I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 339 Beidou tonight, Qin Yi is missing

This is Han Yi's first time entering the fairy world of Jinxian.

The feeling here is not much different from the last time he entered the fairy world of Linghua Immortal. This fairy world seems like a formal world, with sound laws and abundant spiritual energy, which is similar to his fairy world in Black Flame Xuanxian. The feeling in the spiritual world is very different.

This is the difference between golden immortals and mysterious immortals.

Xuanxian is still in the stage of completing the rules, while Jinxian has already begun to perfect the rules and is seeking a higher-level breakthrough.

The time he stayed in the fairy world was not long, less than a minute. During this time, Han Yi observed the other monks around him.

The Immortal Association of Immortals has set up five tracks, corresponding to foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying, transformation of gods and semi-immortal.

Although the Immortal Club is dangerous, overall it is not high. It has the theme of fighting on the road to immortality, so there are many people who sign up.

Because it involved gods and demi-immortals, Han Yi did not dare to scan at will with his spiritual consciousness, but only used his sight to estimate.

But what shocked her was that by just an estimate, there were hundreds of thousands of monks participating in the Immortal Association in Suizhu Immortal Courtyard this time.

Then the entire fairy world must be millions, tens of millions, or even over 100 million?

Thinking about that scene, Han Yi's scalp went numb.

Han Yi's shock did not last long, and he only felt that the space had changed and he had been moved outside the fairy world.

This is an extremely vast realm. The monks of Suizhu Immortal Court appear in this realm at this moment. Those foundation-building monks are placed on the ground because they cannot fly on their own, while the monks of Jindan and above are placed on the ground. It is hovering in mid-air.

On one side of them, there is a towering fairy mountain, and on the other side of them, there is an endless stretch of buildings, caves, towers, houses, all kinds of them, integrated without conflict.

In front of the cultivators, Lingcang Jinxian said:

"This place is the Great Luo Immortal Court, the Changsheng Heaven to which the Changsheng Immortal Palace belongs. Every Immortal Immortal Meeting will be held in the Changsheng Heaven."

"This fairy mountain is called Long Live Mountain, and it is Suizhu's stronghold in Da Luo Xianting."

"The Immortal Association will last for one year. At this time next year, we will gather here and I will send you back to the Immortal Courtyard."

After saying this, Lingcang Golden Immortal fled towards the Immortal Mountain. Han Yi followed his gaze upwards, and in the blink of an eye he saw that Lingcang Golden Immortal had reached the top of the Immortal Mountain, stepped into one of the palaces, and disappeared. not see.

This fairy mountain, towering into the clouds, can stand in the Changsheng Heaven. It can be the stronghold of the Immortal Court. The immortals who are stationed here are definitely not weak. They will be at least the Golden Immortal or even the Taiyi Immortal Lord.

The departure of Lingcang Jinxian made Han Yi's bad premonition weaken slightly.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at the three second-grade immortal envoys and the twelve first-grade immortal envoys standing in front of the monks.

A second-grade immortal envoy must be an immortal at the true immortal level, while a first-grade immortal envoy can be a half-immortal. These twelve half-immortal envoys wear the robes of Zhengfa Immortal Palace, which proves that they are not contestants. , because the other half-immortals participating in the competition all chose ordinary Immortal Mansion robes.

When Han Yi looked over, the other monks were doing the same.

Hundreds of thousands of monks looked at the three true immortals without any noise.

The leader of the True Immortal waited for Lingcang Golden Immortal to leave before speaking:

"I am the Cangdu. I believe everyone already understands the rules of this Immortal Association."

"We and the fifteen immortal envoys, like the Lingcang Golden Immortal, will fall at this stronghold. If you have any questions, you can go directly to Long Live Mountain."

"If there are no problems, just go ahead and register. You can make your own arrangements after registration."

"It's all gone."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Cangdu Immortal Envoy took the other two second-grade Immortal Envoys and twelve first-grade Immortal Envoys and flew towards the top of the Immortal Mountain.

