

He was observing the immortal boat at the moment, showing curiosity.

The Immortal Weapon-level Immortal Boat is completely different from the Lingbao-level Immortal Boat. Judging from the appearance, this Immortal Boat should be in the shape of a long shuttle, flying across the space without making any sound.

The monks are in the fairy space inside the fairy boat. There is a light curtain above the space, and they can see the scene outside the fairy boat.

This fairy space is the manned space of the fairy boat, which is somewhat similar to the fairy world in the fairy body.

Said to be an immortal boat, in fact, an immortal vessel with an immortal weapon level can be regarded as a moving immortal mansion.

Moreover, at the level of Immortal Weapon, the attack power and defense power of Immortal Boat have far surpassed that of Lingbao, leaping to a new level.

Han Yi guessed that even if he encounters a true immortal, this immortal boat can still resist it.

Of course, if it encounters an enemy of Xuanxian or even Golden Immortal level, then this shuttle will probably break into pieces on the spot.

In the fairy boat space, the monks each found a place. The three immortal envoys were not here, but in the fairy boat control room, nervously controlling the fairy boat.

In fact, this immortal boat did not belong to them, but was temporarily lent to them by a true immortal who was stationed in the stronghold of Demonic Immortal City, allowing them to gather the immortal monks and leave together.

Of course, they were not worried about the damage to the immortal boat, but were worried that an invincible enemy would appear, and the three half-immortals would also perish here.

For the monks in the immortal boat, time seemed to slow down countless times.

The time of half a stick of incense may have been just a short breath adjustment in the past, but now, it is the measurement of the distance between life and death for everyone.

Just when halfway across the distance.


Thunder shook in the void, as if a big world exploded. Endless light and heat rolled and submerged the immortal boat.

In the Immortal Boat Control Room, the expressions of Lu Ye and the other two first-grade immortal envoys changed drastically.

Han Yi, who was in the fairy boat, also felt his head buzzing. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the light curtain outside the fairy boat.

Within the light curtain.

I saw a huge pillar glowing with golden aura, falling from the sky, next to the fairy boat, and plunged into the ground below, causing the mountains to break and the space to tremble.

Not finished yet.

Another equally huge pillar of golden spiritual light descended from the sky and struck the ground, causing an earth-shattering earthquake and roar.

Under this terrifying power, Han Yi closed his eyes subconsciously, then opened them immediately, his face instantly horrified.

These are two golden pillars. These are clearly two legs of an extremely huge body. These two legs are like two giant pillars holding up the sky.

Sure enough, when the light curtain zoomed out, a huge golden figure appeared.

And at this moment.

The immortal boat he was on passed by this huge figure.

One word came out of Han Yi's mind.

The Djinn Protoss.

This is one of the nine subordinate races of the Intelligent Tribe, and the second most powerful of the Giant Spirit Tribe.

Each giant spirit god will be at least 10,000 feet tall when he becomes an adult, and the strength of the giant spirit god after adulthood will naturally reach the immortal level. With a little practice, he will become a mysterious immortal, and with a little effort, he will become a golden immortal, with top-notch talents. , the strength is stronger.

As soon as the news about the Giant Spirit God Clan surfaced in Han Yigang, the two giant pillars flashed past his eyes. The violent spiritual energy brought by them even impacted the fairy boat at the level of an immortal weapon, causing it to shake unsteadily. The protection on the surface of the immortal weapon The hood flickered violently, and the fairy spirit stones in the fairy boat were consumed rapidly.

But the Giant Spirit God, who had not paid any attention to this weak fairy boat, at this moment, violent aura burst out from his running body, and punched out, the divine light was like a torrent, crushing through the void and blasting forward. .

In front of this rolling torrent of divine light, a Taoist stood proudly in the void, with a stern face. He made a hand seal and pointed forward gently.

This man was tall and slender, but in front of the giant spirit god's body that was tens of thousands of feet tall, he was as small as gravel.

But with this handprint, a surge of immortal power surged out of him, stirring up and directly moving hundreds of miles of space around him.

Suddenly, a sky fire appeared, strangely, emerging from the turbulent surrounding space, condensing into fiery red lotuses. The lotus spread for hundreds of miles, surrounding the giant spirit god, and even the torrent blasted by his punch was within the range of the lotus.

