I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 349 Liangyi Profound Gate, Five Elements Spiritual Objects

Han Yi was originally a little worried. When he was assigned to the mission of Immortal Linghua before, Immortal Linghua became a demon. But this time it was Lingcang Jinxian, the disciple of Immortal Linghua, who led the team. Han Yi initially I had a bad feeling.

But there was no trouble or danger next.

Everlasting Heaven.

In accordance with the one-year requirement, Han Yi arrived on time at Long Live Mountain, the residence of Suizhu Immortal Court in Changshengtian. At the foot of Long Live Mountain, there were countless monks waiting for him.

Han Yi's arrival attracted the attention of all the monks, from half-immortals to foundation builders, who all looked at him.

When he stepped into the Long Live Mountain area, he had already revoked his shape-changing magical powers and restored his own appearance. This appearance, more than eight months ago, triggered a heated discussion in the entire Changsheng Heaven, and its limelight was overshadowed by a wall. All the demi-immortals and transformed gods can be said to be the same at the same time.

No, not only the half-immortals, but even the three second-grade immortal envoys who were leading the team this time looked at him.

These three second-grade immortal envoys are all true immortals. The core immortal envoy leading the team is named Zangdu. On the day when the Immortal Court team arrived, the Zangdu Immortal Envoy gave guidance to everyone.

He looked at Han Yi, a light flashing in his eyes.

At this moment, a figure came up to Han Yi when he appeared. It was Lu Anping.

"Junior Brother Han, you finally showed up."

"I knew that Junior Brother Han was so powerful that he would be able to make a big splash in the Immortal Association. As expected, I was struck by what I said."

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Han, who is 19th in the finals. With such strength, one can expect immortality and immortality."

Lu Anping said with a smile, and his tone was full of praise. He changed his title of Han Yi from Taoist friend to junior brother, and he also called himself "Old Lu", which was much closer than before.

Han Yi smiled and responded humbly: "Senior Brother Lu thinks too highly of me. I'm still just Nascent Soul, and there's still a long way to go before I can reach the level of true immortal."

After Lu Anping, several late-stage Nascent Soul monks who were familiar with Han Yi came around. Han Yi did not look unruly, but instead greeted them all gently.

After that, he found a place, closed his eyes and rested his mind. The monks who were paying attention to him finally looked away. However, the name Han Yi had completely occupied a place in the hearts of all the cultivators, especially those who had transformed. god.

If you can enter the top 100 in the Nascent Soul track, if you don't fall halfway, you will basically be promoted to the Transformation God. Moreover, once you become the Transformation God, you will also become the leader in this realm, and the next half-immortal will also be Most likely it will fall into place.

This means that Han Yi's future is limitless, so he can take the opportunity to make some friends in advance and save some friendship.

The second hour after Han Yi arrived, there was a figure on the Long Live Mountain, slowly descending. It was the Lingcang Golden Immortal.

With a gentle wave of his hand, he brought all the monks, including the three second-grade immortal envoys, into the fairy world. Then, he flew up to a certain palace in Changshengtian, and left in a cross-domain teleportation array. .

Just like a year ago, Han Yi did not stay in the fairy world of Lingcang Jinxian for long before he discovered that the space had changed and he had appeared in Jiuchuan Square.

This time in the Immortal Association, not many monks died in the tournament, and most of the monks returned safely.

In Jiuchuan Square, the monks left one after another. Han Yi also took out his token as soon as he landed and teleported away, making those immortal monks who wanted to talk feel a little regretful.

Returning to the Immortal Mansion, Han Yi checked the layout as usual and found that there was no problem, so he set up the Guixu Sword Formation as a warning.

After thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. There were some things that needed to be prepared for a rainy day.

After this Immortal Immortal Meeting, he was not only famous in the entire immortal world in the field of Nascent Soul Transformation Monk, but he could definitely be regarded as slightly famous.

This is stronger than his initial goal of joining the Immortal Association.

In this way, there is a problem, that is, the protection of the Immortal Palace. At the very beginning, he asked the mansion spirit that in fact, there is no unified protection for each immortal palace, and each palace owner needs to do it on his own. set up.