Under the Immortal Mountain, in mid-air, hundreds of thousands of monks began to flee towards the prosperous realm one after another. The foundation-building monks below were in twos and threes, most of them walking together, and a few walking alone, heading towards the same direction to control their weapons.

Han Yi is not too unique, and his figure is mixed among the Nascent Soul monks.

As for what Zangdu Zhenxian said about the rules of the Immortal Immortal Association, he naturally knew it long ago, and he also described it clearly in that mission.

Da Luo Xianting has many institutions, such as Changsheng Immortal Palace and Dou Mu Yuan Palace, and all the institutions are located in the thirty-three realms of Da Luo Xianting.

These are thirty-three small worlds.

The Immortal Palace of Immortality occupies two heavens, one of which is the Heaven of Immortality.

In the stage of the Immortal Fairy Club, the Longevity Fairy Club has set up many registration points. After signing up, you will get a temporary nameplate. When the time comes, you can rely on the nameplate to teleport into a certain cave and participate in the competition.

The competition at this time is a knockout, and the format of the competition is not fixed. It may be a direct battle with someone, or it may be required to complete something in the cave within a specified time limit, etc.

If you fail and are eliminated, there will naturally be no follow-up, and the temporary nameplate in your hand will automatically dissipate. If you succeed, you will enter the next round.

In this way, in the semi-finals, approximately one hundred thousand monks from each track will be selected to participate and enter a certain cave, where they will complete tasks and select the top one hundred monks.

From the knockout rounds to the semi-finals, and from the semi-finals to the finals, the probability is almost one in a thousand.

The monks who can reach the finals are the only ones chosen among millions.

In all previous Immortal Immortal Associations, more than 90% of them were dominated by the four major Immortal Courts. Only a few of them were occupied by some of the immortal sects’ peerless geniuses.


It is also Han Yi's goal this time to enter the finals of the Xianhui Yuanying Circuit, that is, to be in the top 100.


As the monks flew, monks from various realms began to sense different auras and fly to different directions.

Following the other Nascent Soul monks, Han Yifei escaped for a distance and landed in a bustling neighborhood where Nascent Soul monks gathered, and then lined up to register.

In this area, you can see Yuanying monks everywhere, and there are also many at the peak of Yuanying. But even the most unruly monks will become calm here, because there is an immortal-level aura in this area. It is always shrouded, if you dare to take action, you will be wiped out in an instant.

Soon it was his turn. After registering, Han Yi got a blue jade nameplate. On the nameplate, one side was engraved with 'Longevity' and the other side was engraved with the words 'Han Yi'.

There is no mark of Suizhu Immortal Court on it.

In the Immortal Association, the monks represent themselves. Even the Immortal Court only organizes and does not directly affect the monks.

After receiving the nameplate, Han Yi turned around and walked not far before he met an acquaintance.

"Friend Lu Dao." Han Yi took the lead in greeting.

The acquaintance in front of him was Lu Anping, the monk who led the team when he participated in the mission to kill the Gu clan after he first arrived in the Immortal Mansion.

Lu Anping's eyes flashed when he saw Han Yi. He had learned that Han Yi killed Yuan Qinghong more than ten years ago. Moreover, he knew a lot about that battle, and even knew that it was three monks. Surround and kill Han Yi alone.

Seeing Han Yi now, his attitude towards Han Yi was naturally different from before.

"Friend Daoist Han, long time no see." Lu Anping replied with a smile.

"This Immortal Meeting, given the strength of Fellow Daoist Han, will definitely be a blockbuster. Lu congratulated me in advance."

Han Yi smiled and shook his head. He naturally knew that this was a polite comment.

The aura on Lu Anping's body at this moment did not deliberately restrain itself. The peak Nascent Soul realm could not be clearer to Han Yi's perception.

"I should congratulate fellow Daoist Lu for being promoted to the peak Nascent Soul. Presumably, the next step is to prepare for the transformation into a god."

"A fluke, a fluke."

