I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 326: Immortal Art Fairy, pick up alchemy again

Ten Thousand Battles in Immortal Palace.

Among the Immortal Mansion, it is one of the three most lively Immortal Palaces. The other two are the Zhide Immortal Palace, which uses points as currency for transactions, and the Immortal Palace, which focuses on the refining of elixirs, formations, weapons, and talismans. Art Palace.

Outside the Immortal Palace, the monks gathered together and it was very lively. Most of them were Nascent Soul and Soul Transformation monks, and a few were Golden elixir monks who had just emerged from the Ling Palace and joined the Immortal Palace.

Same as the first time.

As soon as Han Yi walked into the Immortal Palace, he saw many monks gathered near the gate of the Immortal Palace, trying to get people to form a team, go out together, and complete the task together.

In Ten Thousand Battles Immortal Palace, there are generally two types of tasks.

One is the mission to become an immortal deduced by the Immortal Palace based on the branch road plan for cultivators to become immortals, combined with the information from the immortal world. Performing these tasks is equivalent to walking on the path to becoming an immortal. The tasks are extremely difficult. Completing the tasks will advance the path to becoming an immortal. road progress.

The other is a routine task, such as planting certain high-level spiritual plants. For example, the monks Han Yi met in the Immortal Palace before. Their task was to go out to station in the Immortal City stronghold, and they also received it from the Wanzhan Immortal Palace. , another example is collecting the spiritual objects needed by the Immortal Envoys of Zhengfa Immortal Palace, etc.

Among these two categories, there are more tasks on the road to becoming an immortal. This is the spirit of the Immortal Mansion, which is derived from the monks.

Because the Immortal Mansion is about cultivating immortals, most of the monks in the Mansion are Nascent Souls and Transformed Gods. They are monks who have tried to embark on, or have actually embarked on, or even almost completed the path to immortality.

Like last time, Han Yi walked to the middle of the Immortal Palace. There was no noise here anymore, but there were numerous colorful spiritual pillars. The pillars were hundreds of meters apart. When a monk placed the token on the pillars, the pillars A translucent aura cover will appear, isolating the inside and outside, making it quite private.

Han Yi walked to a spiritual pillar and put the token with his real name on it. In an instant, colorful spiritual light poured out from the spiritual pillar, touching the silver light emerging from the token for verification, and then , the aura expanded to an area of ​​three meters, shrouding Han Yi in it.

This scene was the same as when he first saw it ten years ago.

Talk about it.

This Sui Zhu token is truly extraordinary.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary brand, but it is actually an extremely special spiritual treasure. Although this spiritual treasure does not have a spiritual treasure space and has no defense or attack, it has a auxiliary effect on the monks of Suizhuxian Mansion. It's extremely important.

Of course, in general.

This token can only be used within the Immortal Mansion, such as positioning, querying, receiving tasks, settling points, etc.

But in the outside world, outside the Immortal Mansion, the effect of this brand is not as magical.

Only in a few cases will fluctuations occur.

The most common one is that when the monk who owns it dies and becomes ownerless, the token will consume the energy stored in it and transport the monk who obtained it to the Immortal Mansion to start the assessment task.

Han Yi still remembers that when he was in Yuheng Realm, when he got this token, the monk who originally owned it failed the test and was punished with a shortened life span. He went crazy on the spot and was killed by Han Yi.

And Han Yi also used the token to enter the Immortal Mansion.


Han Yi also experienced another extremely special situation, that is, in Qingxuan Dojo, the token was devoured and fused, connected to the Immortal Mansion, and confirmed the information, but was blocked and cut off on the spot.

The opposite subject who cuts off the information is actually the spirit of the Immortal Mansion, also known as the Mansion Spirit.

This situation is a rare exception even in Immortal Mansion.

Therefore, when Han Yi activated the token in the void, the mansion spirit detected that the location of the token was in the void battlefield, not the place occupied by the wise tribe, and started the teleportation to send Han Yi back to the immortal mansion.

This is a very special exception.

Other monks naturally do not have this honor. For example, in the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City, even half-immortals and even immortal monks in the Immortal Mansion cannot use tokens to teleport.

Han Yi deduced this point after consulting many materials about Xuanzang Palace and combined with his experience in Suppressing Demon Fairy City.

At this moment, standing in front of the spiritual pillar, he concentrated his thoughts and looked away from the token.

at the same time.

A light curtain popped up above the spiritual pillar and appeared in front of Han Yi.

Above the light curtain, there are three options.

‘Immortal path’, ‘points’, ‘mission’.

This option is the same as when he is in his own Immortal Palace. However, in his own Immortal Palace, he only has the viewing function, and cannot receive tasks and make settlements.

This time, Han Yi did not click on the Immortal Road directly, but clicked on the 'mission'.

After swiping, a prompt pops up.