And Han Yi has now been promoted to the Yin-Yang realm in the ancient god system, and ranked 19th in the Nascent Soul area of ​​the Immortal Immortal Association. His potential opponents now have upgraded from Nascent Soul to Transformation God. In this way, in addition to the Guixu Sword Formation, In addition, his original formation is no longer applicable.

This brings about a loophole. If he leaves the Immortal Palace, it is very likely that someone will come into the Immortal Palace and do some tricks.


After some thought, he decided to purchase a fifth-level formation.

The formations on his body, except for the Guixu Sword Formation, are all fourth-level formations. Facing the Nascent Soul, they can protect, resist, and kill enemies, but if they are transformed into gods, they will be out of reach.

It is imperative to purchase the fifth-level formation, and he lists it as one of his next plans.


His most core plan is naturally to cultivate and enhance his strength. Among them, the most core one lies in the 4 units of life types he has obtained.

These 4 units of life seeds are quite a lot. Last time, he only spent 1 unit of life seeds to upgrade his cultivation to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

If you spend 4 units of life, you will most likely be directly promoted to the peak Nascent Soul, or even directly to the realm of God Transformation.

But after some thought, Han Yi did not choose to do this. Instead, he chose to invest all his life seeds into the ancient god system.

A monk's combat effectiveness generally depends on the skill he is best at. Han Yi's ancient god system is one step ahead of the immortal system. He wants to continue to stabilize this step and make his combat effectiveness stronger.

As for the Immortal Dao system, once your combat effectiveness increases, you will naturally have more time and better resources to practice.

After digesting the four units of life seeds, Han Yi planned to improve his immortal cultivation while investing energy and time in the skills on the proficiency panel.

Sword control, rotten wood forging nerves, and nine-layered soul tower. These three skills are considered core skills and have higher priority, so they are naturally ranked first.


He still needs to continue refining elixirs. He is now a fifth-level alchemist and can refine elixir-level elixirs. This is the best way to continuously earn points to support his practice under the premise of stability.

During this period, you still need to find opportunities to complete the inherited Immortal Road mission. This is not a big trouble and will take a certain amount of time.

In the not-so-spacious main hall, Han Yi was thinking about what he needed to do next.

The higher the realm and the more contacts he has, the more things he needs to do, and this is on the basis that there are no other concerns.

After making many plans.

Han Yi suddenly thought of two things.

One thing is that a year ago, Immortal Lord Linghua became a demon. He was rescued from the world of gods and demons and appeared directly in the Immortal Palace.

The other thing was that in the finals of the Immortal Society not long ago, he was seriously injured and was rescued in the cave. The injury healed inexplicably. Han Zhi was sealed, Qingping was afraid, and all traces of the ancient gods disappeared.

These two things were originally not related.

But in the Suizhu Immortal Courtyard and the main hall of the Immortal Mansion, Han Yi suddenly had a thought, whether the powerful immortal who took action in these two incidents was the same.

No, not ‘maybe’, but very likely.

The first thing I guessed at the beginning was that a certain Immortal Lord or Dao Ancestor would take action to bring Immortal Lord Linghua back.

As for the second thing, judging from his experience in the world projection and the mysterious space, it was most likely Daozu who took action.

With such a combination, the possibility of Suizhu Daozu is too great.

Han Yi couldn't think of the second possibility.

But it is impossible for him to ask a Dao Ancestor as a Nascent Soul. What's more, if it is true, then the Tao Ancestor's actions definitely have a deep meaning. If he doesn't tell himself, he also has this deep meaning.

Han Yi restrained his divergent thoughts, placed the token on the colorful light pillar, and called out: "Xiao Ling, play today's news."

Xiao Ling is the spirit of the Immortal Mansion. The branch spirit in Immortal Mansion No. 826 is actually a weapon spirit-like existence. As for the name, Han Yi naturally gave her the name.

A pleasant voice sounded slowly.

"In the East Emperor Demon Court, after the death of the Peng Demon Lord, the chaos in the Peng Demon Territory intensified. There were many demons and immortals, and the demon cultivators were fighting. The Beiyuan Immortal Territory was in danger. The Beiyuan Dojo has sent immortals to garrison on the banks of the Beiyuan River. , to intercept the demon clan fleeing into the Immortal Realm."

