I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 359: Half-immortal chasing, gray sword

From the time Han Yi arrived in this valley to the time he decided to take action, it took less than a breath.


He decisively took action and collected the source fire of all spirits. His divine power had miraculous effects. The immortal fire entered the divine aperture and he could barely survive a breath.

The Guixu Sword Formation was broken, as he had expected. After all, his current Immortal cultivation level was still close to becoming a god.


If it weren't for the god-transformation monks in the valley who happened to be collecting the scattered golden flames and spiritual fires, and felt that Han Yi's taking of the fairy fire would only lead to self-immolation and was a way to die, not only did he not stop him in time, but he also wanted to use Han Yi to To test the power of the immortal fire, the Guixu Sword Formation may not even be able to stop him for a breath.

Everything was as expected by Han Yi.

When Han Yi puts away the fairy fire and the monk of the gods reacts and blasts through the sword formation, Han Yi will use the body of divine fire to kill the gods in turn and use the golden flames and spiritual fire collected by them for his own use.

This was the plan he had planned in his mind just a moment ago.

But as soon as he put away the fairy fire, something unexpected happened.

The half-immortal's aura quickly approached.

Han Yi had no choice but to quickly take back the broken Guixu Sword Formation and escape.

The gods in the valley also sensed the danger and scattered away. Among them, two monks in the middle stage of transformation, one on the left and one on the right, chased Han Yi in the direction he left.


They soon discovered that within a breath, they could no longer detect Han Yi's aura.

And behind them, a destructive thunder burst out from the void, exploding in their minds, and in an instant, their whole bodies were filled with chills.

Thunder light fell from the minds of the two people, and they stopped for an instant. Then, the two souls above their heads escaped, but were caught by a withered and pale hand.

With a gentle rub of this hand, the two souls instantly shattered.

In the void, a white-haired one-armed old man walked out.

This one-armed old man showed his age, his face was as pale as death, and where his pupils should have been, there were only deep holes, pitch black.

This blind and strange old man stretched out his hand and touched it lightly.

The shattered soul fragments began to flicker, and countless images appeared. Finally, the golden flames of all spirits and the source of all spirits flickered, and they were fixed on the face of a young man in a black robe.

Although he couldn't see it, the old man's consciousness could sense these two pictures.

When the source of all spirits appeared on the screen, the old man looked ecstatic.

"The Source Fire of All Spirits."

"If I can get this Source Fire from my injury, I am absolutely sure that it will heal quickly in a short period of time. I can even make a breakthrough and be one step closer to becoming a true immortal."

When he saw Han Yi and noticed the aura revealed in the picture, he sneered.

"Young Nascent Soul cultivator, how dare you steal my immortal fire."

"Caught it, throw it into my soul refining flag, refine it for a hundred years, and boil out all the soul energy."

Then, he gently waved his hand to wipe out all the soul fragments in the void, and then took the Qiankun Ring and the things in the inner space of the two god-transformation monks.

In the blink of an eye, a bolt of lightning shot out, swept across, and blasted the two transformed gods into smithereens.

Less than a breath.

The two god-transformation monks, who were both considered weak in the outside world, completely fell. Even their souls were wiped out, and they were no longer reincarnated, leaving no trace behind.

Facing the void where Han Yi was escaping, the old man stretched out his hand to make a strange seal again, and breathed out lightly. In this breath, there was electric light flashing, and then it quickly filled the direction of Han Yi's escape, as if in the void. Catching something in his hand, he jerked back suddenly and was swallowed into the mouth of the old monk.

There was a faint feeling in his mind, it was the Nascent Soul cultivator who had just left.

However, with this feeling, the old man frowned slightly.

"It was a pretty quick escape."

"Such speed should hide one's cultivation level?"

"Or, they are the disciples of the Immortal Sect Dojo or even the Immortal Court."

"It's only when these geniuses are killed that they feel comfortable."

Thinking of his own experience, the old man licked his lips, and a strong evil spirit appeared.

When he was about to chase after him, he suddenly stopped and coughed several times, even coughing out pieces of internal organs.

"Damn it, the Great Sun Immortal Sect just wanted to kill a few of your god-forming disciples. Instead, it sent those peak half-immortals to kill me."

"However, I still escaped."

"This revenge must be avenged. After we get the source of all spirits and heal our wounds, we must kill ten, twenty, or a hundred of them after we get out."

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The one-armed and cold old man wiped away the blood on the corner of his mouth and chased Han Yifei in the direction of his escape.


Although his aura is that of a semi-immortal, his speed is only equivalent to that of a late-stage god-transformation monk.

the other side.

Han Yi, who fled into the void, used the magical power of the Light Realm to escape quickly. After reaching the limit, he changed to Void Fire Escape.

After regaining his breath a little, he continued to use the magical power of the Light Realm.

Alternating like this, the speed reached the extreme.

But the sense of crisis lingering in his heart did not dissipate as he left quickly, but became heavier and heavier.

He knew that the half-immortal must have been chasing him. As for why he was able to track him, he was not surprised. At the half-immortal level, he was only one step away from the immortal, and there were too many tracking methods.

Han Yi's heart sank.