"The master of Immortal Mansion No. 826, Han Yi, has detected that one of your tasks has been completed. Do you want to settle it?"

Han Yi clicked 'Yes' and saw a blur of light and shadow emerging from the Suizhu Token placed on the spiritual pillar, which was then absorbed by the light pillar.

In the flickering blur of light and shadow, Han Yi saw himself killing the Gu clan.

This Suizhu Token actually has the function of taking photos.

Han Yi's eyes were half-squinted. Although this was good, if his secrets were involved, wouldn't it be known to the spirits of the Immortal Mansion?

He greatly enriched his knowledge in Xuanzang Palace, and now he knows enough about Suizhu Immortal Palace, especially Suizhu Immortal Palace where he is located.

He knows that in the entire Immortal Mansion, all information exchanges actually go through Fu Ling.

Fu Ling is the spirit of a powerful immortal weapon. It is said that this immortal weapon was once used by Suizhu Daojun. When placed in the immortal mansion, it is both a Fu Ling and a mansion-suppressing immortal weapon.

Thinking of this, Han Yi shook his head.

For the powerful Fu Ling, the secrets he revealed were too insignificant. As for the panel, he had never said it out loud, so it was naturally impossible for him to be noticed.

After gathering his thoughts again, Han Yi looked at the new information that popped up.

"Settlement completed."

"mission completed."

"Current points: 900 points."

"After deducting 11 years of basic points, the remaining points are 790."

With a swipe of the light screen, he returned to the homepage, with three options suspended, Immortal Road, Points, and Missions.

Han Yi clicked on the 'Points' option.

"Master of the Palace: Han Yi."

"House number: 826."

"Current points: 790."

In this light curtain, there are also details of points increase and deduction. After Han Yi clicked in, he exited again.

However, his expression was naturally not very good-looking.

"The points of each of the ten fourth-level Gu clans are only 90."

"The basic points deducted every year are 10 points."

"This means that even if you keep the title of Immortal Mansion and stay in the Immortal Mansion, it is equivalent to taking nine years to kill a fourth-level Gu clan."

"The pressure on this Immortal Mansion monk can be imagined."

Han Yi thought again of Fu Hongxi, a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk in the Yuheng Realm. He was so helpless and frightened by this pressure that he ran away from the Immortal Mansion.

Among them, the pressure of points is definitely one of the important reasons for his running away.

Han Yi is certain of this.

He exited the 'Points' interface and entered the 'Immortal Road' interface, and relevant information popped up again.

"Master of the Palace: Han Yi."

"House number: 826."

"Current state: Intermediate stage of Nascent Soul."

"Detection of branches of Immortal Road: Sutra of Freedom, Nine-fold Soul Tower, Nine-Destroying Soul Bell, Sword Realm."

"Immortal Road Status: It has been opened. You can choose a branch, filter tasks, and embark on the Immortal Road."

Han Yi thought for a while and clicked in from the 'Nine Layers of Soul Tower'.

The interface jumps directly to the task interface, and countless tasks appear.

"Practice in the Demon Soul Cave for a month."

"Practice rotten wood to cast nerves, reaching the ninth level."

"Kill the ten deacons of Nether Soul Tower."

"Find and kill a cross-era evil god."

There were a lot of tasks, thousands of them. Han Yi browsed them one by one, feeling more and more surprised.

Because these tasks are essentially related to the soul.

The demon soul cave in the first mission is a cave in the Eastern Immortal Court of the Immortal World, the Donghuang Immortal Court. In that cave, there are countless demon souls, even immortal-level demon souls.

However, the demon souls inside have been specially refined, leaving only the power of demonic temptation. This cave is regarded as the place where the demon clan cultivates their souls, and the person guarding it is a Taiyi Demon Immortal.

Although in the fairy world, the human race and the demon race are of the same mind on the surface due to the pressure from the external intelligence race, if the human race monks want to enter the demon soul cave, the price they have to pay will make even the god-transforming monks feel extremely distressed.

This is the price of entering the Demon Soul Cave. After entering, being able to practice for a month under the temptation of demons is something that not even many monks in the Divine Transformation Stage can do.

Han Yi was very lucky at this moment. He went to Xuanzang Palace first and then came to Wanzhan Palace. In Xuanzang Palace, he spent eight points to understand some basic knowledge of the immortal world. Otherwise, he would not even be able to understand the demon world. Even Soul Cave Heaven doesn’t know.

The second task made Han Yi's eyes light up. He had never seen this 'Deadwood Casting Nerve' before, but it should be a technique for transforming the soul. This task should be based on this technique. After assisting the Nine-layered Soul Tower, or practicing this technique, the Nine-layered Soul Tower may evolve and transform, and then be one step closer to becoming an immortal.