"The dust of the 11th Immortal Immortal Association has settled. However, its final setting has caused endless heated discussions. Thirty-seven monks from this Immortal Court have entered the finals. Among them, the Half-Immortal Weisheng ranks first in the Half-Immortal Circuit. Third, he has declared to the outside world that in three years' time, he will go through the Immortal Tribulation at Suizhu Immortal Court and Suichen Mountain, and invite all the Immortal Court monks to watch the ceremony."

"On the void battlefield outside the territory, the projection of the Great Wisdom Heaven of the Wisdom Realm suddenly appeared. There was the aura of the Taoist Ancestor, and it appeared on the edge of the void battlefield. There were more than one statues. Some immortals speculated that a war was imminent."

Several messages rang out in the main hall, among which the first three were the ones that Han Yi was most concerned about.

The first course.

Regarding the East Emperor Demon Court, Han Yi happened to have a mission, which was located at the junction of the Beiyuan Immortal Domain and the Peng Demon Territory.

Judging from the current situation, his destination is not safe. If he needs to go there, he needs to be extremely careful.

The second path is the follow-up to the Immortal Society of Immortality.

"The half-immortal majestic saint, three years from now, will pass through the immortal tribulation at Suichen Mountain and invite everyone to practice and observe the ceremony."

Wei Sheng is naturally not a saint, Sheng is just his name. He is ranked third on the Half-Immortal List. This Half-Immortal List refers to the ranking in the semi-finals. After Han Yi came out of seclusion, he bought a set of rankings. Naturally, he knew this The famous Suizhu Banxian.

What he didn't expect was that this majestic saint would have such a big heart to invite all the monks to watch the Immortal Tribulation. This was a powerful monk who had extreme confidence in himself and was not afraid of exposing his own methods.

"Three years, I don't know if it's too late."

"Observing rituals and overcoming tribulations is also good for you. It is a great experience accumulation."

And the third way.

It is about the war between the Immortal Realm and the Intellectual Realm. Han Yi is naturally very concerned about the relationship between the two realms, especially the news that Han Zhi said that he has "wisdom" in his body. That "wisdom" is very likely to be related to the panel, and even more so. Make him have to care.


How could Dazhitian's projection suddenly descend on Daluo Immortal Realm?

Han Yi had some knowledge of the Nine Heavens, Nine Hundred Main Domains, and 120,000 Branch Domains of the Intellectual Realm in the Xuanzang Palace. However, because of his lack of realm, there was not much information that he could consult.

Among them, Dazhitian is the leader of Jiufangtian and the highest and most powerful organization of the Zhi clan. He does know that.

In the records of Xuanzang Palace, there is a sentence that impressed Han Yi deeply about Dazhi Tian.

"One hundred thousand years ago, Great Wisdom took action and destroyed the southern part of the Immortal Realm. The Taoist ancestor fell, and all the worlds mourned together."

The Ten Thousand Realms here refers to the Nine Immortal Realms, and their affiliated small worlds, the Cave Heaven, the Lower Realm, etc.

A single word has already shown how terrifying this Great Wisdom Heaven is.

And now, this Great Wisdom is here again.

This sense of crisis made Han Yi extremely awe-inspiring.


His mind suddenly flashed through the last moments of the Immortal Society, on the mysterious projection world, during the climb, endless light suddenly fell, and all kinds of shocking changes occurred.

I wonder if the appearance of Dazhitian has anything to do with this?

Immediately, Han Yi shook his head. He was just making a blind guess. He put together all the things that he couldn't figure out. This kind of guess has no foundation and can easily lead to wrong judgments. It should not be true.

After a while, he took off the token and walked out of the Immortal Palace. This time, he did not take the Guixu Sword Formation with him, but teleported away directly.

The destination is Wan Zhan Immortal Palace.

Han Yi did not enjoy the vanity of being watched. He achieved a good ranking in the Immortal Association in order to have more initiative in the Suizhu Immortal Court.

Therefore, when he went out, he used the magical power of shape-changing, and no one recognized him when he arrived at the Ten Thousand Battles Immortal Palace.

And he came here to collect the points for participating in the Immortal Association.

In the last half month of Changshengtian, Han Yi had already received rewards from Da Luo Xianting, including ten semi-immortal grade spiritual stones and a high-grade spiritual treasure.

Even the cultivators of the Transformation God would be jealous of rewards like this, they are not unkind.