After a while, the two of them exchanged pleasantries and left. After all, the two of them were not familiar with each other. They just happened to form a team many years ago.

A few words of conversation, although not enough to establish friendship, at least we are familiar with each other.

Saying goodbye to Lu Anping, Han Yi channeled a trace of his magic power into the jade nameplate. Suddenly, a palm-sized light curtain popped out of the nameplate.

This kind of technology belongs to the category of weapon refining. Han Yi has seen a lot in Suizhuxian Mansion, so it is not surprising that Daluo Immortal Court adopts it.

The light screen that popped up indicated that Han Yi's knockout competition would be held in half a month. As for the location and format, it was not stated. After half a month, as long as the jade nameplate is activated, Han Yi can be transported to the corresponding location. Cave sky.

This jade temporary nameplate has some of the effects of the Suizhu Token, and it cannot be included in the Qiankun Ring.

Han Yi was cautious and did not put it into his body, but carried it with him.


He left the area where he signed up and was in Changsheng Heaven, looking for an opportunity to find out the way to another realm, Doumu Heaven.

One of the purposes of Han Yi's visit this time was to inquire about the situation of the monks in Yuheng Realm.

As for the monks in the Yuheng Realm, they joined Dou Mu Yuan Palace. To be precise, it was Yuan Ying and Huashen monks who joined the Canghai Immortal Palace of Dou Mu Yuan Palace. As for those half-immortals, Han Yi only guessed that they should Doumu Yuan Palace has also been added, but it should not go down to the Immortal Palace, but be in a higher position.

Doumu Yuan Palace, like Changsheng Immortal Palace, is an institution of Daluo Immortal Palace. Changsheng Immortal Palace occupies two realms, while Doumu Yuan Palace only has one Doumu Heaven.

If the monks from Yuheng Realm returned to Daluo Immortal Court, they should have been assigned to Doumu Heaven. If Han Yi went there, he might find some acquaintances.


He inquired about it, but was told clearly that during the Immortal Meeting, the Changsheng Heaven could only be entered and exited. His nameplate would only take effect in the Changsheng Heaven, and would be ineffective in other areas.

Han Yi was silent for a moment, and then he could only hope that familiar monks from the Yuheng Realm would participate in the Immortal Association. This was the only way for him to learn about the monks from the Yuheng Realm.

If not, then it will have to be that way for now.

But when he was about to find a cave to stay, he suddenly spotted a familiar figure.

This figure looked like a young man, carrying a heavy halberd on his back, and holding a strange silver brush in his hand.

Han Yi almost thought he had seen it wrong, but the aura on his body was exactly the same as someone he remembered.

Jin Wang.

If Han Yi had no hallucinations, the young man who appeared in front of him was none other than Jin Wang, the censor of the Censor Palace, one of the three palaces of the Qin Dynasty.

Moreover, the heavy halberd he was carrying and the silver pen in his hand were also consistent with the situation of the spiritual treasure when they first met.

Back on Qingchi Mountain, after Han Yi gave birth to a baby, he ushered in the Nine Palaces of the Three Palaces of Qin Dynasty. This one was the strongest in the field, but he only recorded it and did not interfere.

Han Yi was extremely impressed by him, especially when he first appeared, riding a giant heavy halberd, with a terrifying aura.

But he clearly remembered that when he was brought to the Immortal Castle by Xinghen Xuanxian, this monk did not appear in the Immortal Castle.

The Nascent Soul cultivator was extremely sensitive to the gaze, but within half a breath, the young man stopped and turned around. When he saw Han Yi, his eyes shrank as well.

From this look, Han Yi was completely sure that the opponent was Jin Wang from the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom.

"Han Yi?"

A trace of shock flashed across Jin Wang's face. From his aura, he had confirmed that the monk in front of him was Han Yi. Although he had only met him once, as the censor of the Censor Palace, he had no respect for any monk he had met. , will not be forgotten easily, especially Han Yi, a genius who has won the Supreme Order.