The tasks of becoming an immortal here are all deduced by the Fu Ling. As for the Fu Ling's deduction ability, Han Yi guessed that even if it is not the Dao Ancestor level, it is at least the Immortal Lord level. It is the top 'spirit' in the immortal world. At this stage, Speaking of it, Han Yi absolutely believed it 100%.

Han Yi analyzed each task, and most of them were extremely difficult. He finally returned to the second task at the beginning, which was to practice 'Deadwood Casting Nerve', but he did not choose the task immediately.

Instead, exit the 'Becoming an Immortal' module, and then click on 'Tasks' from the home page.

This time, in the task column, the top ten tasks of Quanwanzhan Xiangong were displayed.

"Enter the abyss and kill an adult abyss demon."

"Destroy a hundred void blood nests."

Han Yi raised his eyebrows.

"The adult-level Abyss Demons are immortal-level beings. They can transform into gods, or even better, kill immortals as half-immortals. Moreover, they are the Abyss Demons who are the number one affiliated race of the Wisdom Tribe. This mission is too outrageous. No wonder. Number one.”

"The second mission is a little less outrageous, but also quite astonishing. The Void Blood Nest was established when the Vampire Race condensed its blood core. As the second only to the Abyss Demon Clan, the Djinn God Clan ranks among the tribes affiliated with the Intelligent Tribe. The fighting power of the third race, the Vampire Clan, is not at all inferior to that of the Giant Spirit God Clan. It’s just that the Vampire Clan, like the Abyss Demon Clan, has a weak reproductive capacity and few individuals, so it ranks third behind the Giant Spirit God Clan.”

Han Yi read the top ten tasks with great interest and skipped them directly. In his current state, these tasks were just for fun. He clicked on the filter.

After a pause and hesitation, he made up his mind. With a thought, he filtered out the parts related to 'alchemy'. Suddenly, a large number of tasks were refreshed.

Regardless of whether it is the top ten tasks or the newly refreshed tasks, they have nothing to do with his path to becoming an immortal.

simply say.

Click on the 'Become an Immortal' module, and then click on the 'Immortal Road Branch' to jump to the task interface, which is a task related to Han Yicheng's Road to Immortality.

And if you click on the "Task" module alone, the tasks you can see are all the tasks in the entire Ten Thousand Battles Immortal Palace, and have nothing to do with Han Yi's road to becoming an immortal.

Of course, the mission here is an ordinary mission for Han Yi, but for other monks, it is most likely their mission to become an immortal.

These are the two modes of setting tasks in Xianfu.

No matter which mode it is, as long as the task is completed, you can get points.

Han Yi came here just for points.

If he has enough points, he can even go directly to Zhide Immortal Palace and exchange the points for an immortal weapon, or directly issue a personal mission in Ten Thousand Battles Immortal Palace and ask ten half-immortal monks to protect him.

All in all, only by having points can you gain a foothold in the Immortal Mansion.

Now that Han Yi had screened out the tasks related to 'alchemy', he was naturally preparing to go back to the old path.

He started out as an alchemist in the Yuheng world.

Alchemy master is one of the safest professional monks in the world of cultivating immortals. Among the various arts of cultivating immortals, Han Yi is also relatively familiar with the skill of alchemy.

If you want to be based in Suizhu Immortal Mansion for a long time, you must have a skill that can be established. Otherwise, running for points will always be passive, and in the end it will be in vain. As for the skill that Han Yi is preparing to establish in the immortal world, he chose it. It's alchemy.

As he browsed the tasks related to alchemy, Han Yi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"To refine the True Infant Pill and Luo Tiandan, we need to provide the pill recipe and materials. The pill completion rate is required to be 50%, and the grade must be at least the pill pattern level. After accepting the task, there are still three opportunities for trials, and each refinement will make ten pills. For Luo Tian Dan or Zhen Ying Dan, you can get one point."

"This mission is quite good. Although the reward is a little low, it should be very good for improving your alchemy skills."

"It's a pity that I have never refined the Danwen level, so I can only hope for the time being."

"Refining the Principle Source Pill, one Huitian Pill can get one hundred points. What kind of pill is this? It is so valuable. It seems that we need to go to Xuanzang Palace again to check the information about high-grade pills. , these elixirs are unheard of in the Yuheng world, let alone refining."

"Three Yang Pill, this pill is also written to have a very powerful catalytic effect on the transformation of the inner space of the monks who transform themselves into gods. However, it is only suitable for monks with the fire attribute. It fits me, but the current me , I guess it can’t be refined.”

Han Yi browsed through it and finally found one that was most suitable for his task.

"The refining of the Enlightenment Pill requires a pill success rate of more than 40%, a grade above the flawless level, and can provide pill recipes and 2,000 source materials. Finally, 10,000 Enlightenment Pills must be submitted to complete the task. The task is completed. , you can get one hundred points.”