Needless to say, semi-immortal grade spiritual stones are high-grade hard currency in the immortal world.

As for high-grade spiritual treasures, you cannot choose them by yourself, but you will also be given different rewards based on the spells that the monks are good at.

Han Yi was good at handling swords in the Immortal Association, so what he got was a sword. However, with his current immortal power, he could handle the middle-grade Lingbao with ease, but if it was a high-grade Lingbao, then It's because the mind is full but the strength is not enough.

He simply put the sword away temporarily. If he didn't have enough points, he might even sell it directly.

Semi-immortal grade spiritual stones and high-grade spiritual treasures are rewards from Daluo Immortal Court.

For Suizhu Immortal Mansion, participating in the Immortal Association of Immortals is a task. As long as it is a task, there will naturally be points.

Moreover, this task is special, and the points will change with the result, there is no fixed number.

Han Yi was slightly excited, it was a bit like opening a blind box.

In the familiar multicolored light shield, on the multicolored spiritual pillar, he brought up the panel, clicked on the task, and in the task column, selected the task 'Eternal Life Immortal Society'. After submitting, he was prompted that the task was over and the points were distributed.

Han Yi returned to the points column, his eyes narrowed, and the smile on his lips could not be suppressed.

"Eight thousand, there are actually eight thousand points."

"I killed Yuan Qinghong and inherited all the points from them, which was only over 2,000 points. I didn't expect that the reward this time would be so generous, it would be 8,000 points."

In the points column, it is shown that his points at this moment are more than 8,700. The more than 700 points are the 1,000 points he earned from participating in the recruitment mission of Linghua Immortal Lord before, and the remaining points after purchasing the Fierce Dao Sword. of.

The eight thousand points rewarded made Han Yi give up the idea of ​​selling the high-grade spiritual sword that he had just acquired.

Because next, he needs to consume 4 units of life seeds to practice the yin and yang realm. According to his previous experience, the practice does not come out of nothing. It also requires many five elements of spiritual objects to assist in the yin and yang realm.

The purchase of these auxiliary spiritual objects requires a large amount of points. This reward of 8,000 points comes at the right time.

After leaving Wanzhan Immortal Palace, Han Yi teleported to Dexian Palace, where he wanted to buy a fifth-level formation and the five elements of spiritual objects needed to practice the ancient god system.

Half an hour later, Han Yi left Zhide Immortal Palace. When he left, his expression was tangled. He was distressed that the points were passing by, but he was also happy to have obtained the fifth-level formation and the five-element spiritual object. The expectations of practicing in the yin and yang realm.

He did not teleport to other places, such as Xianyi Palace and Xianfang Palace, but directly returned to Immortal Palace No. 826.

After returning.

He did not practice immediately, but practiced the fifth-level formation he had just purchased.

It is also a coincidence that the fifth-level formation he purchased, called Liangyi Xuanguang Array, was the one he accidentally fell into when he was ambushed by Yuan Qinghong in the Immortal Palace Palace when he first became a fifth-level alchemist. Entering formation.

The Liangyi Xuanguang Array has two states, one is the spirit mist state, and the other is the spirit world state.

With his soul now fully at the level of god transformation, it took him three months to complete the most basic sacrifice of this fifth-level low-grade formation to bring out the spirit mist state.

Three months later.

Han Yi raised the formation and enveloped half of the fairy peak. In an instant, spiritual mist emerged from the formation. It was thin at first, then began to become thicker over time, and finally turned into a thick fog.

Han Yi was extremely satisfied with this formation.

This formation cost him more than 1,300 points, which was quite expensive.

Then, in the main hall in the spiritual mist, Han Yi set up the Guixu Sword Formation again. This was already a tortoise shell-like defense. If a spirit really came, it could withstand it for a while.

Immediately, he took out many of the Five Elements spiritual objects he had purchased, wrapped them all with divine power, and sent them into the central divine aperture.

These five-element spiritual objects are comparable to the immortal leaves of the Five Soul Immortal Wu that Han Yi obtained back then, and are naturally much better than the spiritual objects he obtained in the world of gods and demons.

In the main hall, Han Yi took a deep breath, called up the panel, and focused on the life column.

"Yan Jin."

In an instant, the numerous five-element spiritual objects in the divine aperture began to undergo drastic changes.

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