Almost when the Lotus Sky Fire appeared.

The Giant Spirit God punched out, a look of fear suddenly flashed across his face. Feeling the approach of death, he opened his mouth suddenly, and a wild roar sounded, resounding throughout the area thousands of miles away.

His legs bent sharply, as if he were about to leap up and escape from this strange lotus sky fire.

But the cold and stern Taoist had no expression on his face. He just stretched out a hand and shook it violently.

The lotus and sky fire enveloped the giant spirit god. In an instant, the roar turned into a howl. The sound was short-lived and disappeared in less than half a breath.

As the sound dissipated, there was also the body of this giant spirit god.

The Giant Spirit God Clan only cultivates the physical body, not the divine soul, or to be more precise, their physical body, the divine soul, can become immortal if practiced to the extreme.

This path is very similar to that of the ancient god clan that has been confirmed to be extinct in the fairy world. However, the ancient god's body is not so exaggerated. Moreover, the ancient god still has inheritance and can practice divine arts, which is far more powerful than the giant spirit clan.

The cold and stern Taoist glanced at the fairy boat that was going away, with no emotion in his eyes. He turned around and made a slight swipe. With a tearing sound, a hole opened in the void, and he took a step forward and stepped into it.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, the sky fire that annihilated the giant spirit god in the still violent spiritual energy fell down, dyeing this vast area red. From then on, even true immortals would have difficulty crossing it.

If Lu Ye were here at this moment, and he was not blocked by the giant spirit god, he would definitely recognize him.

In an instant, the immortal who killed the Giant Spirit God was Zang Yuan, the Taiyi Golden Immortal and the deputy palace master of Doumu Yuan Palace in Daluo Immortal Court. His Taoist name was Lianhuo, that is, Lianhuo Immortal Lord.

the other side.

The immortal boat and the giant spirit god's legs passed by each other. Before they could escape, the violent destructive spiritual energy violently lifted the immortal boat away. During the violent shaking, a roar came from behind, and the sound suddenly changed. The sound of wailing then stopped abruptly.

During this process, the monks stabilized their bodies and saw the endless lotus and sky fire through the light curtain in the space. Then, the light curtain could not withstand the power transmitted and broke directly, frightening the monks. .


"No, it's the Lotus Sky Fire. The one who took action was the Lotus Fire Immortal Lord."

"I didn't expect to meet the Lotus Fire Immortal Lord. He is famous even in the Great Luo Immortal Court."

"This giant spirit god is also very powerful, and it actually provoked the Lotus Fire Immortal Lord to take action."

"We are very lucky. If not for the gentle squeeze of the Lotus Fire Immortal Lord, the giant spirit god, our immortal boat would have turned into powder."

"That's right."

All the monks breathed a sigh of relief.

While Han Yi listened to the discussions among the cultivators, he secretly remembered the Immortal Lord Lotus Fire. When he arrived at Suizhu Immortal Court, he must remember all the famous immortals in the immortal world.


What made the monks breathe a sigh of relief was that there were no more twists and turns in the second half of the journey, and the fairy boat arrived at Danxia Fairy City safely. Danxia Fairy City was smaller than Demon-Suppressing Fairy City, and it was not among the fairy cities closest to the outer void battlefield. In comparison, Danxia Fairy City was smaller. It is said that the chaos on the front line has not spread to this place, and even the fairy city formation has not been activated.

After the fairy boat entered the fairy city, it went straight to the stronghold of Suizhu Fairy City in the fairy city. Then, the monks landed on the fairy boat and were arranged to step into the teleportation array one after another and teleport back.

When it was Han Yi's turn, it was already an hour later.

On the teleportation array, the aura flickered, the familiar space transformed, and the light and shadow changed. When he stabilized his body again, Han Yi had arrived at a fairy palace.

Coming out of the Immortal Palace, Han Yi saw the familiar transportation hub of the Immortal Palace, Jiuchuan Square. Ten years ago, he and Lu Anping were transported to Canglong Immortal City from an Immortal Palace around Jiuchuan Square.

In just ten years, so many things happened that Han Yi couldn't help but feel emotional.

But he finally came back safely.

Han Yi breathed a long sigh of relief, and then secretly made up his mind.

"This time, I will never go out until I reach the peak of my spiritual transformation."

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