This task only requires refining to the flawless grade. Although the requirements are large and the point rewards are small, Han Yi doesn't care for the time being. He wants to use it as a transitional task and wait until he improves his alchemy skills before taking it on. The task of refining the Danwen level Luo Tian Dan and Zhen Ying Dan.

Han Yi clicked to accept the task, and the task appeared in his task module.


He left the Wanzhan Immortal Palace, held the token in his hand, and positioned himself in the Immortal Art Palace. He transformed into a stream of light, and the space changed. In the blink of an eye, he came to the Immortal Art Palace again.

Xianyi Palace, Xuanzang Palace and Xianwu Palace are both one of the nine palaces in the Immortal Palace.

This fairy palace focuses on the research and refining of various immortal arts, elixirs, arrays, weapons, talismans, plants, puppets, beasts...

Most of the alchemy tasks in Wanzhan Immortal Palace are issued by the monks in this Immortal Palace.

There were many monks in this immortal palace. Han Yi entered and found a deacon in the palace, and told the deacon about the task he had taken over.

The deacon was a short and fat monk wearing a toga. His eyes fell on Han Yi, and he looked at him with doubts.

"Junior brother, are you a new monk who joined the Immortal Mansion?"

Han Yi was surprised. He could see this, but it was the fact. He cupped his hand and said, "Brother Huiyan, I have indeed joined the Immortal Mansion not long ago."

The level of this deacon is not low, and is even better than Han Yi. As a monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, Han Yi should be called senior brother.

"It's not my discernment, but the task you received is generally prepared for the Golden Core cultivators who are promoted from the Ling Mansion to the Immortal Mansion."

"Their realm is not high, and their level of alchemy is not high either, so the elixir formation rate and grade requirements in this mission are relatively low."

"Furthermore, according to speculation, it will take ten months to complete this task refining, which means that the one hundred points that can be obtained are only enough to deduct the basic points, and there is no excess."

"Junior brother has confirmed that he will take on this mission. If he regrets it, I can use my authority to revoke his mission."

After the deacon explained, Han Yicai suddenly realized that no wonder among the many tasks, there was this task with obviously low requirements.

But this task was the best for him, and Han Yi would not cancel it.

"Senior brother, this task is most suitable for me. Please fulfill it, senior brother."

"Also, my name is Han Yi, and I am the Immortal Mansion monk No. 826. What is my senior brother's name?"

The deacon nodded slightly: "My name is Tanichuan."

"Since you have made up your mind, so be it, give me your token."

Han Yi nodded and handed over the token: "Brother Trouble Gu."

Tanichuan took the token and walked to the back of the Immortal Palace. After a moment, he reappeared and handed the token and a Qiankun Ring to Han Yi.

"There are two thousand source materials in this. Generally, ten to twenty elixirs can be produced in one furnace. Based on the 40% elixir success rate, ten thousand enlightenment elixirs should not be a problem."

"When junior brother completes the refining, submit it all at once."

"However, one thing to remind you, in the mission, there is no explanation about the punishment if the mission cannot be completed. I would like to add here that if the mission cannot be completed, all the refined elixirs need to be submitted, and a certain amount of points will be deducted. If If you conceal anything, if you are discovered, you will be directly blacklisted by Xianyi Palace, and you will never receive alchemy tasks again, do you know?"

Han Yi nodded solemnly.

He still has this quality, and he is confident that he can definitely complete the task.

After bidding farewell to Gu Chuan, Han Yi walked out of the Immortal Palace, holding the token in his hand. Thoughts came out and he instantly located in another Immortal Palace.

It's not appropriate to say it's 'a building'.

This is an area managed by a fairy palace. This area is similar to Fangshi in the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City.

And here is where the monks in the Immortal Mansion can trade spontaneously, open shops, and buy official items of the Immortal Mansion.

This place is one of the nine palaces in the Immortal Mansion, the Immortal Square Palace.

The location of Xianfang Palace is rather peculiar. It is located outside Jiuchuan Square. Moreover, the biggest difference from the other eight fairy palaces in Xianfu is that it is open to the outside world.

Here, there are not only monks from the Immortal Palace, but also monks from the Ling Palace, as well as monks from other immortal sects outside the Immortal Court, or large trading houses in the Immortal Realm stationed here.

Han Yi stood in the area under the jurisdiction of Xianfang Palace, his eyes shining brightly.

As soon as he returned, he had already visited the Immortal Palace, Xuanzang Palace, Wanzhan Palace, and Immortal Art Palace among the nine palaces of the Immortal Palace. Now it was the turn of the fifth Immortal Palace, Immortal Square Palace.

For Xianfu monks, entering the area under the jurisdiction of Xianfang Palace does not require additional spiritual stones or points.

Han Yi's body shape transmitted by the token was already in the Immortal Square.

He took a step forward and walked into the Immortal Square.

This time, he planned to sell some things and buy some things.

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