But it has only been a few years, less than forty years, and the Han Yi in front of him has gone from the initial breakthrough of Yuanying to the current peak of the middle stage of Yuanying. He has even broken through to the peak of Yuanying to compete with Han Yi. After he raised his sight, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged. This sense of crisis was no less than the feeling given to him by the Master of the Imperial Palace.

Horrible, quite terrifying.

That's why he was shocked.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, I would like to ask you, Han Yi of Xuan Dan Sect, how you came to the immortal world. Is there a stable passage?"

Han Yi was shaken in his heart, and there was a faint flash of ecstasy.

There is a slight probability that Jin Wang appears here, indicating that there are other passages that can connect the Immortal Realm and the Yuheng Realm. If so, wouldn't he be able to use this passage if he wants to return to the Yuheng Realm?

As soon as he said this sentence, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Sorry, I'm too excited. Please forgive me, fellow Taoist Jin. If there is information about the passage, I am willing to pay the price to satisfy fellow Taoist."

Jin Wang shook his head.

"It's a long story. Come on, let's find a restaurant first, sit down and talk to you in detail."

Han Yi was confident that he could meet the monks from the Yuheng Realm in the Immortal Realm. Although they were not acquaintances and had only met once, he was still very happy in his heart.

But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart. This kind of mood had not appeared in him for many years.

There are naturally restaurants in Changsheng Tianzhong, but the restaurants here sell spiritual wine, sit with monks, and eat spiritual meat and spiritual food. The ingredients are precious and naturally expensive.

Han Yi ordered a large table of wine, meat and spiritual food.

Jin Wang looked at Han Yi and said with emotion: "Fellow Taoist Han is really a gift from heaven."

"In just forty years, he is already on the verge of breaking through to the late Nascent Soul stage. It's really admirable."

Han Yi said a few words in a humble tone. He was not an impatient person and knew that Jin Wang would definitely tell him what he wanted to know.


"Fellow Daoist Han doesn't know yet."

"In Yuheng Realm, so far, three monks at the peak of god transformation have been promoted to true immortals, including the Emperor Daqian, the Sword Master of Jianya and the Master of the Creation Sect."

Jin Wang's words shocked Han Yi.

His words revealed quite a lot of information.

He remembered that when he first entered the Immortal Castle, the Master of the Creation Sect did not appear. In other words, the Master of the Creation Sect only arrived in the Immortal Realm later and survived the Immortal Tribulation.

This shows that his conjecture about the stable passage should be true, and there may even be other more direct ways of passage.

For example, teleportation array.

Although Han Yi was shocked, he did not say anything. Instead, he listened carefully with bright eyes.

Seeing the change in Han Yi's expression, Jin Wang did not show off, but opened up directly and briefly told what happened in the past forty years.

After a while, he stopped. The food and wine happened to be served, so he started to eat first.

For monks, eating is not necessary, and it is a troublesome thing that can easily increase the body's turbidity. However, in the Immortal World Restaurant, the price of this meal is at least one hundred high-grade spiritual stones, of which The spiritual wine and spiritual flesh can play a very important role for the peak Nascent Soul monk, so he will naturally not be polite.

Han Yi on the side was digesting what he said.

After Jin Wang told him, he finally understood why he could appear in Changshengtian.

The main reason, as he said and guessed, is that a cross-domain teleportation array has been set up between the Daluo Immortal Realm and the Beidou Realm.

Han Yi has learned that the Chaos Demon District is located in the southeast of Da Luo Immortal Realm, equidistant from Da Luo Immortal Court and Donghuang Demon Court. The original Chaos Demon District was in a fallen area and was occupied by races affiliated with the Intellectual Realm. Forty years ago, , the Immortal Realm achieved several great victories, driving the forces of the Intellectual Realm away, and then the Chaotic Demon Zone fell back into the sphere of influence of the Immortal Realm.

However, the Chaotic Demon Zone is special. It is the legacy of the shocking battle at Yuanhui. Among them, there is still the residual power of a Taoist ancestor after his death. Even the Immortal Lord is unwilling to step into it.