He did not regret that he came to Diyun Tianchi in search of the Qingping Sword, nor did he regret that he took action to collect the Immortal Fire.

His mind was working hard, looking for life among the ups and downs of his thoughts.

At this time, he has several options. The first one is to directly escape deep into the outer periphery of Emperor Yun Tianchi, or even enter the central area, and give up due to the fear of the half-immortal behind him.

With this choice, the possibility of him stepping into dangerous territory is extremely high, but the semi-immortal behind him will also be in the same situation after entering the central area.

In front of the danger in the central area of ​​Emperor Yun Tianchi, both he and the half-immortals chasing behind him will be treated equally.

In short, gamble your life.

This is a method Han Yi would choose only as a last resort.

Moreover, the biggest prerequisite for this method is that the speed of the half-immortal behind him is limited.

Han Yi doesn't have much hope for this.

Therefore, there is a high probability that even this kind of bet on life cannot be done.

The second option is to look for an island with the aura of a half-immortal deep in the outer periphery, and use the magical power of shape-changing to blend into it, hoping that two or even several half-immortals will conflict and Han Yi will take the opportunity to escape.

This method is too reluctant. Han Yi's shape-changing magical power has been proven to be perfect in front of the transformed gods, but although he has not tested it against a half-immortal, he is not sure at all.

The third option is to take out the sealed intelligent race 'Han Zhi' in the body space at the last moment and use it as a shield, triggering the half-immortal to attack Han Zhi. If the seal can be broken, it would be best. If it cannot be broken, it would be best. , and may also seal the counterattack.

This type has greater uncertainty, and if you are too close to the half-immortal, it is more likely that you will be killed without taking action.

This probability is extremely high. As his cultivation level increases, his reaction speed widens. As soon as Han Yi has an idea, he may have a murderous intention and his soul will be destroyed.

For example, if he were to kill an early-stage Jindan cultivator at this moment, he would definitely be able to kill him easily as soon as he reacted.

This is suppression across a large realm.

And among this third option, there is also a fourth option, which is to immediately try to awaken Han Zhi, the intelligent tribe. If she takes action, the half-immortal behind her will be a minion and can be destroyed with a wave of her hand.

In Han Yi's heart, thoughts surged wildly, and he made a plan in an instant.

That is to try to wake up Han Zhi while escaping into the depths, and then pay attention to the nearby islands.

If nothing could be done, he would randomly choose an island, and before the half-immortal could catch up, he would directly use the fifth-level spiritual talisman and the fourth-level spiritual talisman to confuse the scene and lure the half-immortal to take action. Then he would throw Han Zhi out of the seal and arrive. If it can be broken, it would be best. If it cannot be broken, the seal's restrictions may be triggered, killing or frightening away the half-immortal.

This approach is naturally not foolproof.

But at this moment, it was the only method Han Yi could think of.

The virtual fire left traces, but dissipated in an instant.

Han Yi was divided in his mind. On the one hand, he quickly observed the surroundings. On the other hand, the time in his body sank and he began to try to awaken Han Zhi, the intelligent tribe.

But what disappointed him was that no matter whether it was an ordinary soul sword or a soul-burial knife, no matter how hard he used it with all his strength, he could not break through the one-meter aura protective layer in front of Han Zhi.


His spiritual thoughts wrapped the entire protective layer, which could move Han Zhi to the outside world.

Now, the only option is to take her out and use it as a shield.

He took out the fifth-level spiritual talismans, the spiritual soul-soothing talisman and numerous fourth-level spiritual talismans in the Qiankun Ring and held them in his hands.

If the semi-immortal catches up, he will blast him first, and then take Han Zhi out to block the attack.

Seven minutes later, Han Yi encountered an island. He gritted his teeth and did not go deeper, but escaped below.

Set up the Guixu Sword Formation, and scatter the many spiritual talismans in his hands around the Guixu Sword Formation.

These talismans do not have the effect of killing the enemy, but confuse the situation of the battle.

But after Han Yi set up the sword formation, he suddenly came back to his senses.


Something is wrong.

Something is terribly wrong.

Logically speaking, with the strength of a half-immortal monk, it shouldn't have taken so long for him to catch up with him.

He stood in the sky somewhere on the island, his eyes ignited with formless divine fire, and he looked out into the void.

After a full minute.

Only then did he see an old man exuding a semi-immortal aura, quickly rushing towards his direction.

"This aura, yes, is that of the semi-immortal who appeared outside the valley."

"But what's going on with this speed?"

Han Yi was confused.

At this moment, the old man's speed is really not in line with the speed of a half-immortal monk. His speed is only in the late stage of divine transformation, and is similar to the speed of Han Yi's Void Fire Escape.

Just at this time.

Han Yi saw the half-immortal forcefully increase his speed, but after a few breaths, he fell again. When the speed dropped, the half-immortal aura on his body suddenly became unstable, and there was a weakness hidden under the half-immortal aura. Captured by Han Yi.

"This half-immortal is injured, very seriously."

This thought flashed through Han Yi's heart, and then another thought that made him ecstatic followed.

"He can't catch me."

At this thought, before his joy faded away, he waved his hand suddenly, put away the Guixu Sword Formation and the Spirit Talisman, and escaped from the island.

This time, he no longer continued deep into the Emperor Yun Tianchi, but moved horizontally towards other islands.

Since the half-immortal is injured, it can only stimulate the speed of the late stage of divine transformation at most. Even if the speed is forcibly increased, it can only reach the peak of divine transformation, and it only lasts for a few breaths.

Then you don't have to confront the other party head-on.

Because Han Yi clearly realized that even if he was injured, if he encountered this half-immortal, he might die directly with just one move.

This is a huge difference.

Even if he doesn't die, there is no need to gamble because the other party can't catch up with him.

After thinking about this, Han Yi put away his sword array and spiritual talismans and escaped into the void again.

On the one hand, he chose to go sideways because he didn't want to go deeper and avoid encountering dangerous areas. On the other hand, he wanted to test whether this half-immortal could really track his own aura.

Even if he can track him, as long as he persists for a long time, the other party may interrupt the pursuit due to his worsening injuries.

The advantage is his.

Behind him, the one-armed old man walking in the void had doubts on his face.

Although he used magic to obtain a breath of the Nascent Soul monk who had hidden his realm, that breath was very weak and existed for a limited time. If he could not catch up during this period, he would lose his trace.

Judging from the memory of the two God Transformation monks who were beaten to death by him before, this monk should also be a God Transformation monk, but at most he was in the middle stage of God Transformation, and it was absolutely impossible to be faster than him.

Although he was seriously injured, his speed was comparable to that of the late stage God Transformation.


He noticed something was wrong just now. In order to catch up with Han Yi as soon as possible, he even forced himself to increase his speed to the peak level of divine transformation. However, this forced increase in speed made his already seriously injured body unable to bear it, and he could only take a few breaths. , it is interrupted and the speed decreases again.

But despite this, he couldn't even touch Han Yi's tail.

So far, I have relied on that wisp of aura to chase after him.

Could it be that the transformed god is the peak transformed god?

In fact, that is not a god, but a cautious half-immortal?


Judging from the previous scene, although this monk has hidden his aura, he definitely cannot be a half-immortal. If he is a half-immortal, he will never turn around and run away when he encounters him. His severely injured body cannot be noticed by monks below half-immortal. , but they are both half-immortals, but they can tell it at a glance.


There is another possibility.

That is, this monk has another treasure, a treasure that hides his breath and increases his speed.

From this point of view, the aura of his late Nascent Soul is probably real.

So, how terrifying would it be for a monk in the late Nascent Soul stage to be able to increase his speed to a speed between the late stage of divine transformation and the peak of divine transformation?

Coupled with that monk, the strange flames that spread from his fingers were able to take away the source fire of all spirits.

Not simple, definitely not simple.

If he could get a glimpse of its secrets and make it his own, he could seize his luck and bless his body. In this way, let alone regaining his strength, he would be sure to survive even the immortal calamity.

Once he survives the Immortal Tribulation and achieves the status of True Immortal, sooner or later, he will be able to destroy the Great Sun Immortal Sect to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Thinking of this, the one-armed old man's heart became hot, and he suddenly increased his speed, returning to the peak speed of becoming a god. After a few breaths, his speed fell, and he coughed up blood crazily, leaving blood traces in the void.

"Damn, damn, I can't catch up."

"I don't believe it anymore."

"When I catch up with you and kill you, I will put you in the soul refining flag and boil you for a thousand years until you die."

The one-armed old man continued to chase. After a while, his injuries recovered slightly, and he forced himself to increase his speed. After a few breaths, he fell back again.

After a certain fall, he noticed that the breath he captured began to change direction, from vertical to horizontal.

Upon noticing this, the old man was slightly happy. He guessed that there should be other changes in Han Yi's body, and maybe he would stop next.

When he catches up, slap him to death.

He turned around and swept sideways.

that's all.

In the outer area of ​​Emperor Yun Tianchi, a seriously injured half-immortal was chasing a special late-stage Nascent Soul monk. The distance between the two fluctuated, but they both maintained a certain range.

at this time.

In the deepest part of Emperor Yun Tianchi.

On a small island that no one has set foot on for countless millions of years, there is a very small space tens of thousands of meters deep underground. This space is like a tomb.

In this tomb, an ordinary gray long knife lay horizontally on a level stone platform.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

at some point.

On top of the long knife, there was a buzzing sound, and an invisible shadow began to appear.

An intermittent voice came from the shadow, like gibbering.

"The soul...xi...is back."

"The soul...xi...is back."

"Is it you, Master?"


There was a loud buzzing sound, and an invisible wave spread out from the gray sword, passing through the depths of Emperor Yun Tianchi. A Taoist priest who had been sitting cross-legged for thousands of years without any movement suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face. The aura of Daluo Jinxian on his body shook the void.

Continuing outside, several Taiyi Golden Immortals who were either exploring, cultivating or escaping here were equally shocked.

In the central area of ​​Diyun Tianchi, the same is true for golden immortals, mysterious immortals, and true immortals.

The fluctuations swept to the periphery, and Han Yi, who was escaping, did not notice it.

Continue outside.

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