More than thirty years ago, after the scarlet dimension, the master of the Beidou Immortal Palace, Fuqiong Banxian, returned to the Daluo Immortal Palace and was promoted to a true immortal in just one year. After that, he began to plan for reconstruction. Beidou Immortal Palace.

However, this proposal was refuted by the senior officials of Doumu Yuan Palace. After all, he was not enough as an immortal.

However, what shocked the other immortals in Doumu Yuan Palace was.

In just twenty years.

Thirteen of the Yuheng Realm monks who arrived in the Immortal Realm in the same group as Fu Qiong broke through to the realm of true immortals, including six original half-immortals.

As for the other seven, they were originally at the peak of divine transformation. With a lot of accumulation, it took them twenty years to cross the semi-immortal realm and reach the realm of true immortals.

Among them were the Daqian Emperor Pang Wan and the Jianya Sword Master.


True Immortal Fuqiong once again applied to rebuild the Immortal Palace. This time, he received the support of a Taiyi Golden Immortal. After more than 100,000 years, the real Beidou Immortal Palace was re-established in Doumuyuan Palace. .


True Immortal Fuqiong, together with all the True Immortals, arrived at the broken Qingxuan Dojo area again. Following the original spatial traces, they arrived at the Beidou Realm in the Chaos Demon Zone, and then built a cross-domain teleportation array.


If we ignore the Chaos Demon Zone, the distance between Beidou Realm and Daluo Immortal Court, that is, the distance between a dozen fairy realms, is within the traversable range across the teleportation array.

So far.

On a certain level, the connection between Beidou Realm and Daluo Immortal Realm has been re-established.

after this.

In the Beidou Realm, any monk who joins the Beidou Immortal Palace can reach the Immortal Realm through the cross-border teleportation array.

Under the power of many true immortals, all sects above the Golden Core level, Nascent Soul Sect, Holy Land, and Immortal Kingdom in the Beidou Realm must join the Beidou Immortal Palace.


This kind of joining allows multiple identities, such as Jin Wang. On the one hand, he is the censor of the Censor Palace of Daqin Immortal Kingdom. On the other hand, he is a monk of Daluo Immortal Palace, Dou Muyuan Palace, and Beidou Immortal Palace. These two identities do not conflict.

As for the ordinary foundation-building sects in Yuheng Realm, Beidou Immortal Palace looks down on them, so naturally they won't force them.

Han Yi thought of himself. He was the Supreme Elder of Xuan Dan Sect and the only Nascent Soul besides Yuan Shun. He should also be classified into the Beidou Immortal Palace.


He has no objection to this identity.

Suddenly thinking of something, Han Yi looked at Jin Wang who was feasting.

"By the way, where is the Great Qin Emperor? Has he also joined the Immortal Palace?"

In Jin Wang's words, Han Yi didn't hear anything about this number one person in the Yuheng world, so he couldn't help but be curious.

Jin Wang paused slightly and put down his chopsticks, feeling a little lost.

"His Majesty is missing."


"Yes, in fact, His Majesty disappeared more than fifty years ago, and we only found out later."

"In the Supreme Order assessment you participated in, the emperor was actually the emperor's daughter Qin Xiao in disguise."

Han Yi was shocked all over. He didn't expect that this would happen inside the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom.

Qin Xiao, although Han Yi has never met him, he has heard that the Emperor of Qin has five sons and two daughters. The eldest is the first emperor's daughter, Qin Xiao. She is also the only one among his seven children who is in the realm of divine transformation. Monk.

"The current Emperor Qin is succeeded by his daughter Qin Xiao."

Jin Wang did not say whether Qin Xiao joined the Beidou Immortal Palace, but even he appeared in the immortal world. The result is self-evident.

Suddenly, Han Yi thought of something again and asked quickly:

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Jin, have you ever seen True Lord White Jade from Daqian White Jade Tower in Beidou Immortal Palace?"

Jin Wang nodded: "Of course I have seen him before, he also participated in this fairy meeting."

Han Yi's eyes brightened.

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